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All posts for VALORANT
is there anything new since iso came out?
error 46
guys is this just placeholder text
CPU TIME SPIKING and FPS CRASHING when numerous utility or gunfire occurs
My valorant is laggggg
night market when??
Jett's and Viper's Lore Voice lines
I cant update valorant
how good will valorant be with this computer?
secure boot no enable
Disconnecting and Reconnecting
how do i fix this error?
iron 3 rank up help
i csnt play
hardstuck iron 3
ping spikes and freezing.
W name???
Back where i belong
a critical error has ecured and the process must be terminated bug
I’m getting afk ban warnings because I can’t load into the match fast enough.
Perm Ban Due RawAccel: ( Third Party )
"We couldn't install a required dependency"
Appeal an ban
apps to check your shop
Val doesnt launch
What rank am I?
why cant i claim my kingdom credits from agent contracts
To my Singaporean friend
Keys assigning but not working
how do i get better
critical error pls help
Is there a way to keep crosshair the same after changing resolutions?
RR related question
My valorant keeps crashing to open.
error code not being able to fix
Riot login not working
high ping
ddkmdldr.sys incompatible with vanguard
Valorant full blackscreen in fullscreen mode after the update.
Hello, I cannot access my account. Hesabıma Erişemiyorum
Change account region
Frame Drops when multiple util or bullets being shot
Trading my gift card
Got 300 Hours Restriction in Competitive MODE
Viper guide
Valorant FPS drops
Why am i getting VAN -1 error again and again
I have premier soon, and my riot client won't sign it/exits everytime I sign in
downloading issue
way to contact riot-support via call? I lost my account to giveaway link in a youtube stream,.
i cant play the game
Can't install dependency, no Riot Vanguard installed.
Com Ban
Valorant Critical error crash dump
how to fix sorry were having trouble signing u in
Disconnecting and Reconnecting
why is breeze still on comp??
Valorant Critical error crash dump
Black Bars On Sides Of Screen
Question about website
valorant languag unexpectedly closed the connection.
valorant failed to launch
Client and server desynchronized, is this a common bug?
Game's voice language
Disconnecting and Reconnecting
point shop stuck loading
help please
still havent gotten the game changers gun buddy twitch drop help
Low FPS problem - The God damn update does it again.
i need somone to help w my aimpls
have anyone found out why everyone is getting 3rd party banned?
Enable Secure Boot (is there any way to avoid this)
Valorant "service unavailable, or chat service uunavailable" when I go to my friend's list and chat
Please help. I miss my scroll.
Verifying Already Existing Files
Valorant not loading
Valo wont start
Region change question
i poop everytime i fart. what do i do
Secure Boot
Game loads slow & AFK Penalty
Game Changer Twitch drops
i cant seem to find a good sens for me
Help me before i lose my sanity
Dampfyyy #11111 professional elo boosting service
my screen always freezes when i boot up val
im on windows 10 pro but riot wants me to switch to 2.0 which is not compatible with my pc smh help.
val 9003
pls help with my aim
araxys or prelude to chaos
How to have calm aim
low fps client issue
i need an help cuz when i restart pc i cant get into valorant
How to optimise my fps?
Question about vanguard and TPM 2.0
Premier Team Owner gets banned
I’m about to degenerate and turn into a monkey
my riot games account does not have a username
I got banned for 100 years again. :sob:
Valorant issues
OS outdated error
need fix
interview subjects needed!
Please Help meeeee
Valorant wont start update/install
I got ban, i just can play on 2203...
"we're having trouble signing you in, please try again later"
the game keep crashing
1067 error
Valorant Eror : 62 \ 3
Valorant stuck on opening screen
Voicemod to not sound like a child?
van 152
Crashing game
My game will not start i need help please.
VAL 59
[ESP] Requiero ayuda con error "VAN9003", por favor
free vod review servers
0.1Kb/s (Help 😢)
My motherboard doesn't support tpm 2.0
help pls file used
valorant rank glitch
LoL card (aud)
valorant requires me to turn on tpm2.0 and secureboot which i already have and it still not working
can someone help me my friends have this problem am using win 11 to and never get this
Planning on starting Val, any advice for starting out
Servers down problem
Account Suspended because PC kept crashing (REPLY ASAP PLS)
my email that connected to riot is hacked
why isnt my thumbmouse botton not working in the game
Hey guys i need some help my riot account says Account Locked Access to this game has suspended.
Riot Client cant install/update
game wont update or anything
Performance dropped recently
error somthing
how to fix loading screen not loading to the point after agent selecting i takes me so long to load
Nothing related to valorant is working for me
Game wont update
Got VC/GC banned for no reason
Do u need a squad to play this game?
error when i start valorant
mouse buttons not working
neo sheriff will be mine.
any idea what this is
Phoenix go crazy
VAL NOT loading
valorant is glitching on me
As soon as i launch the game my pc blue screens
PC freezes after short while
VCT GC buddy
account ban for no reason?
Will I recieve the diamond buddy?
left and right click is the wrong way round since the new update
hardware acceleration
i cannot enter my valorant acc
valorant gun buddy
Valorant system error?
Valorant stuck at the loading screen after opening it
account restricted
Valorant messed up after updating today
i cant buy vp
got banned for no reason?
No sounds in valorant.
Valorant Plant and Defuse
Having problem with opening riot games
Helpppp 🥲
why is valorant not launching? task manager says it is taking up resources
Help me
Stuck on loading!
code error
Help me
how to fix error val 43
Is low sens or high sens better?
I need help I don't know how to fix this
Update not working
Help me, wt's this VAL 59 error
Update issue again
iron 2 iso gekko main??
overdrive blade worth the cop?
is there anyway to fix long load times into games
anyone else having this issue?
I claimed this Gunbuddy 3 Days ago but still dont have it in my Collection
when is the next night market
its says val needs a update
packet loss
Blackscreen on VP page
valorant bug
Packet loss insanely bad
vanguard error
A error
Trying to fix this error
Ive just had my account locked?
3 fps after update
account recovery
Can't login to the riot client nor the riot id website
Update server down
VAN9001 need help
uhm i got an offense while the game wasnt working when i restarted
Kinda need help i got banned for toxicity till year 2203 what can i do now??
uhh party isnt working, it says party not ready, its only me in the party lmao
Van 1067 error
hey guys when i enable secure boot to play valorant i cant use my mouse or keyboard anyone know why?
my friend his valorant isnt starting up
Error code 43
There was an error connecting to the platform. Please restart your game. Why?
"We're having some trouble signing you in"
van 152
My Character Wont Stop Moving
I can't buy...
my reaver kill banner isnt showing
Can any1 use mouse wheel down for jump rn cuz mine it doesn't work after I updated the game :/
is it possible to change the servers on an account
Freeze on loading map and game loading
help VAL 43
is it 42 gb?
Can't update VALORANT
Cant play Valorant random message pops up
help me
How do I refund a gun that I've upgraded and used, but only bought it 3 days ago?
error code 43 done everything nothings working been like it for months
VAL 43 ERROR done everything still error
I was in a TDM and everyone got kicked out to this loading screen. It won't let us out.
how can i get a giftcard for my friend in a dif country?
VAN 1067
my valorant loads but when i go on it it just immediately closes
how to improve without playing
Where is the Woman's Champions Buddy?
What do I do when I dont have access to my old email?
haven't played in months, can't login, LoL accounts are now riot accounts, please help. won't login
i'm getting constant game crash with van-1 error please help
valorant developer assisstant
valorant won’t launch
Server issues wont load val
which should agent should i get?
Does A Item Shop Change In Diffrent Regions?
no access, no permission, no vanguard, i need help
is it bannable?
no sound for gun previews
Infinity update
hey i thionk i found a auidial bug?
Cant Unistall + 855gb on val
cant uninstall valorant
my monitor is set to 4k how to change it
any way i can check opponent and ally stats during the match without overwolf?
ping spikes
my valorant says "Error Code Val 43" what do i do ? i restarted my pc and everything didnt work
I'm getting an error code that does not exist except one reddit post.
My max. fps is 60
Price of new Overdrive skin knife?
Absurd Loading Times
Is using Nividia profile inspector allowed for valorant?
Van 1067
error van-81=????
Transparent client
ag254fg vs xl2566
lost my account
do i get a knife skin for free at any point of the game
Redeem A Giftcard for me
How do i stop slumping
Valorant freezing in Start-up screen
30fps i am stuck on 30fps on valorant and i dont know why
SOL Relic Dagger problems
login issue
how can I get better at phoenix
my pc keeps crashing
Van -81
queue dodge penalty
my update stuck at 0.1 kbs
TMP 2.0
Riot launcher having troubles signing you in
valorant keep crashing and saying error data
what is van -97 error kick msg
Micro Stutter fix?
TPM 2.0
is raw accel good and do pros use it?
is there a way to give valorant point (vp) to a friend
van restriction
why dont valorant gives u back ur vps in the battle pass like fortnite?
how the hell do i get gun skins without needing to pay with money im too broke for this
Could my aim be bad because of my laptop screen?
Queue disabled??
Relationship question
my aim is trash how do i fix it
Team chat not working
what knife skin should I get
I can't run valorant or riot client
download stuck
Error Code: VAN -81
servers down 4 me
the same error for 2 days
Bans for no reason
is this cheating?
where do I find the codes for community challenges
Ping Problem
Stuck on loading screen
i cant start the game
Vanguard blocking a driver
Valoshop on Mobile
vanguard not intialized
Constantly getting one tapped
PC Freezing
VAN9005 error
van-81 error 😬
Account been banned for no reason? False ban.
account locked
rank system
Turning on mic
val 57 error
cant claim the game changer trophy gunbuddy
New PC
Can't Launch Val
This appears when i try to open valorant
Valorant Gameplay Display Issues on MSI Bravo 15: Seeking Help and Suggestions
My Valorant won't install
Help Me
best duelist for beginners besides Reyna
my account was hacked...
i need help
black screen when alt tabbing out of val
Error code van1067
error val 59
VAN -1 error
VAN: Restriction
Sound cues
valorant crash
up-to-date graphic drivers but VALORANT keeps showing 'graphics driver crashed'.
After downloading Valorant, how can I enter it directly without turning off the computer?
Valorant stuck loading
new to valorant and need some help
help with vanguard
game keeps freezing pc
Chargeback payment
high ping
low cpu usage
valorant bug
Stuck on a loading screen
gpu driver crash
Trouble Playing Valorant VAL 9001 on Window 11
Account Hacked
I need help to get this skin
valorant keeps like crashing when i leave the game to click on discord, etc
Network Problem but Low Ping
when ever i open val it is the van 1067 code what do i do
how do i fix input delay cuz its rlly bad and idk what to do
may some1 please help me i have bean trying to fix van 1067 and i have tried every thing may some1
Constant 'update servers down'
VERY slow loading time
I started playing literally today and umm needs tips (i guess)
rgx or ptc
Can someone please give me suggestions on how to get out of iron again?
input lag and fps drop
Packet Loss
valorant stuck on black screen, frozen when i open it.
need hardware help
My account got hacked and I can't login, made 3 tickets so far and no reply.
so my account got hacked and i dont know what to do can someone help me please
why i lose so much?
how much time does riot take to return back a hacked account?
can anyone get me nitro
so i made a ticket because of my account being hacked for the 2nd time of the year
missing game files
my voice chat stopped working out of nowhere (it wasn't a restriction)
Whats a good keyboard for gaming?
can you be friends with a cheater?
Account got hacked and then banned
60 FPS in game but more than 60 within settings (while in game still) and 60+ in windowed fullscreen
i got hacked
Having a problem launching valorant
I got hwid banned for third party usage but ive never used hacks
Iso bug???
i am hardstuck plastic 2. pls help
VAN -92 error
Why does my resolution say "custom" how can i change this
how do u fix van 1067
ping high in lobby but not ingame
so I got a corrupted file and deleted everything and now it won’t let me redownload val
brim molly bug on lotus
"We couldn't install a required dependency."
valorant processing delay lag
why does my error code not exist??
"sorry we are having trouble signing you in right now, please try again later"
false ban
why am i as an iron 2 queueing with 2 diamonds 2 silvers and against 3 golds on plat and one silver?
*PSA* Anyone having the Alt Tab PC freeze issue. FIX HERE !!
