Severe stuttering with DH and Iris

Every time I boot up a save with iris and DH there's a stuttering issue that's so severe the game is basically unplayable even after I turn off DH. The game also crashed like several trying to boot up one save. I'm using DH version 2.1.0-a-1.20.1. EDIT: I booted the same exact save where it was a lagfest, no major stuttering issues at first, so I turned DH back on with shaders. I tried loading some LOD chunks in and the game froze and crashed.
19 Replies
Carbon4w ago
Could you send your latest.log file?
LilyBot4w ago
How to get a log file:
Game logs can be found in the logs sub-directory in .minecraft on clients, or the logs sub-folder of the server directory for servers. We're probably interested in the file named latest.log, which you can drag and drop into Discord.
Tag requested by carbonghost
Carbon4w ago
I would also like to know what Distant Horizons CPU setting you are using
Piotr Barcz YT
@HELLDIVER2007 CPU setting all the way up but make sure you have enough ram allocated, 6 gb minimum your computer choked most likely
HELLDIVER20074w ago
Ah ok, I forgot to change the ram allocation, that was causing the problem, I set it to 8 gb and there's not much stuttering now. I do sometimes get like 50 ish fps but I'm getting some optimization mods rn
Piotr Barcz YT
6 gb should reduce it further, you don't need more than 6 the garbage collector likes to croak
HELLDIVER20074w ago
Yea And if you're wondering what my rig is, I'm rocking a 3060 ti and i5 13600kf
Piotr Barcz YT
HELLDIVER20074w ago
Also do ram usage reduction mods help fps? Or does it have a negligible difference
Piotr Barcz YT
FerriteCore is good to have as a safety backup in case you're having memory issues I use it
HELLDIVER20074w ago
Hmm even with some optimization mods it still struggles to break 60 fps
Piotr Barcz YT
that's normal
HELLDIVER20074w ago
I was expecting it ngl. I did lower my actual render distance down from 24 to 16 and it kinda helped but only by a few more fps Any other fps optimaization mods you might recommend?
Piotr Barcz YT
12 chunks should be your render distance for vanilla 8 chunks minimum
HELLDIVER20074w ago
I usually play on 1440p so maybe that's another reason Also is there a TAA setting on complementary shaders because I know chocapic had that option and it helped fps I heard that complementary and photon are the only shaders that work outside of the testing versions, correct?
Piotr Barcz YT
Distant Horizons & Iris Shaders - Minecraft Modpack
A STABLE, 100 PERCENT WORKING modpack for Distant Horizons & Iris Shaders compatibility. (DH & IRIS ONLY, ADD MORE MODS AT YOUR OWN RISK)
Piotr Barcz YT
list of shaders that work from Modrinth are here all released there's 7 I think
HELLDIVER20074w ago
Does Oculus shaders work with DH because I installed the 1.7 version, supposed to be in line with iris 1.7 and it crashes everytime trying to load
Slooshie4w ago
yes. You need embeddium for oculus to work. Beyond that we can't really provide support for oculus because we don't make it