Distant horizons not functioning correctly on modpack
Hi, running distant horizons on a modpack prominence https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/prominence-2-rpg
it loads the mod but none of the functionality is working, the FAQ says i need 2.0.2 but i cant find that version anywhere
Prominence II [RPG]
Content rich RPG themed modpack. Featuring balance, tons of custom content, quests, and a story campaign for Minecraft 1.20.1!
2.7M Downloads | Modpacks
9 Replies
The FAQ is where you get the correct mod version
Hey so contributing to this, it is possible to update DH to work with this but it will NOT work with the iris version in that modpack if you want to use shaders. I am still trying to figure that out
you need iris 1.7.0
otherwise LODs (DH chunks) will not work with shaders
Yeaaa thats about where i'm at. Probem is if you update iris to 1.7.0 in this modpack it crashes out even if you update Sodium and Indium too
Thats without even installing DH. If you update Iris, Sodium, Indium and the two attached Sodium mods, it crashes on boot even though all fo that should be compatible with 2.0.1 Minecraft. The Crashlog blames another mod, but if you disable that mod it blames another and so on and on and on
It forces you to update all 7 of these mods inorder to update Iris shaders

that's a problem of the modpack/the mods inside the modpack
I assume so.... what might make it suddenly incompatible thouhg? unrelated mods to iris suddenly... die?
several mods have to be made to be compatible with iris. 1.7.0 broke almost all of that compatibility to be made to work with DH
Goootcha. Aight cool i'ma go work on it and see what i can fumble throguh 😄 gracias for the h elp