okay so i am installing iris & sodium and it works great then I uninstall it now i try reinstall it and it is stuck not loading and not doing anything and the first time I did it, it installed really fast but now it freezes when i click install idk why look at screenshot to see where it freezes

92 Replies
Why don't you just download the mod files from the zip file links in the compat faq and manually drop them in the folder?
works way better
where the links to mods
you didn't read the #dh-compatibility-faq did you....
i did
but is it in the iris sodium thing
the links to the mods are right there
i am of low intalec

i found
but shrimple no there
shrimple used to be there now it not
but dont i need fabric?
yeah, just download it š¤£ the API
wait, it's already in there
and yeah the download doesn't come with the shaders, you have to download the shaders seperately
yeah huh

i figured everyhing out
how i get tectonic
you download the mod
i cant find man
search "tectonic modrinth" and you'll find the modrinth page where you can download the page
is jenny mod compatiable with iris?

bro it dint work

they all are dif and stuff
where link to the mods tthat are all 1.20.4\
read that compatability faq, there's two links, one for 1.20.1 mods, the other for 1.20.4 mods
you're pretty good at reading
I don't get that meme
me neter
i just put it
when i look up tectonic there are two thing is like modrit and curse forge which one do i do
easier to download
so modrinth?
just select the game version you want, so 1.20.4 in this case
ok is it virus tho?
Of course not, I use mods from Modrinth all the time
it's one of the two websites that actually don't have viruses
9minecraft has viruses
but Modrinth and Curseforge don't
bro when i use tectonic it dontload
Ok, if you want me to I can send you the mods I use, they all work, and tectonic is one of the world gen mods
i have itt on aggressive and it loads really slow
and i have good pc
click it again, go for "I Paid For The Whole CPU"
can send mod pls
then it should load a bit faster
it's super slow anyway
I use a couple other mods to speed it up a little bitty bit
no cuz like before
i had tectonic
it loaded real fast
real fastt
well, tectonic is a terrain generation modifier so it could be a bit slower to load terrain
wait can send mods
u said faster rightt
Yeah, I can send you the mods I use
aight bet
if u have other mods thas fine ttoo
Like ones other than visuals
I have Regions Unexplored and a few other biome mods
you want those too? they're pretty neat
that good
you know the asianhalfsquat
the one utuber that does like mod reviews
well he say that certain world gen mods bad because they too detailed and tectonic is good cuz it is big and that is good for giant render distnace
u getting mod?
or u stuggle to figure out how to send
i have no idea how u would send mods
I DM them to you
Terralith is too cluttered for long render distances, it's really best for 32 and under, it's got a lot of detail crammed into a short distance for people who don't have Distant Horizons or can't run it
I don't exactly understand why this bot is so delayed sometimes
We're working on it
how to fix slow loading
i have good pc but slow
it load slow
it used to load fast now it doesn't
in fact its not that it loads slow. but it will stop loading far out for some reason
used to go alot farther

it used to load out to where the loaded chunks were so far
the shaders fog blocked them
but it doesn't load that far anymore for somereason
to be fiar this still is really far im just confused on what happened to make it just stop loading more
for some reason it just fixed
I have no idea
Im running world gen mods and it still instantly loads every single chunk

yayy now i have a new desktop
i thinkk i figure out
for some reason longer i have game open
even if in title screen
like if i have it open for hour then i hop in world it loads the chunks really fasst
so longer i play better game is
Should I explain to them?
do it
i want know
Distant Horizons chunks are very slow to load in. You just so happen to leave it do its thing and came back after it finishes doing its thing.
I physically see it load in fast
like its not tthere
then it is
maybe it saves
if so
well done
best mod
It saves, that's for sure.
oh okay
Imagine needing to generate lods at every launch. People will immediately turn away.
yeah i guess i never thought of that
seems pretty obvious though
i am a man of low intilictt
get it
cause i spelled it wrong
:linus: š
im also a comeedic genious
wouldnt it saving for each world make the world file alot bigger tho
cuz like
it has to remember
Oh it's big alright... Like hundreds of gigabytes big if you go crazy with the settings.
but i only have 21 tb of space on my computer
Fret not, as future updates of Distant Horizons is going to fix that issue with optimized and compressed saves.
So far, it trimmed down a 50 GB file into, 23 GB I think, last time I checked.
With higher compressor, it can go down further, at the cost of lods taking even longer to load and save. So there's a trade-off that needs to be made. Conveniently, the end user have access to this via the settings.
do u think rttx 3060 good for bliss shaders + DH?
I have an RX 580, it runs Bliss at 55 to 60 fps at default settings with Distant Horizons.
that tells me notthing š¦
Your card (or GPU if you're on a laptop) should easily run Bliss faster than that, upwards to 90 to 120 fps.
In theory that is...
: D
Some people reported very poor performance even on those cards. All of them still have Distant Horizons doing work in the background, which severely slows down their system.
So once everything loaded, it should be fast.
: D
LODs get saved to the computer, so when you open the world again they load in very fast. However getting the chunks to load at all the first time takes forever, especially with big terrain generation mods like Tectonic that make mountains massive meaning each chunk has RIDICULOUSLY more blocks inside.
More than enough