Enchanted Items turn black when used along Essentials

As the title says, using a shader pack while having the mod, "Essentials" installed will sometimes turn enchanted items black. Oddly enough, the status of weather or not this happens can change at random, or when switching servers. Edit: I've also noticed it's location based, stops happening when I move further from either my spawn point or world spawn (not sure which).
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29 Replies
That Guy
That Guy8mo ago
What shader pack are you using?
Magnus1OP8mo ago
That Guy
That Guy8mo ago
Have you tried any other shader packs and are you using distant horizons?
Magnus1OP8mo ago
I'm not using distant horizons, and it does the same with other packs.
That Guy
That Guy8mo ago
Can you give a mod list please
Magnus1OP8mo ago
Essentials, Iris, and Sodium
That Guy
That Guy8mo ago
Jst checking that essentials is the mod that lets you play with friends on your worlds right?
Magnus1OP8mo ago
Yes, though it does other things too
That Guy
That Guy8mo ago
Okay Does it have the correct colour if you don't use essential?
Magnus1OP8mo ago
That Guy
That Guy8mo ago
I do not know what could be causing this so I will ping on of the support team and see if they know a potential fix @Slooshie
Raz8mo ago
are u using the trial cape?
That Guy
That Guy8mo ago
That wouldn't matter
Raz8mo ago
it would matter, having the trial cape equipped causes that exact issue. try it @Magnus1
Magnus1OP8mo ago
I don't have the Trial Cape equipped
Raz8mo ago
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Raz8mo ago
does every item look like this to u? enchanted item
Raz8mo ago
i fixed mine by either disabling the capes or disabling cosmetics in essential settings
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ː 📼 ٫ 𝐅.𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞
Sorry for asking but what mod is that that adds the lil glow on the items?
Raz8mo ago
item borders i think the forge version for 1.20.1 is broken so i used the fabric version with syntra connector on forge
Raz8mo ago
Item Borders [Neo/Forge]
Add colored borders to inventory slots to make your rare items stand out! 5.5M Downloads | Mods
Magnus1OP8mo ago
That Guy
That Guy8mo ago
Did you try disabling the cosmetic settings in essential? How weird
Raz8mo ago
yea i already reported it to essentials like a month ago, they know about it atleast
Magnus1OP8mo ago
Appartly the crosshair also becomes white.
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That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
wan't it always white or is that bedrock?
Magnus1OP7mo ago
Normally it's inverted colors of the background
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
oh so its bedrock that's white

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