AMD Radeon HD crash
Happens when you join a world with shaders enabled, or when you enables shaders. Sometimes it crashes directly, sometimes it takes some time but it will always crash.
- Doesnt happens with optifine
- Tried both stable and beta version of the driver (I have amd radeon hd 6670 gpu (2011))
- Didnt happen in older version of iris (<1.6)
- some websites recommand to downgrade drivers but since these gpu are very old so its a terrible idea
- when it doesnt crash, I get very good fps with it
- im using graalvm but all jres crashes
- crashes with only sodium and iris too
- crashes with all shaders
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000072ce6fb0, pid=3024, tid=2168
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Oracle GraalVM 17.0.9+11.1 (17.0.9+11) (build 17.0.9+11-LTS-jvmci-23.0-b21)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Oracle GraalVM 17.0.9+11.1 (17.0.9+11-LTS-jvmci-23.0-b21, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, jvmci, jvmci compiler, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, windows-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# C [atio6axx.dll+0x346fb0]
# No core dump will be written. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

66 Replies
It's probably driver Related. These card haven't been updated since forever. As of why it doesn't work now idk.
I am pretty sure Mesa Driver on Linux work just fine.
your graphics card doesn't support OpenGL 4.6, which might be the issue.
Nah ogl 4.6 isn't required by iris
Iris required only Ogl 3.2 as of now
But can you send your latest.log with only sodium and iris.
same error
What shaders you tried to load?
but i tried other shaders and same problem
Yeah modern shaders request for OpenGL version 4.5 or 4.6, hardy any that request for anything version 4.4 or lower that your GPU can physically do.
OpenGL 3.2 is the baseline to get Minecraft working outright.
so is there a way to fix it
Almost impossible without completely rewriting the shader pack to target your card's maximum supported OpenGL version.
so are there shaderpacks that works with my opengl version
From my limited research, seems that Super Duper Vanilla targets OpenGL 3.3, which is well within your card's OpenGL capabilities. You can try that one.
ok ty
it seems to be working

That is in fact an AMD driver.
Does the crash occur the moment you tab out of full screen?
no i always play in windowed mode
Well then, after checking you also kept the drivers updated, seems like you're out of luck on shaders full stop.
One last thing you can try is downgrading your GPU driver. Sounds counterintuitive but it was a solution back when SEUS shaders had issues with (then) latest AMD Adrenaline driver 20.4.1 if I recall.
i tried once
but the resolution was completely messed up
and minecraft just crashed instantly
i cant find old versions of the drivers
Guess not much else you can do. Sorry.
ok np
whats that
Mesa is a collection of open source graphics drivers used in Linux distributions. It is open source and is maintained by AMD themselves, at least for AMD's drivers that's included in Mesa.
Now that I think about it, it is far more likely that Mesa still provides driver update for your card.
i tried bliss
wasnt crashing until i entered in the nether
i think i fixed it
i have been using shaders for a while
and it still havent crashed
That's a very interesting mod...
i thought i was lucky
but i remembered i had installed this mod yesterrday
Adequate disclaimer, and seems that the mod author made no guarantees that it will work flawlessly. Guess it's there just for those who still have old cards and still want to play modern versions of the game.
Most definitely something we can't recommend to all users with old hardware, but if anybody insist, it's probably the last hurrah they could try.
at least it works lol
and i get abt 120 fps
500 withut shaders
I wonder if this thing works for getting Chronos to run on Intel graphics...
ty for helping anyway
No problem.
before it was showing 3.2.............. in opengl version and now itss showuing 4.5....

Wait what?
Mind sending logs?
That is a very interesting behavior to happen.
without the mod it crashes instantly when joining hypixxel

without forcegl20 it shows this opengl version

I SEE! By forcing the game to use OpenGL 2.0, context creation for higher OpenGL versions are skipped.
Actually, it's likely the forward compatibility flag being set to none that causes context creation to get skipped now that I looked back.
In any way, this mod seem to made the game ignores context creation for your GPU, allowing the game to use whatever OpenGL version the driver reports.
oh ok
Now I'm tempted to try getting Chronos running on Intel graphics.
whats that
A physically accurate renderer in the form of Minecraft shaders pack.
Imagine Blender Cycles, but in Minecraft ane Extremely Overkill. Effectively not for gameplay.
If you want to know how stupid this "shaders" pack is, it brings a 4090 to its knees.
get shaders running on my friends core i1 intel graohics DELL laptob with 1 gb ram
some how that runs 0.1 fps
i1 doesnt exist
the pc Core is just Intel Core
True the lowest core is i3
thank u for looking around and finding this mod
unrelated question but does ur gpu support directx 12?

go to display page

DirectX 11 max support.
Wait, feature level is not the same as DirectX version.
While Windows allows for up to DirectX 12, your GPU can only go up to 11, which Windows will fall back to.
yeah well
i just found out that my integrated graphics card has up to dx12 support with 3gb ram available
but slow as fuck
well if his gpu supports vulkan then he is kinda lucky since he will be able to run games like god of war
@aldesssc how's it going
did u notice any visual problems
oh wait
did he leave
Huh, this post brought me back...
lmao I can't even find my own post
After I returned home, I may consider doing some tidying work on the posts.
i suggest deleting the useless ones that doesn't seem to help anyone in future
or closing the chat
We'll close them instead and point those to here.
Hi, are there any updates on this issue? I'm experiencing the crashing when I enable shaders on my RX 6600