Audio Problems
valorant slow and shitty
raw accel
valorant wont update / install i tried everything
Mouse bug
directx runtime
no ingame sound
It looks like your game has crashed.
ban date
whyis this game so ass
Why am I either stuck on black screen or frozen home page?
multithreaded rendering no longer there
Kill sound effect
headphone bug
why do my pc keep freezing when i start valorant?
VAN -081
can’t load into game
"You have encountered an error. Please Try again later."
Good Recording Software
Valorant stuck on loading screen
Slow loading games
directx runtime error
is it just me or why is there a 250 hour restriction from playing competitive after you reach lvl 20
valorant loading slow
Packet Loss?
Party not ready in solo queue
is valorant vc broken
PC noob here, freezes, loss of sound, crashes, delayed ability voicelines
Service unavailable
My valorant is taking up space after i uninstalled it with the recycle bin
VAN 1067
blocked from riot games
Vanguard not intialized
game is extremely laggy in team deathmach for no reason
Can someone tell me if I am ready for Diamond or not? I just got Platinum rank
Multithreaded rendering issue
mouse dc
PREMIER: This player is outside your team's skill range and cannot be invited.
ADS bug
no rr received
error code 5
Does anyone else have their friend list erased?
show blood option on oce servers
what’s a decent amount of money to pay for a pc that runs valorant?
Best skins?
If i were to refund a skin, does it give me the full VP i spent for it, or only partially?
VAN -92 error
valorant match loading
Constant 60 fps
val rlly needs to fix their game
Does god hate me?
my client is loading infinitely and when it loads this happens (I use Portuguese language)
just to let ya know
is valorant down?? i cant login, i already waited for like 1-2 hours
ion or prime
i’m trying to play val and it keeps crashing and saying error van 1067. 😭
making a new pc by the end of the year and i need some help/ideas
anyone know how to install valo on a Chromebook 🗣
Subject: Seeking Guidance for Incorrect Valorant Ban due to Alleged Third-Party Programs
is 60 to 80 fps in valo playable
Low fps after pc crash
valorant down for NA?
was pen on val patched
life is just cruel.
Constant FPS spikes
Can anyone duo with me?
Van 1067
good clip?
wtf is going on did i get ip blocked from signing into riot games
"sorry, we are having trouble signing you in right now"
Error code 57 on a new account
Suggestion crates
I need a new mouse
email hacked
Im moving to US, so how can i change regions since its region locked?
Input not Supported, how to fix?
comp ban
How do I get the bot in LFG servers
TPM 2.0 problem
"We couldn't install a required dependency."
"Valorant Failed to launch" error
Valorant Twitch drop
I can't add certain accounts on my friends list. The request sends but nothing happens and viceversa
Any idea with riot not being able to install dependancy's?
game crashes after every match and makes me restart computer
can sombody give me vp points i got the best skin in my shop
my mouse frezzes when i lounch valorant
Not able to log in
Voice chat on but no voice chat?
bootstrapped packaged game?
The following component(s) are required to run this program: DirectX Runtime
secure boot enable and csm disable
so uh i cant uninstall the game
Need help with Skins
vp purchase error
bruh please help i havn't played in like 2 months for. I dont have vgc and i dont have riot vanguard
[SOLVED] sound from behind gets decreased by a lot
Error VAN1067 ( Very Hard ) need help
guys i got banned for cheating but i didnt used cheats i payed over 500 in this game is my acc gone?
please improve the cheating system
i got hacked
Why are players punished for dodging when its due to Insta locks or Inappropriate behavior?
how does getting baned for 98 years temporary?
PC crash
"valorant your game requires a system restart to play"
couldnt start error when trying to open val
WASD Occasionally Not Working In VALORANT
Sign in not redirecting
Mouse stuck in middle of the screen while playing valorant.
stuck on a payment loading screen
Ping spikes
Very big issue in VALORANT !
match finished. Stuck in loading screen
Disconnecting with van 1067 since the last patch (7.01)
I cant install or update Valorant
How do I solve this service unavailable error?
Saying " gg" in chat
is it better to insta lock or fill
helllo i have a problem when i want to open valorant he says "Valorant failed to launch"
i want stretched res but there is black borders
i cant install riot vanguard
how do i get better teammates?
FPS drops in team deathmatch
I can't do fullscreen it is freezing
I updated the game but nothing changed
game wont start pls help this is a long error
Val 4/5 Error
Valorant stuck on infinite loading screen
service unavailable
valorant failed to launch
potato laptop
I watched 2 whole livestreams on my pc but...
It looks like your game has crashed
potato pc
Spray wheel issue
no internet found
best crosshair colour to use with yellow outlines?
VAL Error code 57/43
Problem with playing valorant
Stuck at 0.1 KB/s
Mouse cursor not showing
Error VAN9001 (Tpm2.0)
Valorant Error Code 59
Is finding a main agent that important? And how to find my ultimate agent to rank up with?
When Im playing I can't hear gunshots, I can only hear voice lines and utility, idk what's hapenning
I cant change agent in the range
why do I suck so much at the game
error code cdo
valorant wont load at all
taking account knowledge
safeboot after recent update
Fullscreen not working
when i scope with chambers ult it glitches and keep unscoping and scope in like 1 seconds
BSOD occurs when i start valorant or riot client
video 📷 editor
I need a Valorant Coach
every time i try purchase vp it says error
valorant voice chat not working please help if you can/have the same problem
a d3d11 compatible gpu is required to run engine
Stack-Based overrun
whats the best clipping software for valorant on a low end pc?
Ping Issues
is there a way to get free valo points?
Is there a way to get more fps
Valorant Isn't Opening
how do i find my sens
The following component(s) is required to run the program: DirectX runtime
"Something unusual has happened while trying to find a file needed for the update"
i wanna stream but i need help
NA n.california server missing??
alt tabbing
how to open night market I am new #ingame
how do I fix my valorant update cause its stuck on 99%
im on windows 10
Guide to getting better.
VAN -1
What skin should i buy?
help me out
Can I play Valorant with these system specs?
Valorant shop not loading
Is Color Goggles Bannable?
is the prime gun skins worth the money?
need to contact a mod
how to twerk with gekko?
Valorant does not support cloud-gaming, how to make it work on a cloud computer??
L night market
I dont have enough money for night market.
im 3 rr away from gold
bro i keep getting penalties bc this stupid error cope while im in comp games
stretched res is bannable?
need noob team to play with i noob too
i got a permanent ban more like a hardware ban from valorant, randomly.
can anyone coach me? i really need it. please.
Is the recon butterfly knife worth buying?
what am i doing wrong this IGN Is unique enogugh
is the new night market now
What time will Riot add the night market in Europe/Poland
Night market
EXP withheld for “Disruptive Behaviour” ?
Is it normal to tilt after getting COVID-19????
i have been locked out of my account
if I get a bigger mouse pad will it mess up my aim?
i need an montage editor
HELP! I cant use my voice comms for some reason...
true stretched res bannable?
stretched res bannable?
how do i recover my account which was taken by hackers
Do previous Battlepass items come back? or are they exclusive to that run?
easter Event
Weird penalty maybe visual bug
How Do I check my region?
help plz
need help getting someone banned
Valorant doesn't download
holding and peaking
Whenever i try to open valorant my pc crashes
Nvwn#9139 is a scammer scammed me out of $100 steam gift card riot pls do something ban his account
Ticket oluşturamıyorum !!
I was banned for no reason and it says “due to gameplay violation” u are banned.
how I can see the shop from my cellphone?
hello, how can I find out when my hwid ban will be lifted? can someone with knowledge help?
why did i get this
Cant play win11 secure boot and TPM both enabled
Freezing Game
VAN9003 Error (need help)
Tips for Kay/O?
True Strecthed
How do I make a convincing looking April Fools joke?
Friend banned
van 152
VALORANT failed to launch
chat ban
someone changed my email but i need to sign in to make a ticket
My Valorant is Stuck at %45
van 1067
black screen
help i was temp suspended
valorant finished and then went back to 0%
Download issues :( plz help
need help with downloading valorant [for my friend]
After uninstalling Riot Vanguard I'm unable to find Valorant in Window's Programs and Features
What is your favorite classic and why?
blue screen
Opinions on forsaken classic?
Is there a way where I can play Valorant on Mac M1???
I can't see my minimap, utils icon, chat box during matches
somoen coach me plz i ned to get beter at ze game
Cant start a game
Voice chat issue
Valorant Vanguard problem
Lagging in game after recent update couple months back.
unable to initilise vanguard
Vindows 11 secure boot Vangaurd
TPM Version 2.0
Ban stuff in valorant
dm for free vp owo
Does anyone know what warrants a ban for "security reasons"?
why is this taking so long??
any tips to rank up
fps drops
I keep getting this bug every time I load up valorant and I have to restart my computer
High latency in Valorant
Can install, can't update.
im so confused
Valorant error
Freeze loading screen, cant play valorant
Ace Banner Is Default?
can't access my account
Vibrance settings (INTEL)
i accidentaly started the installation on my disk with no space and i dont know how to transfer it
valorant is crashing what should i do?
Ping from valorant server
About Payment Option In Valorant India.
need tips on practicing to get good aim
placement matches
need help a hacker got access to my gmail and keeps changing my val password
should i crouch spray?
my account got suspended for 1 month
My valorant is frozen
my acc is gone
my âccount hacked
can someone coach me
valorant keep crash can someone help me
what's the best way to earn xp
Stuck on loading screen
Download stuck at 0.1Kbps after sometime.
Server Transfer
why does playing in 5 stacks constantly place me against level 20 immortal smurfs
Website bug?
Valorant requires secure boot?
ominous and LOUD sounds on breeze
Why so much ping
has anyone dealt with this issue?
unreasonable chat ban
DirectX runtime?
in need of tips/coaching
I need a coach plz
Different Language Audio, English Text
I need a coach can someone plz help
Windows Key Not Working On Valorant
can someone help me im bronze 3
Refund Policy (Please help)
Valorant specific optimizations
I have no vanguard
i keep losing gunfights but no clue why, tips?
Performance Issues
Rank system
how to play as a neon?
I did everything in the videos but I still get the 2.0 tpm error can anyone help?
valorant won't launch
I Cant Open my Valorant can someone help me?
I just want to play valorant
cant run valorant
My rank shouldn't be what It is
valorant resolutions
Game Freezing on new animations loading in
Help me
Is there technical support here?
Valorant Points buying issue
Service unavailable
I need Help
Hacked Account
Does anyone know what the prices are in these regions for Valorant points?
I need a Wingman Emote
How to appear offline in valorant whilst playing the game
im trynna make a little montage but..
i can't see my previous game stats.
Valorant needs a Block Feature
account region
7 day banned for doing nothing
"VGC" Service keeps stoping
Can anyone help me to get to lvl 20, im lvl 6 right now so im kind a new. (im german)
I updated it and everything but still the same thing over and over please help
Why isnt my val matches loading
Whats a better for deathmatch?
Rock League 10% cpu low fps
I'm new
is vibrancegui bannable?
How do you fix vanguard stuck on 0% download
Any tips for Iron player
Error Update Valorant
Weird thing appearing on screen
shall i buy the celestial Fan?
Ping Issues
My account got hacked by some russian hacker/dude
soft af
Ping issue after the recent patch
any tips for a silver 2?
3rd party software
What is wrong with valorant's penalty system
false ban
Reporting a Toxic Riot Dev…
angle snapping
how do I get more fps?
whenever I open VALORANT my mouse disconnects??
Vanguard problem
Not able to use voice chat after turning my wifi off and on in a game
valorant will not open/update/do anythingwhere do i go for help
pls make this channel ping go away
Always getting high ping
Support help
Left click not working and camera being weird
High Ping In Valorant Only
nvidia GeForce
Should I buy Gaia’s vandal??
my valorant wont update
Packet loss skipping frames?
What is the fastest way to get XP in VALORANT
my account is locked
lagging more after update
Has there been a Scythe knife skin before? ever in the store/battlepass or something?
What Weapon skin sounds and looks like it’s a laser gun? (pew pew pew pew)
Hidden MMR is terrible even though im good
game crashing sometimes when I disconnect or connect bluetooth headphones
graphics drivers
Something is wrong with the servers in the game.
60 fps...
i keep getting this while i try to login
Does for anyone also the ping not go away on the server list?
will upgrading to windows 11 fix my connection error?
Update issue
how in the world did my suspend time change from 1month to 1 year
installing problem
Game didnt count.
