Can iris be passed through Forgified Fabric API?
its a layer that makes fabrics mods work on forge. And as title says its to make Iris work natively with a compatibility layer(via mod).
8 Replies
Iris will eventually get neoforge support
But for now, it's fabric only (except if you use an unofficial fork like oculus)
its just my curiosity
Itle never work through a compatibility layer
Forge and fabric are fundamental different in these cases
So FFApi doesnt have the necessary pointers for a full spectrum of fabric code, is this what you mean?
Not even that
Forge just is fundamentally different
It’s not a simple translation system
By unpacking, patching and repacking the code?
Even more then that
Full on refactors
Forge offers a fundamentally different way of modding, and a different/missing tool set
And said tool set can’t be added externally, forge themselves has to add it
Some simple mods can work but advanced ones like sodium and iris just can’t
Its interesting all these things, thanks.