Iris + EMF drops the fps horribly
While developing my resource pack with a collection of mods that replace Optifine, I encountered a problem - when spawning 30+ zombies from my resource pack HIDYK's REALM (2.14.11, update in progress), the fps dropped to critical levels below 10 fps because of the models of the mobs, to which several textures are applied at once.
As it turned out the problem is in Iris, because without it there is no such problem at all. This also happens in Iris 1.7.1 and Sodium 0.5.9.
Traben helped me to find out the problem, so all further dialogues about more complicated aspects should be conducted with him. I could provide a snapshot of my resource pack, but to be clear, it was not published anywhere before the release.

25 Replies

spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Traben asked me to pass this on 👆
Can you see if updating your sodium and Iris fixes it?
Iris 1.7.3 and Sodium 0.6.0 cause even more interesting problems: my game just crashes after 1-2 seconds in the world. When closing it gives this:
1.7.3 doesn’t work with 0.6
You need 1.8
This crash was caused by more culling though. You need to update that for it to be compatible with sodium 0.6
With More Culling 1.0.1, the FPS still keeps dropping

Oh also, could you test without any other mods besides sodium, Iris, and EMF? Just to make sure it’s not some complicated compatibility issue?
It was Traben's doing. Individually each mod does not cause errors, but when they are together - fps drops
My fps is dropping as well
Interesting case. Can you give us your mods list?

I think your developer should just test my resource pack + these two mods, as they are the ones causing these problems with my zombie models
Custom zombie model? How many polygons did you add?
The problem is definitely not the number of cubes, as there are very few. The maximum number of cubes in the model is 15
The same Optifine is just fine with these models. And EMF with Sodium. But it's worth adding Iris... 💥
What is the fate of this complaint?
It is definetly an emf and iris interaction causing the lag, and happens on both the latest iris and 1.7.1
Iirc the model uses a lot of texture override which requires changing vertex consumers multiple times per render
However I have no idea what the classes in the spark profile are doing or how they relate
This lag does not occur with only emf and does not occur with only iris
It is only both together
With a cem pack like this loaded
That lag also isn't noticeable until about 20+ zombies are present but that might just be on my hardware
Takes time
These are volunteers
Ping me if you guys need more info I am keen to resolve this if it can be fixed on emfs end
I just don't know where to start with the given information in the spark profile
Yeah, you already told me that. I just thought I'd be told straight away if the complaint was going to be passed on or if it was just pending or whatever
That happened when they pinged IMS above
That's the head iris dev
Aaaaah 😮
I can't really test as I didn't bring my PC to my dorm for this week.
Pretty much hoped that someone else on the team able to test out your setup, which itself proven to take a while.
Post your pack too @hidyk / хайдук
I can send it to anyone who needs it
but I'm not gonna post it here until it's released
Any updates?
Mind sliding me the resource pack so I can do some testing?
What? At least I offer to help one way or another by trying to replicate this behavior with my system
Any updates?
Any updates?