My Valorant won't open
Every time I log in my val watchdog crashes so I cant play any matches
My game is kicking me each time i log in, it gives me VAN error code 1067
Players Not Ready
Party not ready
Getting queue dodge offenses for no reason
my valorant is not launching.
Problem with vanguard, can't run valorant cuz secure boot is not enabled but it is.
error code 59
Will shop reset even if we cannot enter the game.
val error 59
Valorant Error 59
I didnt get my rr.
My game keeps freezing every time I enter a match
Brimstone Vs Astra
Error code 57 after new update
Phishing link how to report
139 hour ban for no reason AT ALL?!!? TWICE
Question about VP
Fake ping?
Game keeps freezing as soon as I open
My account got hacked and banned, help me get Riots attention because you might get hacked too.
I want fix for this
infinite loading
fade help
Multiple Outplayeds In System Tray
I need only 100vp
Why if i do payment with paysafecard Its still loading White screen?
FPS drops
msgs gets deleted after the round ends
3 or 4 vanguard titile are running in background. cant close that.
valorant update issue
Val -81 Valorant issue
how do you confirm the shot
Need advice on getting a new Monitor
cant get 2F Code
how do i even get valo to stop closing on me?
guys when i tried loggin in my acc there is a 2 verification code and when i tried to send code
Noise Cancellation
help my enemy killed me
tabbing out
riot support
How do I force valorant to use gpu
required dependency help please
I need help by sm
someone have a level 20 smurf for me please
How do I find my ideal DPI?
I was banned from comp for saying "REPORT JETT HE CALLED ME A ###" In the chat, how is this fair?
Im s2 and i should deserve b2 what can i do to make me better
lag when im in a match and in a dc vc
can anyone get me in contact with a dev
i need some help regarding my id
i didnt get my charm?
fps drops after patch 6.05
Rank disparity
Refunding after 2 weeks
idk whats going on
Regarding permanent account suspension
I am bronze 2 rn but I think I deserve iron, how can I become better.
valorant, can you fix your new katana?
I am geting Valorant failed to launch errorSomething unusual happen
Spotify plugin/program to pause music when alive in game, unpause when you die?
Software incompatibility issue
Which feels better to spray? Prelude or Gaia
cant open valorant
rr 😭🤦🏽♀
Ping issue
VALORANT Skins refund.
True Streched Res
No access to email connected to valorant account.
rgx knife or something else
really weird lag out of nowhere
val has a ping but can't find it
Need help with bootstrap and black screen.
version of vanguard out of compliance. Please help with my issue I dont know why this is occuring
Sova drone
Servers not available
Trying to buy VP with Vanilla Visa Gift Card, but every time i enter it, its stuck on the loading
How to lower ping.
im d3 and i get this in my lobby....
Valorant not Updating. Shows 0% and stuck at 0mbps after 21% download.
Account Banned but ticket wont go through
My graphics in game randomly get weird
Altitude bundle
error code 57
Can someone tell me how to use the X instead of the skull in the kill banners?
Update Issue/Version Mismatch
locking in agents
My valorant game never loads in on time
act reset
Screen locations for agents for stream deck
valorant acc got hacked
when is the nightmarket comming out?
help pls
Solution: Remove Permanent Ping on Val
i want my gold back
Can hacks for other games get you banned from Valorant?
Client bug make me get banned unfairly
I lost my account and I do not now what the f should I do?
Cant queue with friends
error code 9001
discord ping
I have absolute doo doo aim can someone help me
Error code screen
can any valo dev help me if any dev can dm me
Mouse glitching out after starting valorant.
Sudden high ping
Banned for no reason
How I got rid of the ghost ping.
Why is my ping better on countries im not in?
discord bug
it’s my first knife, should I buy katana oni?
fast and easy way to memorize lineups?
How to stop this game from queuing me into another region
Kay-o help.
Banned for no reason
thanks alot riot for this:\
how do i solo q in plat its impossible
Camera Bug
why am i banned from comp?
its been stuck like this for 10 minutes
45 download pls help rn
Gekko Ult in Escalation
No voice chat?
Someone know where night market come back?
audio settings
playing neon...
Vanguard not initializing
gekko question
double initiator comps
What is this? :
server I was playing on died
Angle swapping
headshot banner
is there a omen ultimate cancel sound?
error code val 5
How can I stop getting lobbies full of British gentleman?
is there something i should be aware about before using medal
Is a gift card from Turkey gonna work on a European account?
valorant blackscreen and crashes whenever i click something in game
stuck at 0 percent
voice mod
Ping issue
Valorant Won't open. Please help with the code Val -81
i am suck
haven't received a reply for recovery of my account
About battle pass completion
about my acc ban
act reset
Account Buying
map odds
why is my valorant so buggy
not a valid command "/remake"
i am going to 1v1 my friend and i need help because i suck and he earns my respect if he win plshelp
someone on my account spent money how do i refund?
Double rank up
I'm trying to go to my valorant store but its just showing a black screen
Val Crashing PC on Sartup
Stretched Res Help
5 stack
VAN9003 Windows 11 Issue
I need help getting my root User
Hmm, what should I buy?
Van 9003 ❌
Screen Loading
Valorant not working
Remove Hands for Recording - Custom Game
raw accel questions
is it possible for my accounts region to be changed if i'm moving to a diff country
My friend just got suspended??
Friend keeps booting in range
kayo retake c
I can't talk in game it doesn't give me a option to choose a output or input
My account has been hacked
Is an rr refund possible?
Valorant Wont Install
any players in Africa have the same problem?
Unable to re-enable valorant account
Riot vanguard
i’m not able to redeem a code
My 2-step verification emails are now going to an email address I don't have access to. What should
Valorant matchmaking
"we couldn't install a required dependency". It will install the full game, but Anti-Cheat Won't ins
it seems i have a notification from this server even tho i dont (i tried mark as read) help?
download fix
riot devs please see this
Corpse in smoke bug
Is it too late to get the BP if I want to complete it?
we couldn't install a required dependency
Cheapest Knives ?
Escaping from Silver
Skye and Kay-o
Hz not working
vanguard panching Issue
tips on how to escape my rank
Why RIOT dont do nothing about account boosting?
Error code van 1067
D3D11 Compatible GPU (feature level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0 is required to run the game
Will i get banned if i use TinyTask to not be afk?
windows sign-in issues after playing valo
when is the night market
Would I lose my valorant points and my skins if I switch into a different region?
Fps drop when moving mouse
How do i delete riot
Can i pause valorant download on 70% then download other tmr?
Getting out of silver
Muted on every single one of my accounts?
Random lag spike when in vc
account recovery val152 (urgent)
help with acc recovery ( urgent)
about my mouse
y’all like my ping?
i got perm banned for raw accel... does riot still answer my ttickets?
14 day ban
Game stuck on loading screen
Boomer Gamers
my ingame ping so high
We've let too many poros in!We're working hard to catch up. Please try again later.
whats the max friends limit
Valorant PBE
Valorant stuttering at 144hz but runs normally at 60hz
Gravity doesn't makes sense
error code van 1067
Help With Error
Account Reset
Any Content Creators or Twitch Streamers out there?
Can't update Valorant
Help please
how do you get a name with over 16 characters
mouse control
Infinite loading screen for valorant purchases
Why am I suspended?
how do I remove this permanent ping from this server??
I can't enter to valorant
Is it bannable if I change the wallaper in the valorant home screen?
improve in valorant
hacked account
Problem With Valorant
designers and editors
I went to play valorant and i got permanantly banned
Can't play Valorant on my PC
I am unable to friend people or accept friend requests; I cant see them
81 hour ban
Lag Without Latency
Spectre akin
I stuck at installing after the newest update coming.
can anyone help me on competitive
Log-in info
"checking your xbox game pass membership status"
my game is not updating and its stuck like this for 3 days
GPU Incomatibilty
anyone use Windows 11 Superlite Ghost Spectre to play valorant? i want upgrade from potato vista
Is it bad to have decimal in my edpi like 260.8
Valorant Crashing.
Should I buy the oni 2.0 bundle
Anyone not hearing the spike defuse lately?
FPS is High but Gameplay Feels Stuttery
Help In recovery
not downloading
Why do hardware bans act strange
No Response
`ma valo wont start
Crash on startup
Can’t launch the game
How can I fix van 152?
I cant open valorant
Riot launcher not working
I Got Hacked Help
i got banned and i havent played since 3-4 months
100 yr suspention
I am not able to enter match
One time exception skin refund
Low fps
secure boot
No one can hear me
Pluggin in headphones causes laptop to crash
Riot Vanguard Not installing
valorant getting stuck in loading screen
Anyone know what happened here? Don't think its a issue w my wifi
A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) is required to run the engine
My Valorant account was false permanent banned .. Need help Please
Windows could not start the vgc service on Local Computer
Valorant System Ban
How to make medal not drop my frames as much
iwas just banned for useing steelseries gg
My VP shop wont load
banned for thrid party app
Split B Defence
val error code 5
valorant not opening
need help with refunding
how do I reduce my ping
Game Freezing
banned from lfg server
control center getting blocked by vanguard
stuck on loading screen
night market
Chat delay
drivers not up date.
Ping Problems
high ping
is there a reason i lost 30 rr
My voice chat was muted earlier
Hardstuck silver been playing for a while but still trash
i can't open valorant
Interaccel stops workign when I run valorant
can u refund an old skin?
froze in full screen?
hacked account
How to enable angle snapping on val
How do you get someone's name if they're characters you can't type?
Same damage and gun but I died first
valorant stuck at 45%
cant download riot client
im a gold 1/ silver 3 player and i need help BAD
I'm your average Hardstuck silver
My Valorant won't open
double rank up
Can't update Val
Locked out ?
Valorant Download Problem
Account region randomly changed
My valorant stuck
I recently got perma banned from valo
rgx butterfly or karambit reaver
Disk usage
How can I help my friend uninstall their Valorant? We've tried task manager and many more options.
how fast does neon run in mph/kmh
why cant I download valorabnt... ive tried uninstalling riot vanguard, re installing valorant, resta
Low Client Fps Problem
Vanguard Issue
i keep getting in matches out of my rank range
Valorant is taking a lot of space recently
Valorant shots not registering
My cursor is invisible.
game not responding
fix the valorant im begging riot
First time downloading valorant but can't launch it
FPS drops when I start turning a bit faster
Game audio work through speakers not headphones on windows
Can someone explain this?
Joining discord call mutes my game audio
I lost my acc I used the email that I signed in and it made a new acc pls help me
Voice chat not working?
how do I get rid of skill issue?
Rank reset process
why is my game freezing every time i hit a button?
reaver karambit or rgx 11z pro blade
All PC audio is muted when I click "Play"
turkish server
Some reason I cannot queue Competitive
Valorant error code: VAL 62
no internet
valorant update stuck at 0%
turkish europe server
Vanguard patching issue
VC and Game Audio go through different audio sources
Valorant ping is high, but not in other games
val wont open pls help
😭 how u unblock a friend in riot mobile
fps drop
Val 152 error , Access to this game is susspended
I wont let me log in via email
fps drop
ticket #help
sound problem
Got hacked and cheater got my account to plat. im bronze and scared to queue now
val doesnt work and takes alot cpu
i get banned on every account i make but i use no cheats or third party apps
Tap in!!
can someone help my games been stuck on 0 download
Are valorant points always going to be you have to buy them, or can you earn them in games?
I removed Valorant and downloaded Valorant again and Valorant is now like this plz help
0.1 kbs during download using quota
Cant play Valorant because of Vanguard
riot client file deleted and valorant app is still in
tips to rank up
Level up
Valorant support
how to get out of gold
guys is this normal
anyone carry me I’m only gold…. and I’m suffering from it even tho most of the time I’m mvp
Fps Drops to 50 after the new patch
Cant change to fullscreen
riot server
I got temporary suspended , and I can't play valorant, Is there a way, I can continue playing
Valorant Code Redemption not working
what is the next bundle
Stuck at 0.5kb/not updating
Recovered hacked account
angle snapping
Why does my valorant have scroll bars
FPS Drops
ban throwers
my valorant account is locked
oni vandal or glitchpop vandal
messages take a while to send
It's stuck at 27% please tell me why it's stuck
Not able to open BIOS to enable secure boot
Vanguard User Mode Service Eating CPU
valorant audio bugged
why does the game take 1.7tb of storage
Every Time I Try to Run Val, I get a critical Error and can't play the game.
