Hulp my minecraft is broken

Tried Distant Horizons with some of the compatible shader packs but I always get strange results like this. Any advice?
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25 Replies
hardester8mo ago
How many mods you have? :harold:
lezzobOP8mo ago
quite a few
hardester8mo ago
Try the following troubleshooting steps:
LilyBot8mo ago
Fix the visual doppler effect with DH
If your game has a visual "hall of mirrors" effect, you may be able to fix it by: - Disabling and re-enabling shaders (try this after each fix below) - Ensuring Fabric API, Sodium, Iris, Indium, and Distant Horizons are all updated to their latest versions - Setting Transparency to Complete in Distant Horizons config -> Advanced options -> Graphics -> Render Quality - Resetting your Distant Horizons config by deleting DistantHorizons.toml from %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/config (restart your game for this to take effect) - Removing the "Methane" mod - Disabling Biome Ambient Light Coloring in Alex's Caves config - Relaunching Minecraft
Tag requested by hardester
lezzobOP8mo ago
this is the result (the second part of the video shows all my mods)
hardester8mo ago
Apart from Nvidium being redundant when shaders are running, what version of Distant Horizons and Iris you have?
lezzobOP8mo ago
DH is 2.1.2 and iris is 1.7.3 I'll try disabling nvidium nope same result if not worse
hardester8mo ago
Now what shader pack you're using? Judging by how the sky looks, it doesn't seem like the ones I know to work with Distant Horizons.
lezzobOP8mo ago
I tried bliss, proton and BSL
hardester8mo ago
Can you show me your shader pack list?
lezzobOP8mo ago
lezzobOP8mo ago
No description
lezzobOP8mo ago
hardester8mo ago
Time for the good ol' Thanos Method™️ to find problematic mods causing this issue.
LilyBot8mo ago
The Thanos Method What is The Thanos Method? - The Thanos Method (more accurately known as a binary split) is a debugging technique used to find the mod or mods that are causing the issues you are experiencing. How does it work? - The Thanos Method is simple. To find the conflicting mods, split your mods folder into 2 groups. Remove one group, and test in-game. Keep the group that has the problem, and repeat until no more mods can be removed without the issue disappearing. Thanks to The Thanos Method, you can now enjoy an issue free modded Minecraft!
hardester8mo ago
Keep Distant Horizons, Iris, Sodium, Indium and Fabric API at all times. You only split your other mods instead.
lezzobOP8mo ago
thank you' I'm going to try While I'm trying to fix it, may I ask you if DH is compatible with the chunk fade in mod? I
hardester8mo ago
No idea. I'm not a Bedrock enjoyer, so I actively avoid mods that tries to bring Bedrock features to Java. :harold:
lezzobOP8mo ago
I think I've fixed it, thank you Can I ask you a qeustion about DH?
hardester8mo ago
Ask away.
lezzobOP8mo ago
is there a way to increase the fog in the distance to cover the chunks that are still rendering?
hardester8mo ago
The way fog works with Distant Horizons is that the cut-off point will be at the very end of your LOD distance. If your LODs are still being generated, it can take a while, possibly a long time for the fog to cover up the areas that have yet to be generated. Not much Distant Horizons nor shaders can do about that. For DH, it may need to be reworked to have a functionality to check if the furthest generated LODs are the same as the fog distance, and for shaders, it is the same boat but worse.
lezzobOP8mo ago
While I'm at it: When flying with the elytra chunk rendering creates this effect where I can see the farthest chunks but not the closer ones so I see the underground caves but not the forest near me. May be some mods' fault?
lezzobOP8mo ago
Ok, thank you
hardester8mo ago
You're flying too fast, that's why... :harold: Now then, since you managed to get shaders working again, you can now moved to other channels, maybe #off-topic.

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