Crash with sodium 0.6.0
Inconsistent, I cant figure out exactly whats causing it or if its a mod incompatibility
17 Replies
Do you have litematica?
These logs contain your Minecraft access token. You should upload them to to automatically redact that information - Paste, share & analyse your Minecraft logs
Easily paste your Minecraft logs to share and analyse them.
beta 1 or 2
didn't know there was a beta2/ i dont know where to get it
there’s your issue
b2 is on CF/MR
oh I was looking for it in the sodium modrinth on accident lol
thanks Ill try taht
no, they don't
yes, they do. Not always, but sometimes also hides all ips, and your username and other incriminating data
Native crash logs always have them. It's a guarantee, assuming the log itself prints out perfectly.
I have that in beta2, consistent, its in scicraft blitz world near the mob switch
i have a fix now
yes fixed
beta 3 will release either later today or tomorrow probably
yeah not as severe as yesterday, it took a while to stumble on problem scenario