Can’t buy valorant points
why does valorant not support 21:9 monitors (ultrawide)
Valorant main menu
Idk what to buy
Game Issue / Settings
valorant update glitch
Keeps disconnecting
audio bugged out
My account was suspended
anyone now what this means?
Hello i would like some help when i go to buy vp with paypal it just loads
voice chat not working
FPS at 0
I can't open Valorant
discord and valorant issue???
my game always says network problem
banned valarant
na vp codes on eu
what's the best program to record with?
i cant play valorant idk what to do
what should i buy, Singularity sheriff or oni vandal
my voice chat doesnt work
ive been penelized for "afk" in the menu is that supposed to happen ??
Screen turning black when starting game
Uninstall Valorant.
broken vanguard/update
I need help
Why does the Riot Client need to be installed everytime i launch Valorant?
every time I open valorant this message appears....
Anyone Know how to fix the: "we could not install a required dependency error"?
i have problem with my account currency
Getting this screen everytime I enter a game
Chat service and friend list services unavailability
is downloading angle snapping safe and not bannable?
How can i sign up for pbe and actually get an email back and when does it open up again
Restart your device
7 days ban
Keep getting this error
fix da issue
uh update already?
stop making bots do your banning discisions, second time ive been banned for third party something
how to fix van9003
A critical error has occurred and the process must be terminated
Valorant not updating
Valorant not updating
How can I move Valorant on my drive?
Can u use controller on valorant?
valorant no responding
valorant the following components are required directx runtime
Mouse button 2 no loner working
Graphics drivers crashed error
help me choose a skin
God Of Low end Gamerz
Vanguard is not detecting Secure Boot is enabled and TPM 2.0 is ready for use (Windows 11)
Val wont update
Need help fixing stuttering and ping spikes in game.
are these good stats?
Taking too long to load
Does anybody know why it says i just got banned for third party software but i havent been on valora
How do i get out of rr handicap
I can't update Valorant
My friend gave me account and look like this.
Fps Problems
How to fix fps
Raze sachel
My valorant download is stuck at 0%
change user name for login
Araxys or Reaver Operator?
unable to buy valorant points
Banned for smth not my fault
my riot account got locked for “suspicious reasons” wondering if a dev can help me figure this out
Why cant i play val
Best prelude to chaos variant??
Software glitch
Valorant closing
Why does my val not install properly
long match loading times
TPM VAN 9001 Error
VALORANT FPS drops down permanently after alt tabbing
why is the shop in 2 hours instead of 1
Can't queue?
chat banned
I need help
what vandal skin should i buy?
raw accel
Comms bug
YouTube videos
help me please ty
Does anyone have the door symbol showing at all time in Lotus?
help i queued comp and i changed my resolution and my game is bugging
game isnt opening
Valorant is a shit game and you cannot tell me otherwise (shitty rr system)
tilde knife
can someone help me
valorant isnt launching pls help asap
Account locked
Can someone tell where the compatibility settings are?
Molly lineups
account locked
FPS issues
Chat delayed
Why is Valo not updating
Voice chat and normal disconnecting constantly
Why i dont have Multithread rendering on my settings?
It wont continue to download and its saying this
my valorant wont download
My game says couldnt install required depedency but vanguard is working, also does vgc.
Hacked Issue
Not being able to sign out
Windows crashing after getting stuck on the loading screen
pls solve the smurfing problem
third party
Best GameUserSettings for Low End, Performance, Quality and FPS
Selling guns = no cred?
Game Stalling and Freezing
how to fix this can someone help??
Help :/
help guys pls
im using windows 10
error 29
entering match takes too long
annoying ping
screen proplem
guys serious help
first time i install valorant i have problem
Why Rioy? :(
cant open fullscreen...
Riot please see this message
How do I fix my valorant comms
broken matchmaking
Can't open game
can i plesae get the xp i go to jail in 3 hrs
Audio switching from stereo to mono
AFK Penalty
Ky account got suspended and roit is not also replying to my ticket #help
Can't log in
valorant crashed and vc doesn't work anymore
valorant points
Vanguard not initialized
Does anyone know why angle snapping not working in val but in paint?
Valorant error
Theres a thrower on my team
Cant play it
valorant on desktop
hardware banned
High ping in close server
lfg ghost ping
i can't sign into my account at all and when i try to do it on
I smurf your peak
runtime error
vanguard been wierd ??
paypal payment
Cant buy valorant points even though i have +30 euro more than enough
My Game Is Cuting Pls Help Me
Riot Vanguard Patching + Stuck at Starting screen.
Game keeps freezing
VCT EMEA finals
Launching Valorant
If I try to buy RP with paypal it gets stuck at a white loading screen. Can anyone help? Has this to
How do you truly use advice given?
Chat Delay
Valorant Error
were can i get the champions
I accidentally press delete for my main acc
cant open valorant
This build of Vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings
Hi Valorant. I want to Report something.
how can i report players after game?
Offering coaching!
Riotvanguard problem?
Can I report Players outside of the Game?
Game being laggy.
Valorant Storage Use
what do i do if someone stole my account ?
Can't hear people in vc?
mid game constant lag any solution please?
riot pls fix
Check my shop
my in game sound doesn't work for swiftplay, rest is working fine
How do I change my currency from euro to dollar in the valorant store?
how does rr gain work
is true stretched res bannable?
My shoot does not work in game. My primary shoot button works in other games but not in valorant.
Oregon servers!
Rank next to username on val lfg
valorant refusing to open
What elo/rank are most valorant devs found in?
I won a game but at the very last second i got disconnected and when i reconnected to the game i did
fps drops after vanguard anti cheat update
solo queueing comp
In Game voice not working (not vc banned)
Radinite Shop won't load and is stuck running
can i borrow an val account (if u are not using ofc)?
unlocking agents
What Aim routine should i do
Randomly well playing my game will just close with no warning
angle snapping and raw accel ?
how do i fix my valorant bru whenever i right click it does a double click
BlastX Spectre or Protocol Spectre?
my resolution has gown down the trash randomly
my riot gun buddy disappeared?!
Unfixable Valorant Ping Spikes
My Valorant keeps crashing mid game every time
Regarding friendly fire auto detection…
My Platform Status is having issues and I'm having really bad lag but I have full bars
how do you take a screen shot
i just got an hour ban for the game kicked me
do I pay a designer for not doing what I asked for
help please
Can someone give me a skin? I don't have any. 😭😭
is deceive bannable
no elo gain from win?
banned unknown
csgo/val res
Val update not working...
i have recently been hacked and the hacker changed my username password and email idk recover
Long loading screen
valorant texture flickering
are they banned?
cant hear teammates
I can't reinstall vanguard
Really bad at defense
van9003 problem help me
is the raw accel a legitimate file that i could download?
Loading lag causing me to get a AFK warning
Help with aim
Need help
lobby glitch idk
what i do if i'm in a 1v1 situation
Valorant creds shop wont open.
Is raw accel safe to use and is it safe to download
When opening valorant, it disables my wifi adapter
account hacked?
Credits shop not loading
Angle Snapping
windows starts glichting after launching valorant.
Voice chat
My game is using only 500mb of my ram
I want chronovoid sheriff
I can't see my reply in ticket
when i sign in it doesnt work
cant drop weapon or spike with 'g'
Mic when enabled degrades the game sound
is there a way to make suggestions for future game updates?
whenever i try to lauch valorant it opens but black screens for around 10 seconds then just closes
A Issue with Pearl
why did my 1 hour 30 minute timeout became a more than 100 hour????
i keep crashing when playing val
GPU usage dropping by alot.
i cant hear audio behind me
Bluetooth Device
outplayed safe?
riot vanguard encountered an error?
Issues when installing valorant
what is the best way to get better
Why AFK warning
how can i improve
Valorant not updating
How to have stretches res only in game
Valorant not launching
refund my oni phantom
riot vanguard is yellow and restart wont make it red and valorant keeps crashing
account recovery
Riot Vanguard not uninstalling
Valorant not giving any RR
nvidia control panel
I have a cheater in my game what do i do
howcome when i try to shoot as KAY/O, my gun switches to his molly?
riot client tries updating valorant but then it closes and does nothing please help
Riot cilent
streched res on amd card
Need a Flow Guide, And advices for @agent
How to get out of B3/S1
error code van 81
i cant update the valorant
Idk why my fps are limited to 60
Random Freezing/Crashing
Any high immo players give a hard stuck ascendant who consistentlt out performs team some advice
dude pls
why is my walk and crouch both toggle when in my setting is have them as not being toggle??
Valorant Character Selection Animations Freeze And In game banners are black and load in delay.
valorant not giving proper RR
Free Coaching
Problem to lauch valorant
Valorant Download Laused
game update
cant make ticket
valorant hates me
My game won't update and it's stuck on 45%
val wont even work
Installation Error
when i try to buy val points i dose not load
is there someone who can help me use angle snapping my program doesnt seem to work
why am i always 1 rr from rankup
Riot client
Game's update stuck at 45%
-20 rr
Neon help
Hello, my game was easily updated to around 28% while it was getting stronger, but now it's stuck at
what the hell is vanguard patcing issues and how do I fix it?
Everytime I launch my Valorant all I can hear is a annoying sizzling sound that doesnt stop
why is my agent red
stcuk on ingame loading screen
required dependency
question on raw accel
Valorant stuck in main menu
My Valorant dont load in games
i can't purchase Riot points
mad losing streak
My valorant isnt working
when i enter valorant and click something like Play my screen will stop working
vanguard patching?
what happens if i dont look attention to this problem
vanguard patching issue
how to get feels back on valorant
Valorant not working in fullscreen
val in game issue
Error code: VAN 136
It’s taking a while to uninstall valorant
my voice chat doesnt work. The speaker icon is crossed out and i cant hear anyone and they cant hear
Frame drops
VAL 43
Valorant ticket response time
Valorant Downloading Issue
Hello, my ping is locked on 39-40ms it was a time ago locked on 25. Any tipps?
ep 6 act 2 bp melee
uhh haelp
It shows couldn't install required dependency
my valorant is stuck at game loading screen
guys is it normal that im waiting 48 hours for riot support to response to my ticket about region
Windows Firewall Blocked?
does anyone have lineups for fade?
guys my valroant update stuck at 0.1kb pls help
Banned from comps for no reason
Disk D/E/F sometimes 100% while play valorant
I've been waiting for 6 months
anyone have a solution for the valorant problem
Add valorant to mac
Could not install a required dependency.
Vanguard Issue
can anyone coach me? i really need it. please.
Is he hack?
fps problems its stuck
I cant run valorant **I have secure boot on and TPM 2.0?
will angle snapping get me banned?
bad ping in the wrong servers
my game keeps freezing after I press something
wont update
vanguard trouble booting
Omen glitches on Lotus - Unrated
Critical Error. Game won’t open.
Crashing constantly
valorant not working
any reason why im matching up with people twice my rank
I made a ticket for my hacked account and Valorant hasn't responded for a week what can I do?
stuck here
harrassment system not helping
Mice Problems
Can you get banned for using val tracker?
getting bad people perma banned
Permanent Ban On Account
loosing points and matchmaking
voice chat question
yoru fake clone
Can somebody please help me with this error??
How tf trolling report works ?
VAN9003 Error.
any tips to get out of iron / rankup.
my account got hacked?
free coaching
valorant not working
how to get people to stop drawing
songs for valorant montage
2 factor authentication problem
error 57 can someone help me i tried everything
I keep getting a val 5 error
What Elo am I in?
Enabling Secure Boot results in black screen on GIGABYTE Motherboard.
Accidentally deleted the Riot Client
valorant update problem
screen frozen
Valorant fullscreen problem
custom resolution black bars
Riot Client/Valorant will not Launch (Error 43)
valorant wont launch
is there anything important you should save in case your account gets compromised
do we have to redeem daily mission xp or does it redeem automatically?
error -81
vanguard issue val 63. VERY IRRITATING!!!
how do you make it so only when you try to enter valorant website you need 2fa and not valorantlogin
Is True streched res bannable?
pls help
are those stats ok?
whenever i open valorant its just a black screen, can anyone help?
How can I play practice mode with my friend?
get my account back
can anyone explain me this ? i just disconnected from last spike rush
help cannot be launched
Trouble Submitting Ticket
Vanguard Patching Issue, Can anyone help?
it wont let me buy vp
my game dosen t start and the yt videos dosen t help me
valorant update stuck on 45
Network issue & Packet Loss ONLY WHEN MOVING.
i cant play the game
Val error code 5
my valorant does not update
Valorant connection issues
Valorant Crashed (val code 1) when queue for many times, got RR penalty and queue ban
Lag while pc is running smooth
The update doesn't work
can i get banned for having a very long name in valorant?
this happens wen I'm running valorant I've tried a lot of things to fix it but literally nthin works
Valorant reaver headshot banner no background
Valorant won't let me sign in.
FPS breaks from 200-20 every-time my mouse is moved.
araxys operator
whats the fastest way to get level 20?
update stuck at 0
Controls glitch on viper
Update stuck at 0
Ingame Voice Bugged
valorant laging on laptop (LAG SPIKES) help help help
it says chat room not connected and i dont know why can someone help me fix this?
stuck on updating 0
servers down?
I got a dm
my valorant wont open
how do you deal with chaos
Voice chat and all chat issue
I don't have my vanguard flies
So I broke valorant, I need help
Platinum in a Sliver Bronze lobby? Im sorry but what?
are you supposed to get banned from comp if you miss ONE swiftplay?
Windows 7, 8, 8.1 not support Riot Vanguard since 14 March
My val count got reset
my valorant account got compromised
Does anybody know when the Vanguard patch issue will be fixed?
My screen goes black every time I open Valorant (plssss help)
Whenever I switch to fullscreen in settings my game freezes
Can someone help me get better
Valorant racism past 3 games
my valorant dont open
Match Found Delay
valorant not launching
Erro 62 - Incompatibility in the software
My valorant stuck at 100%
Fps problem
my game is delayed
valorant error 62
Guardian Skin Opinion :)
No Internet Found
raw accel
Is this bad?
Can't see agent animation when hovering
yo can yall help me out
Updated the game, but it wont let me play the game after restarting my computer
I turned Passive mode on Avast and im still stuck at 0%
My Valorant is not updating
critical error
whats the best way to record gameplay?
help me decide
msi van9003 window shows secureboot is on
Valorant is freezing my whole pc
Username and Tagline change
my account is kinda weird
vkg.sys bluescreen when opening valorant. what should i do
Indian Player
valorant not opening
My valorant doesn't want to update.
valorant screen
Ranked scam
valorant coaching
val 622GB
help it wont update ive tried everything even clearing out space for it, even rebooting my pc omg
valorant code 51
Vanguard Patching Issues
Val not updating
Screen bug
what do i do when this appears??
Every time i try to launch valorant it says "Error code -81"
every time i launch valo it reverts to fullscreen
why riot
Buying xeno Hunter
valorant service unavailable ):
Cant update
download update stuck on 0mb and the update its self is 0%
compatibility settings problem
get stuck in loading screen then when i try to tab out screen goes black
problem with updating valo
wingman range bugged
How should I play reyna as an iron 2 player?
Racist in valorant
Malware--I mean Vanguard
what to buy on the second round if you win pistol
Internet Problem
is angle snapping allowed?
valorant giftcard help
cant play bc of error VAL 5
my account got hacked
error vanguard
val no launch
My valorant wont update??
What can i do ?
Directional Sound?
Error CODE 128 VANGUARD ISNT Installed properly
It says this
Vanguard Patching Issue
valorant cant open
Stuck on black screen/ if I try to press play the game freezes
getting 400+ fps but looks like 40
valorant not opening
is using angle snap allowed
voice chat not working
Im stuck on the 0% for the update pls help
on some days my ping is 100-400 even though it'd normally be 30. it happens around every 3-4 days
voice chat dosent work
voice chat
PBE Problem
How to fix chat delay
Platform Status
does anyone knows how to repair it i have this vanguard error
Error Code VAN 152
i Need help
cant get to the match overview
Downloading is stuck at 0
what does this mean
How to not get a ban from comp
valorant performance issue
i got this issue while trying to load the game
Scrims Mumbai server
i am having problem with the new vangueard update
what does this mean
something that may fix game cannot launch
Raw Acceleration
i saw someone using an app that shows ur store without entering the game itself
what is this pls helppppp
How do I fix the freeze/lag
Cant Launch
valorant wont update/install
when will be the next night market
I hear the loading screen but my screen just black
Linking my Valorant account to my discord account without using Aimlabs
I was Just Playing a Deathmatch when It crashed and I couldn't move and they thought I Was AFK
Frozen screen cant do nothing
Connecting to wrong region
I fixed the problem
New update not installing
vangaurd missing?
Val freeze when go into fullscreen, happen after the recent window 11 update
Chat delay
fix ranking???
Games lagging horribly, a lot of rubber banding
upi payment
frame drops
Should i refund my elderflame judge and buy the Oni 2.0 bundle?
When i try to update my riot account it says access denied
Map breaking bug on lotus
anyone know how to use login approval code?
Riot Vanguard
No mic
Help me Get rid of error Van-81 pls
valorant wont update
my valorant puts me on a red circle loading after i put in my information to buy vp and it wont end
i got suspended
Refunding skins cooldown
oni 2.0 trailer
refunding oni
Black Screen
whys is my valorant taking 3tb of room
angle snapping settings
EU Devs
comp help
every second match i play, my fps caps to about 40. ITs really annoying, how do i fix it?
My Screen is black, but I can still hear the menu music
how to i claim my iron gun buddy from last act
Download stuck on 0.1
what does this mean
Angle snapping
system access violation BSOD
Hi I have a problem with firing valorant
I am lowkey flabbergasted rn
stuck in the loading screen
"Your game requires a restart"
TPM 2.0 & Secure boot issues
will oni 2.0 ever be back in shop?
No Internet Found
vanguard not been initialized
No Internet Found
should I buy oni vandal or prime vandal?
Windows 11 Update Freezing Splash Screen
can someone vod a game for me
No Internet Found
Are valorant instalocker apps banable
error on the update
settings reset after logging out
valorant vgk.sys system thread exception not handled
Game is not updating and vanguard is broken or sum sht
game freezing
Does anyone know what to do when your valorant doesn't want to update? like it stays at 0%?
theyre gunna throw my op off for no reason
i cant play
Valorant Error
raw accel
My download percent goes from 5-6 and does that non stop
angle snapping
Val capped at 60fps
Windows 8
False update
guys is today any ping problem?(17 march)
Japanese characters in name
help me
how do i fix this?
i still haven't recivied my diamond gunbudy yet
cant update valorant
it says my voice chat is off in game but in settings its on
How to enable secure boot
Vanguard patching issue
Having trouble with “secure boot” this is my first time installing valortant
Oni katana bug
whats this
Riot keeps saying to restart?
cant update val
How to boost fps
Major issues with connecting to voicechat and team chat
store purchase didn’t got through and wondering if riot was able to help you?
Val 59 error code
how im need to fix update valorant its stuck in 0
How to fix Update Stuck at 0%
stuck on downloading/installing
Please help my account was compromised
i cant buy valorant point
Valorant 4k Anti-Aliasing looks bad
Riot Vanguard Problem
99% error update and install
cant open display mode full screen
Valorant ban and error VAN 152 problems
my valorant is stuck at updating
headshot banner
Download Bug
can you refund VPs?
valo update
i have updated my valorant, im trying to log on and it is just stuck on 0 percent even tho i have up
Help pls
sudden framedrops
need fixes for VAN128 (Vanguard not initialised)
platforms for coaching
what the hell is this matchmaking
when my valorant crash it keep getting new patch update how do i fix it
How do i fix Valorant encountered an error and Val Error code 5?
coach/vod review
A d3d11 compatible GPU feature level 11,0 shader mode 5.0 is requred to run this engine valorant
Permanent Suspension
Valorant crashing randomly
headshot kill badge no longer shows.
Vanguard problem
Valorant not updating stuck on 0
required dependency problem
Game not updating
is raze super satchel patched?
ping issue 😢
same rank issue in game
my val isnt downloading
update stuck at 45%
cant update
Why can’t I open the VP menu?
Update Server is down...
why tf so much econ rating
Stuck on loading screen?
Enogugh EXP for Gekko but agent not unlocked
vanguard broken?
something unusual has happened.
very important very special video top secret
UPI not working
changing regions
Vanguard patching issue
error message when opening valorant
rp issue
Vanguard Bug / PC crashing
stuck in loading screen and got 10 min penalty,oni katana missing
Permanent Suspension?
High Ping
Teied downloading lastest patch
game not loading
Valorant Black screen
my game laggy asf
No game audio
takes tons of storage
unstable ping in hongkong server.
how to get better at valorant?? cuz im bad ash and i want to get better
riot launcher not updating
Valorant PBE Servers broken
Can third party apps for mouse snapping get you banned?
I created a ticket since my acc got hacked and they haven't responded after a while what can i do?
Valorant frozen?
i cant queue comp
i cannot open valorant
Vangaurd Tray missing
val 5 error when trying to go into practice
Suspended VAN 152
Angle Snapping
help ?
valorant is crasing
frenchman needs a buff
voice chat
Resolution / Black Screen
Why is my screen black when I open Val
comp ban
cant join match
Can third party apps for mouse spanning get you banned?
When I open up Valorant it turns to a black screen
Valorant Audio Help
i can't turn
It won't let me log in to my riot account with Gmail
Cant update game
Game no more smooth
val update
cant update the game
I need help Idk whats the issue
Internet issues
bug with valorant
make the headshot banner a option
Help my valoran can't update
why does it say i need a system to play
Secure Boot enabled, Vanguard says its not
Valorant storage going crazy
vanguard installer
Can't start VALORANT
please help
My Val keep freezing Please help me
my channel voice has been removed *??
headshot banner
Voicechat breaking
Update wont complete
comp ban
Valorant Doesn't Want to Start
Im level 20 and it says i cant play comp
i don't see my headshot indicator on my kill effect anymore can anyone help me?
Can't start Valorant
valorant couldn't start error
I am unable to update my game and I don't know why.
Packet loss
Crouching in low elo(gold-plat)
Impossible to rank-up
PC Restart
I can't see "Headshot" written on my kill token when i get one
valorant event in mumbai
In game despite having a ping of 15 the game rubber bands
My valorant is stuck on 0 update
Banned for valorant tracker.
launcher bug?
Not being able to take screenshots in val fullscreen
black screen
vanguard not insatling
why wont my valorant update?
Can someone help me fix my Valorant? It's been like this for months and I tried different ways sadly
Valorant Audio feels weird on Windows 11
Valorant problem
Low end laptop
how to get into iron
my headhot bottom text is gone
Update error... again
valorant is stuck on 0 percent, when i click the top left it shows 45% but doesnt move.
My valorant is constantly stuck on the astra and harbor loading screen how do i fix it.
free gun
Pls Help me
ingame settings
Valorant update frozen at 0
anyone cares to explain?
Does anyone have the razer RGB game integration for Valorant? I can't get it to work.
How do I stop me teammates from doing this
This is the guaranteed way to solve this problem
EU NA servers
I cant update Valorant
What character does a Newbie play?
Why doesent my head shot thingy have any text?
problem start valorant
my valorant point shop wont open how do i fix it?
i cant update valorant and got blue screen
i cant redeem code
Van 152
help me choose my skins
cant update valorant i did what everyone said and still 0
valorant not updating
can't update valorant
I can't update valorant, its stuck at 0 and its telling me to call support
No headshot icon?
I can't update Valorant
we couldnt install required dependency..
Cant update valorant
"We couldn't install a required dependency"
I have a question
Need for Technical Assistance
Valorant stuck on 0% downloading
valorant stuck on 95%
No clue whats going on
i need some help, i have reset my game 3 time and have been uninstalling.
Valorant stuck on 45% Will not Update
VALORANT stuck at 0.1kb/s
angle snapping
Valorant stuck at 0%
My valorant update/download is stuck at 0%
Valaront screen not working
Hello guys my monitor is custom in valorant
Valorant mic with riot client bug
VALORANT not updating
Account problems
vanguard's update problem
update is stuck
Can i have the answers pls ?
problem in the game
My valorant says it needs an update but i click update and it isnt doing anything.. i cant play.
I lost my valorant Id
someone help me pls i cant play valorant dou to a vanguard crash
Update error
my game is broken
Valorant cant install a required dependancy
Vanguard not initialized
Connection issue on just 1 account
0/ 45% Update?
Valorant Update stuck at 0
My valorant stuck at 0% INSTALL
valorant Not Downloading stuck to 0%
your game requires a system restart to play
no update?
riot client wont update valorant
valorant stuck on 0%
Dependency install required
Update stuck at 45% (POSSIBLE FIX)
freezing when loading the game up or just black screen
Leveling up!!
does someone has a random update which takes ages right now?
Need help choosing a sens
I have 3 notifications that cant be read on this server
Wont load in
logitech ghub
lost access of current email in my account
Got robbed of my rank up game
Screen blinking
headshot text doesnt appear
Region ;C
how to check dpi
Settings for fps and spotting enemy
valorant crosshair colors
champions vandal
is Povohat's mouse interception for angle snapping allowed?
Valorant not updating
valorant gift card region lock
no hs banner
Trying to Learn Val. Currently Stumped
I can no longer play valorant on full screen
how tf do you get out of silver?!
mmr problem
can somebody help me fix error code 128 vanguard not intialized
ping is good but game not loading
Update problem
monitor purchase
vgk.sys bsod
Alt + Tabbing while inside of Windowed Fullscreen makes little line appear (Help)
cant start or play the game
i got hack i think
hs percentage
Random problem with my FPS
Reaver Vandal
which inventory?
buff reyna
High Lobby Ping Low In-Game Ping
fpThe following component is required to playDirectX runtime
why tf
it wont let me buy vp
van 1067
VAN9003 - Vanguard is out of compliance.
pls help i have fps drops
how do i fix my headset not being a audio output for voicechat
my valorant is just stuck updating any1 knows how to fix it?
got a hacker in match
The game won't show up
why is the loading screen so slow?
Whats the best spectre skin?
raw accel bannable?
How to get Friends in game
Error Van 1067
binds for swap hands
lf a coach i am hard stuck b1
vandal skin
dose anyone know when nightmarket comes back?
i accidentally got banned
Random fps
multi threaded rendering
best oni katana variant?
Oni bundle
False Banned?
Can someone can get banned for creating or changing account region?
what should i upgrade to
queries concerning valorant download
refund helpish
steal account
Banned for what?
death match stuck on "match found 0"
can you appeal an afk ban?
can i get banned for using razer cortex to increasing my vibrance and color?
Battlepass and Bundles
My account got hacked and banned!
valorant points
Skin Choice
my valorant account got hacked and i managed to get it back.
i got banned because i was getting keylogged
count AFK and ban HWID
Got banned cause of third program
Omen has mini omen on stomach?
what do i do?
help pls
is the new leak to the battle pass coming today
can u appeal a 1 week ban? my light went out so i didnt afk purposely :(
hacked gmail and then the password was changed
i literally cannot function
jett knives after round
Phoenix instalocks trolling a lot recently?
ive got hacked pls help
i got hacked what do i do
help please
help pls
penalty for unintentional afks
Account hacked email changed
Falsely ban because of third party software
how to be good with Harbor, the Indian agent
Is there a economical way to get 7100vp in aud?
In Need Of A Skin In My Shop
whats the best variant for rgx vandal
Wishing to Sign Out
Yoru Ult
game won't start
my mic is not working could someone help
Is oni 2.0 collection worth buying?
why wont my vc work the microphones have an x on it, if it was a ban why cant i even hear other ppl
Omen ult
$200 reward
Melee Skin
How much do I have to wait after I claim the twitch drop to get them in game?
How much vp does a 10$ valorant giftcard give?
act rank reset
How can I fix audio sounding weird and low even at max volume?
Loading screen
Umm, help?
directX12 problem
Skye Flash Bug
why my valorant always packet loss when logging in the game but if i relock the packet loss gone how
I can't update Valorant
Permanent ban for no reason
hello, I have a problem with valorant, when I launch its me but an error
Vam9003 error :c
Teleport walking
i need help with this probleme
Permanent sturring 8/10 times i play, relaunching or restarting my Laptop doesn't do anything
Need help
should i buy the prime axe?
Valorant Point Page not Opening
I got 7 days ban
Screen is freazing when fullscreen
need help
Valorant is broken
How many days ban
my game doesn't really use my network
i cant launch
val coach
not really valorant related but val discord issue
Chat delaying and texture not loaded
input buffer on or off
Found some error
Game says i have high ping... but doesnt feel like it?
how do i fix the only res option being custom and nothing else???
what does vangaurd error mean?
Riot Client keeps asking to make changes
who do i recruit
I keep getting stuck in loading screens after joining a game
Why is comp the way it is?
Gun skins or Knife Skin
y’all y’all y’all
I have a gift card and Riot doesnt want to accept the card vene if it hads money
My game's rlly laggy
I have this issue with my game where it crashes
when does episode 6 act 2 start for me
Game launching NA region, I'm in EUW...
i cant load up valorant can someone add me and pm call to fix it please
i cant hear anyone sometimes
got a response but how do I Pay back
Game won't start when closed once
Error Code VAL 77
brightness affecting my fps
Is Teaming bannable?
Server issue
possible to get 25vp for free since i just need it for spectrum can i do art and send to riot
valorant wont open styck on start up screen even after restarting game/pc help plz
game screen frozen on start-up screen
PLease help me guys
i cant open a account recovery ricket
server down????
i cant click on anything
is decieve bannable?
How do you play, meaningfully in bronze-gold?
i have an error loading valorant
Eversince today my ping is higher than usual, nothings changed with my router or internet.
how do you activate a brain
helpppp windowsss
Sydney servers broken
Buy vp with alipay cn
Can anyone give me a account they're not using anymore.
Mouse/Crosshair lag
Random temp ban
Game shard changed
I can't respond screen while my game is open
can someone watch me play
Valorant BSOD
Valorant make me angry
low ping and good fps but still lag
keep getting afk offense message when opening val
Aimlabs not on Steam?
Random Ping spikes and Packet loss
Refunding radiante
VALORANT Account Progress Missing
headphone void/distanced sound
cant play valorant
Game is stuttering need help
My issue wasn’t solved by creating a ticket by the bot. Is there anything I can do to contact devs?
Deathmatch turns into the Blue Screen of Death
i want a riot buuddy 😥
how many total bp level does weekly mission gives?
Im can't buy vpoints....
Which Agent should I pick up next
Friend issue
My valorant wont open.
val countless error
100-300 ping everyday
fps drop
Is there a way to get 50VP fast? I'm 50 off to get a skin on night market.
AP = account level
what is a good budget mice
Agents and guns
Unable to open game
valorant support
unable to party and friend people
ban tf
valorant wont update
i keep getting this error while trying to make a ticket how can i fix this?
How do mfs be getting 1-9 ping in valo??
why cant i play valorant on epic games?
can’t open Valorant
Battlepass tiers
how to bump a ticket
Can't plant spike in tutorial
Random lost of rr
This appears when I try open the game
Fui Hackeado
Long loading screen at match start
audio settings explained
Riot Client stuck on Update when installing Valorant
I logged out and looged into a different account. Now I'm just getting nonstop error code 59.
will a better cpu provides me better fps?, rn i get around 110 - 170
Will the anticheat ever be what it was?
the game dont open
Valorant for linux in future??
my account was stolen please help it urgently
the launcher doesn't let me open the game
Laptop Randomly Locks my fps
whats the optimal resolution for valorant
Riot account
Valorant fps
Can't buy anything
I cant connect to the game platform, started to happen few days ago.
What current battle pass spray has different spray sounds?
help shop
i got VAN903
Always like this when I tab out the app
i need help with problem VAN9003
How much time to complete tier 50 of battlepass?
Low gpu Usage in game
I cant turn on secure boot I do not understand?
the rank systrem sucks bruh
wheres replication
Outplayed auto capture failed
Is there ever going of some sort of account merging?
vandal skins set to random and it keeps giving me default even though I don't have it favorited
Issue great issue -_-
Support desk not working
About changing account region
Account help
i lose more rr
so my game has been lagging alot how to fix
So I dont remember my riot acc's username. My email is verified to my alt acc,I have my valo user.
what do i do if my whole team are intentioally throwing?
chat delay
FPS drops
valorant please fix your servers
Thank You
Mobile Release?
valorant 30 minute queue time
black screen of DEATH
black screen after startup
Stuck in loading screen
Scratched off too much of my valorant gift card
Val 59
Stuck in a black screen
stuck in loading screen.
game stuck
Can you guys share your opinions?
In the name of gaming sceince
riot client not opening
my val is not opening
General question related to skins
I know this isn't really about val but I get some screen tearing in val and im not sure why
Riot account.
Val not opening
valorant hwid ban 4 months
For some reason Riot keeps using my Valorant Coins and buying things that I did not want.
ping super high
val not opening help
I dont know what to choose. Should i buy oni katana or buy radiant bat for 2663 in my nightmarket
what is the price for the katana in oni 2.0
Not A Game Error But A Night Market Question.
I might get scammed
error 29
battle pass
error VAN 1069
My valorant isnt opening
level colors
Is the vct knife worth
I need help for this error
my account got reset to level 1
How to fix?
van9003 / van9001
Vanguard blocking drivers
Can't access my ticket
i have shifted to windows 10 do i have to re download valorant?
How did this happen?
Valorant BSOD | VGK.sys
Valorant Stuck
ping flucuation
raw accel
How to Link riot account with discord
"Flash Out" meaning
Dose this change my region on valorant?
Valorant PBE requirements
I need to change my region but support isnt typing back can someone help
can you view/watch your matches?
hardstuck iron
Resolution problems
How do I play Valorant again, I have been banned for 153,274 hours i want to play Valorant
Someone please help me why do my recordings look like this
Hey Can someone give me a good crosshair also whenever i tab out my game blacks out
game broken?
Deathmatch player aiming down due to high ping.
for the broke
prime skin
Green flashing
valorant shop
My Valorant keeps crashing
I won a discord nitro giveaway from this server but i cant go to the website
Unwanted restriction
should i buy aristocrat stinger
Can someone pls tell me how this is possible
I NEED HELP PLEASE!! This stupid Valorant Points shop never wants to work
Vanguard I think
can i please have help because everytime i turn my fps drops to 2
why i lose so much rr
unable to install vanguard
I said a word I didn't know was a swear word.
van 1067
Valorant Points Shop Not Working!!
onI bundle question
ban appeal
d3d11 error
update servers down
"no internet connection"
Valorant error
2FA code
Movement stuff
My Friend cant set region to asia
someone’s trying to steal my account and I’ve got no idea what I can do to help prevent it.
yoru tp bugged
cant here in game sound
login issue
Planning to Buy VP Points with GCash
third party software banned for no reason....
valorant not connecting to internet tho everything else does.
Gun Buddy
Hello, I'm Kaan #83369658. Would you like to see this ticket?
Low FPS on good pc
About the new knife
Vanguard TPM & Secure Boot
Can someone help me to change my region on my account step by step?
Do placement matches even matter? if yes then explain this pls
Does anyone know what song was used in the oni 2.0 trailer?
What to do if my teamate is throwing
Is Valorant PBE going to be global nor only in America region?
I’m getting blinded
account recovery query
how can you become a Valorant partner?
cant install vanguard!?!?
Wifi adapter got disabled after opening/playing valorant for few minutes...
How to unblock some who was blocked in riot mobile client?
valorant pro
help my valorant name is not showing up
Game Installation
How to refund valorant skin
account recovery
Having ping flucuation like50ms-300ms
Suspended & VAN 152
How to uninstall
oni 2.0
Message req for level 10
This Build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings.
Your game requires system restart.
"Report Players After Game Here" website issue
valorant in-game ban
is it bannable to have synapse x installed on your device (roblox cheats)
can u get banned for using razer cortex?
oni katana
Proguides Video
refund system is confusing
what do i do
fix ur ranking system
Valorant not working properly
comp ban
oni 2.0 though. and is the katana what is seems in the vid
FPS problem
Whyyy is Egypt muted from game voice chat it is VERY annoying
Problems with starting valorant
Valorant isn't launching
wrongfully suspended account and banned account need help from val support!!!!!
Valorant Esports Music
Change region
Help with sound effects
29 error
Sometimes my game randomly tabs to desktop while in-game
What skins you think gonna be in oni v2 other than vandal and katana and will you be buying it?
new updates
Ban appeals?
Login issue
guys is the glowing crosshair thing bannable??????????
looking for some friends on EU servers :D
how to gift valo points to some one on sea region as i know sea region doest not support prepaid ca
wall hacks not working
About transfer the Account to the other States
Very Colorblind, send help
I need help
How to get free riot points?
Game Crashing Multiple Times per Match
color not working (AMD)
Is it possible to play in other regions in Valorant?
prime or reaver vandal
what is this bug plz fix
kayo tips? just got him
stuck on loading screen
I have a problem with Valorant, my disk uses 100% (SSD or HDD) & in control panel the size is 3TB,
I cant download Valorant cause a riot client is already running!
name ideas
is there a way to have a comp penalty removed or "argue" a penalty for it to be shortened?
Type in member subscription
Help. The following component(s) are required to run program: DirectX Runtime
Remove the cross that isn't a crosshair in the scope.
I never played valorant competitive but when i reached level 20 to play it gave me a 200 hour penaty
Razer cortex
range spike plant issue
What can I do to improve aim
I queue into a competitive match (I’m bronze) and there’s someone in ascendant in the other team
random fps drops
What agent to use?
Help me download pls
valorant not working
Changed name and now i lost my account?
How to fix System Error
how to change on yoru his clone power on steps power?
error 29 val
Lag on low ping
Lagg on 20 ping
Hello! I had a Valorant account, but when I tried to log in, it said that there was no such account
Pistol aim vs Vandal aim
I really dont understand.
i cant login in to my account
i was downloading it and it just randomly stopped at 89% and then went to 0.1 it happened 5 times
Region ban?
Neon Bhopping Question
what do i buy on 1st and 2nd round to get op 3rd round as jett
riot vanguard closes itself when valorant is started, and the game has connection problems.
I got banned for 1 -2 years now..
bad performance
aiming tips
mouse cursor
My Ping Skyrocketed for no reason
Search TEAM
Could not load
mouse click
aiming tips
change region
Hello! I had a Valorant account, but when I tried to log in, it said that there was no such account,
What is this skin called?
banned randomly
Important question
Mouse flickering, not working and the game freezing in the start screen… PLEASE HELP MEEEE
VP Buying
Connection Error
I need help plss
I am lonely
ping lag spikes
Error Chat room not connected
My game is stuck
Pls help me coaches
getting banned on a new pc
Valorant won't update
valorant wont load
vp with steam wallet
Penalty for leaving matches
mouse problem
valorant coach
what monitor should I go for
Anyone knows how to fix this issues again in windows 11 the version of vanguard requires tpm versio
Valorant wont start due to lack of permissions
How long does an act last
Neon Controls Bug
fix the chat delay and vc error
How to fix connection error
Cant leave valorant deathmatch queue
I’m not at home rn
riot explain
glorious model o software
why cant i enjoy myself playing giutar for strangers
ranked demons
how tf am i supposed to hit plat
How much VP do I get from a 25 USD card.
loosing RR
Val error code 5 keeps happening after every game
why does the game put me against people way better than me after a 3 lose streak????
I need help!!!!
I'm not able to enable secure boot from my bios.
Giftcards for friends in different countries
Game bug error please help
fps drops
Possible bug with weekly quests?
mistakenly got this thing from the nvidia app
why every time when I run valorant I have this fps? and on other games like Fortnite I don’t have
how can i get riot company gun buddy?
VALORANT has encountered a connection error (VAL - 1)
Discord Keybind
i didnt get the sage buddy
Critical System error
What are some of the best trios for ranking up?
Low cpu gpu usage
Instalation problem
New problems from 6.02 to now...
refund issues
i got penalty for 5 days on competitive but i only left 1 game due to some problem
Temp ban
getting 1 hour penalty coz stuck in game loading screen
Temp ban on comp
password changed :/
Valorant on steam link
can anyone help me?
i installed valo but its not able to lauch
Hello guys, i am lookign to recover my account i am from hong kong i forgot my region , but there's
My account had been banned for 3rd party software but I dont have any cheats on my pc its a new pc.
Which is the better mouse?
Competitive ban
Chat lag
val often crashing and not allowing me to load into games. how do i fix?
Valorant account region changed for some reason
Do you lose access to old valorant accounts after not playing for a while?
ranked demons
will there ever be Iranian servers?
Can you 3 stack your placement matches?
Valorant's afk compensation system is so bugged.
Couldn't Run error message
system restart
help I can’t buy vp
So many people throwing
Today i woke up
Ban Leave
This guy is harrassing my friend for his age and saying the N Word.
Sound Not Working When Looking Away
This build of Vanguard is out of compliance
imma need help i dont know how to follow crosshair instructions for example 1-3-2-0 outlines
i want to login to my valorant account but the mail linked to it is deleted.
I cant contact the support what can I do PLS HElP
Night Market
Vanguard out of Compliance
Which vandal do I main??
Windows 11 Valorant Fps Drop
HWID ban end dates given by riot support are conflicting :(
This build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings
Error code
i have some legitttt problems and i need to contact a real person from riot
Valorant won’t start
getting Val to work
true stretched res?
Audio bug
This build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings
Fps boost
resolution question
ping issue?
competitive game mode
VAN 4 error code
should i get prime classic for 1243 vp or ion phantom for 1154 vp?
Riot VAN9001
Low fps
how can I remove a ban? pls I need help
Does an auspost giftcard work on valorant?
Account doesn't exist
Help with laptop
Valorant Keeps Crashing
I keep getting this error when I run the game
reyna ult
Valorant Coins
do i just buy smth else or wait for ion vandal
stutters ,_,
does anyone know why my ping is better with servers further away from me?
text chat problem
Why my Valorant keep freezes
what’s best budget mice
vct knife or rgx katana
VC issue
cant buy vp?
banned falsely
what is this
Need help with this weird graphics issue
ever since this last update (i normally get like 20 ping) now im spiking to over 100
Why when I’m playing a game my game screen has an aneurysm
The payment method is not working and why is there an option for mobile payment if it does not work?
how long does a response take
wifi issues on RealTek RTL8852AE... pls help
Can someone from EU play with someone from US?
why is my rr gains and losses so bad?
Valorant lfg server
player screen
You guys be playing valorant i be playing project V
its been like 7-8 hours waiting for my valorant to update but it wont
Anybody Wanna Play with me Tomorrow??
Uncaught cheater in Ranked
mouse button bug?!
problem with multiple servers
Chat Delay
How to fix error 1067 in windows 11
Crosshair overlay
Which is better, Prime or Reaver vandal
a d3d11 compatible gpu needed
Valorant comms
Loadout bug
ping problem
cryostasis or reaver vandal
Crosshair wont import
Does anyone want to help me and my friend improve???? :D
can someone tell me what this is vstdlib_s.ll it comes up on my desktop every time I run val
Riot Vanguard saying its not initialized even tho it is
Valorant Gift Card
My ranked ban was 20 hours and went to 120 hours
how i appeal 162hr ban from being afk
I need help getting my account back
why can't my friend hear voicechat while I am screensharing?
I got scammed while trading account
RiotGamesApi.dll missing
Anyone how do u fix valorant when it’s stuck on 0.1kb?
my val doesnt update help
why no rank
Idea/suggestion for Valorant
Rank system
Help PLS
Help pls
Game freezes and audio cuts out when i get a kill??
i got a token to recover my valorant id and the valorant (support) replied with this
is this a glitch
X box game pass
I don’t know how to enable TMP 2.0
updating issues
mute on comp
3rd party software
changed my name on val now i cant login to riot
Vanguard not initialized after restarting the computer multiple times
This build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings
game disconnects after picking an agent
low cpu usage
How can I update the rank role?
val error or smt
Anyone experiencing massive ping spikes lately?
unplayable valorant usage
Transferring korean account to a different region
cant update
Reaver Vandal & Phantom or Prime Vandal & Phantom
Updating issue
is it safe?
Secure boot 109
Riot help
Fix your loading issues riot making the game unplayable
i got ban for the third time without doing any wrong does anyone know why
voice chat
mouse button 4 stopped working
Finding a New Main…
how to fix packet loss
Match MVP 30+ Bomb, Opponent have Previous acts gold lost the game and minus RR?
"We couldn't install a required dependency" I cant install vangaurd
help pls
Valorant wont open
Riot Gunbudy
Stuck on loading screen
why does the purple variant of the araxys vandal aim down sights looks red
my fucking internet is good but my pc/val..
ERROR CODE: Van 1067
0.1 KB
Picking agent afk offense
virtualisation helps or not ?
game pass
My ticket says the page you were looking for does not exist
HELP ME (Van9003)
help me
How to get valorant on windows 11 /it saying error could not start plz I need help
valorant gift cards
Error Van9003
can a admin log me into my account if i forgot the log in info?
riot user mode service
Why do people hate ares/odin so much?
forgot email
submit ticket
deranking question
how do i know which surfaces the shot goes through?
going against people a whole rank higher than me
I can't join my friend incompatible version ?
My account
version Miss match
You guys actually have to do something about kids sabatoging
Low fps
weekly quests not refreshing
Network RTT Jitter
Agent Select timer set to 18000?????
In Game Sound Bug?
my game is running at low fps
my game running at low fps
anyone know the brazillian server?
anyway to bypass tpm check cus like i installed windows 11 without the minimum requirements
Hello Are you okay?I'm from Brazil and I can't access the discord channels.Would you help me?
would valorant on winehq work? (im asking for my cousin)
refund on weapons
what "diff" means
Finding a comunity/people to play with
how do i fix this
at what time does the lock in bundle go offsale?
My valorant dont work
How do I level up fast?
wont let me download valorant
valorant loading problem
valorant game loading problem
I didnt get my iron gun buddy from act 1 episode 1
why are my drops not gaining progress?
Will i lose my data and skins if i want to switch region
Hello, can I refund my newly bought Xenohunter Knife and also get the money back? I used it in game.
Can i still get the araxys skins?
chat delay
my account email changed
How do I use my 1 time refund?
Error When Launching VALORANT.
drops fps
How do I relaunch Riot Client??
Not installing
I click on exit and it takes so long to exit
When does Reaver Bundle Come back?
constant 0fps spike only on valorant
I made a new name on val and....
ok its about time
I think my quest is broken
how to fix
VCT/Misericórdia bundle
Riot Account Help 🙏🏻
-36% Forsaken or -49% Reaver?
what does this mean
Valorant Freeze when something new loads up
I get black bars on top and bottom while playing stretched resolution
jre file in desktop after launching valorant
chat bug / glitch
Valorant Crash Problem
Smurfs being horrible
My rank is showing as ascendant in the LFG when i am immortal, anyone know why this is?
I can`t pass my weekly mission
trouble installing
trouble installing valorant
need help enabling secure boot
my account has been deleted
can I buy vp with prepaid Visa gift card?
Vanguard problem
i need help with error im on windows 11
valorant lag
Does brim stim make this happen?
No one will even help me. I've been asking for help and no one is helping. Even google can't help.
VAN -81 error
sumbitting a ticket but its disappearing
Game \ Launcher not launching
LFG rank card
Idk if my internet connection was disconnected or the server.
i restarted my computer but its still saying restart computer to play
High ping In Eu servers
Does this happen to anybody else?
fps drop
can someone create an acc in na server for me?
cannot enable secure boot (or downgrade to windows 10)
Valorant riot vanguard not installing
I’m terrible
Erorr code number one --> When ever i open valorant error code number 1 pops up please someone help
ingame name change
ticket problem
not letting me click I understand
voice chat
Razer apps
raw accel bannable?
I have lost 27RR due to a smurf.
i cant install val
Appeal a time bam
I just need help
Hardware sepcs
Valorant Battle Pass
account security
my Ping Suddenly increased!
error while importing crosshair
I have Valorant taking up 600 GB so...
hello I have a problem in the vanguard of valorant could someone help me?
I dont know how to fix Error -81
Valorant ping going high randomly
hi i changed my name and i type it worng and i save ut can i change it ?
Valorant freezing but still able to interact with the menu
does anyone have any tips to get better at valorant? just started.
fix audio
anyone know how to fix (this build of vanguard is out of compliance with system setting) ????
guys why cant i join comp im lvl 25 and unraked they say "error could not enter matchmaking"
Is it possible to change account regions if I make a ticket with riot?
Text Chat
what aim routines do you recommend?
Chat Issues
Can't launch valorant
Account permanent suspension for no reason
Skin refund question
bug report
fps went from 450 to barely 300 and i didnt do anything
Battle Pass
weird server bug?
vct knife
valorant rank yoinker
Valorant Failed to Launch.
Error code 51
in-game Voice Chat issue
Transaction Declined
Omen Players to Watch?
i m been showing this error idk why
Why wont my valorant work?
is my sens too fast
(kind of internet problems unsure if its my wifi or riot itself
Every time I launch valorant it says vanguard not initialized I already restarted several times and
Best Tracker for Valorant?
I dc and came back tried to talk in voice chat but it wouldn't work
Lower Fps when i play unrated
Agents ranked from best to worst
why are my games like this
Discord calls
Gaming is Suddenly lagging
a good valorant Clan name?
Is there anyway to change my eu account to an na account?
Too much lag in game
VAN 1067
I can't log in to make a purchase
Question About Consoles
Error code VAN-81
broken laptop
comp queue
audio cutting out
my friend cant open valo
Vanguard problem
valorant comms turning on and off causing stuttering
Game not downloading/updating
Low CPU and GPU usage in game with 160 FPS max
I sometimes go afk in valorant or leave the game for a few rounds
My val mic won't work
My account does not exist?
Im hardstuck bronze.
Valorant error
Valorant points sites (indian region)
my region is changed from Turkey to EU for no reason
Valo tracker question...
since i got no response to my ticket, is this skin refunding real?
valorant doesn't work because of vanguard.
I recently got 2050 vp from a purchase. I already had 75 VP,is there a chance of me getting 50 more
Sudden FPS drop
Chat and voice chat broken
Valorant shipping.exe error i need help
Is it really normal to get banned for this in Valorant?
My Valorant account does not exist suddenly
Refund used valorant skin
Chat delay
So my mic just randomly stops working mid game
bad image error
My right click and left click siwtched in valorant
Immortal ranking
this is so unfair like what?
error code number 1
higher fps on one account, lower on the other account
How Do I Fix This?
help I'm trying to download val but????
What is error code VAN -1?
Update Problem
Major ping spike out of nowhere
hello help
skin bundles
Tech Issue
I need help with my screen
val keeps crashing
My valorant wont work
Error Code VAL 5 The game has lost connection, please relaunch the client to restore connectivity
I have black lines will playing and they apear in diferents moments how do i solve that
crough and walk problem
comms keep turning on and off mid game and stutters my game whenever it does so.
When i click the button ''send'' , nothing happens
How does smurf queue work? am i in it?
guys i need help it wont let me load val it says failed to launch valorant\
Low ping but lagging/Stuttering everywhere
dead kayo when we just changed sides?
High ping
trying to find a crosshair!
“ you are not allowed to download this content at this time. “
How can i fix VAL Error 7?
can u refund skins
match mvp but +10 rr????
Stretch Res bug
i quit
Ultimate usage not registering
I am launching my Valorant App. It launches properly but after 1 or 2 seconds it closes.
error code
Glitchpop glitch (this could be a old glitch)
valorant tracker
Keyboard and mouse acting weird after an update!
help me
Unable to update
Guys, my acc is hacked, anyone had same problem and fixed?
im trying to buy Valorant points buy its just loading
Its my first time playing Valorant and i get the error : VAN 152 please help asap.
my valorant game keeps breaking after i get out of dm
account hacked
my valorant account vanished
All my hardwork gone (deranked because of this)
how to get red circle when using lineups?
bug? when switch to the knife
Purchase failed
problems with micro
what laptop and mouse do I get for valorant high fps and shit laptop budget 2k mouse budget any
some issues with network performance
Launching issue
I can't hear my teammates
Frames issue
Launching issue
changing resolution makes screen black
settings issue
anyone know why my frames drop so much when i open my gun shop in a game
vibranceGUI safe for use on Valorant
hs help
High Ping Spikes after the new update
Pressing ESC during post game bug
silly strobe light bug
packet loss
i cant log in my acc it saying error code: val 7, 29 or 51
How does VALORANT refunding work
riot gift cards
black screen
can i get banned from the game if i keep getting chat banned
Stuttering caused by low fps drops and 0mb used memory?
No Ping For Valorant Servers
rr bugged
I have this all the time please help me
any time i try to open valorant this happens
barely getting RR
please guide me
Fix matchmaking
what the heck is stretch res
how long does it take for riot support to reply?
Unable to connect to server
Val can’t download
couldn´t update EROR
riot please raise this person's pay
My wifi suddenly becoming terrible
payment keeps getting declined
Chat delay
what's better a phillips monitor or a samsung?
please help me inpoutx64.sys vanguard problems
valorant ?
Game keeps crashin :?
will wer valo unranked
ERROR VAL 5. How do i fix it
Val keeps "crashing"
Voice Chat Issue
val keeps asking me to restart despite restarting several times
Hi can someone give me a tip in playing Valorant?
Are there riot employees in OCE?
What to do when people are toxic blamieng whole game for one mistake i made
update problem
Bro when i try to log out my valorant, it keeps saying “ Please log out riot purchases etc” help
error 9003
I need help I literally cant open the game
what the
do u have to use credit card or something like that to redeem something in amazon
wait does Val not work on windows 8?
cant walk forward or backwards when i hold tab to see scoreboard
Error Code Van 152
Closing val freezes monitors
my gamne is bugged
question cuz no one is general answers
Valorant gc
how do i get more consistent
Is it ok to use battery saver while play games?
i really need help plsss
still wont launch
If you kill 5 people, yet sage revives is it considered an ace?
Can't see nor hear team comp
KAST 100% but still lost round
Support Link Not Working
riot vanguard not starting?
Where's the 3 rr?
Vanguard refuses to work on windows 11 pls help
update issue
stuck on update
When do the night market reset??
error launching the game
valorant or my computer issue
My game keeps crashing
how to fix this
Valorant Redemption page issue
Suspended for "game modification"
inpoutx64.sys please help me
Can i get ban?
Cant lock in
how can i remove this
Suddenly starting to lose all my games
how do i stay calm when teammates are throwing?
Hi guys,i just NEED your help!
Fps drops
Why are my teamates so based
Help Please
Vanguard complains about TPM 2.0 even though it is enabled and working (and has been for ~3 years)
Cant purchase VP through in game store or CodaShop (India) with UPI
playing on an American account and the team chat is muted, i tried to turn it on but it doesn't work
There was an error connecting to the platform. Error code :VAL 62
I deleted my riot by mistake
aiming method
I cant play :(
Chat room not connect
Voice chat bugged
how to get good ping
how do you get the pride stuff
Valorant crash when joining a game
Do the nightmarket skins refresh every 24 hours
valorant wont launch
i need help
Astral form shield not showing up
tilt q and matchmaking
Twitch connection option
If I change server from NA to EU can I keep all my skins? and will my store be the EU store I can se
stuck on update button in riot client
Fps drops
Vp purchasing
Cant buy Valo Points
valorant start issues
Valorant is stuck on Riot Games screen
giftcard currency
is the banned for third party software a bug?
high ping/packet loss on EU BAHRAIN server
System dont meet requirements
any1 know why if i try to buy valorant points the shop wont load
can i ask why cant i coach for free?
Help error van 9003
Morning Everyone!Morning Everyone!Just opened up VALORANT for the first time and was looking for
london servers broken
cant change resolution
Riot Vanguard Issues
the xp
Chat service unavailabe
anyone knows how to change the resolutions hz in video settings?
My game randomly tabs out to desktop
game blue screen
Trouble with the store
Art for free VP?
i can t start my game
does not load
everytime i shoot my bullets go different places
Trouble with VoiceChat
My game keeps crashing
Unable to submit report on Valorant
Why do i have higher ping on my own servers than other countries servers
please help me with this
My game keep disconnected
Can i refund skins multiple times or just once ?
Monitor Problems
Can't buy VP... Serv problem or me?
Penalty Issue
My game isn't loading into match
anybody else constantly getting VAL 5 error code since the update
Comp issue
Acc trouble
my game wont open and is stuck on the starter loading screen
SYD sever btw
"an error occurred while authenticating your login information" on valorant support page
val 5 error code
why i have 340 fps in traning and 180 in game ?????????
Mouse Grip Tense
stretched res blurry
delay on chat
Screen freeze in fullscreen
I am 40 vp off prime vandal.... how do i submit a ticket to earn vp?
I brought a valorant gift card but it ain't working, cab someone help?
Downloading size
black screen on startup
Free Vp
Valorant stuck loading update forever, even on administrator mode
tutorial issue
i bought a 25$ valorant egift card and it has not been used and wont work in the in game store?
i win a game but i don't win any rr ?
Locked out of Valorant account
Gift Card
how do i put ingame rank here on discord
Launcher wont work
How can I see the match ID in Valorant?
Guys can someone pls help me, there is a weird cube with 2 arrows going in circles at the bottom rig
Guys can someone pls help me, there is a weird cube with 2 arrows going in circles at the bottom rig
Whenever I disconnect my internet I cant be able to talk in the team vc or even hear others.
There is a weird cube with 2 arrows going in circles when im playing Val at the bottom right corner.
My Valorant points market load for infinite I can’t open it if someone can help me
is it just me or PBE is always under maintenance?
Voice chat randomly not working.
Night market
Error: VAL 5
Guys why is there a cube while there is 2 arrows going circles at the bottom right corner when im pl
Communication advices
Valorant stuck at 89%, 45% or any other weird number
inconsistent kd but still climbing
VAl 62 error
bro i just got unbanned from comp like yesterday but now i have a 150 hour ban from comp again??
Stuck in loading screen when starting game
I cannot refund my reaver sheriff i didnt upragrade it
An application called UnrealCEFSubProcess.exe is using 100% of my cpu, how can I fix it? can you hel
what is this 88
What is this big drone bot on range??
Comms being EXTREMELY delayed
Is Valorant coming on Mac?
Fps Drops!
2022 game changers winner title?
hwid ban
Perma black screen reconnecting to boomed lobby.
nvidia reflex isnt showing in video settings
what do i select as my region
thank you for fixing the zoom scope for us!!!
"error retrieving the settings, changes on the settings will not be save"
server connection problem
Valorant chat delayed
What does RawInputBuffer do please help
is it guided by riot when to put good skins into the shop even a little? like at key times.
Val isnt launching
Friend unable to launch valorant
Ticket not Found
hot keys
Virtual Machines
night market today or tmrw?
random fps drops on valorant in past 2 weeks
Best Earbuds for gaming?
Network Problem/Disconnect Loop In Tutorial
I need some help
Can anyone help me. when i finish the tutorial i get sent into a screen sayng "welcome to valorant,
Val isn't letting me in
hz and fps bug
Valorant comp
Spike Doesn't work
External SSD Question for Valorant
Network+ping problem
im stuck in loadingscrren if i que up
Pls help
Suggestion for skin loadouts
can you get banned for using a vpn?
Stuck on downloading Riot Vanguard
valo not updating
Can't use voice chat
Can enemies see this
Does anyone else have huge problems with the hit detection of the game since the last game? especial
Out of memory allocate texture
Impossible Installation
eksternal keyboard
Are riot gift cards from the US compatible with an account from Asia?
Tutorial bug
black screen recording
in game issues
Can you get banned for using val tracker?
No show blood option
Random FPS drops
extreme ping spikes at beginning of rounds
Question about vct bundle
Val 1067 code
I cant request to join people or invite them
night market
crosshair cant change
ping issues
Ping issues :(
Valorant map issue (Lotus)
Inputs not registering
Valorant Anticheat Error
golds in diamond lobbies???
No F keys
I have problem with unrealcefsubproces
giftcard question
Valorant 1TB?
Lag while moving
how to fix that
screen issues with valorant
Packet losses and ping lag spikes
VP coins loading for ever
lag spikes
Can anyone help me? with this>?..
why am I so broke for valorant points?
Valorant doesn't work
my keyboard always delay so bad on valorant
why does it say "secret agent" when i look my self up at leaderboards?
when is the val nightmareket day and time eu
Clipping and Tracking Software
Region change
Valorant Update
Valorant log in bug
process already running
【HELP】valorant failed to launch!
Night market question
VC thingy
Need help listing all purple skins
Microsoft rewards
VALORANT keeps shutting down my computer
Changing Rank Role
how to i get this. when i kill someone i get a skull
Anyone know why im getting lagback?
my valorant won't update
low elo tips
team and party comms muted
My mic is on, settings are fine but i cant use in game vc/hear other players?
How do I aim against strafeing enemies
Black screen when I tab in or out
error van code 1067 help
high on ping on close server
Riot Client Closing Instantly
why does this happen?
Valorant not launching
can't sign up
I don't know if it's just my pc but every time I try to play a game it is stuck on this screen
mouse recommendations
help my valorant is not working when i open it it said error connecting error code val 43
changing names
is medal tv good for valorant?
Is valorant tracker safe?
chat delay
van 57
fix ur game
my valorant don't open
Sign out of a Riot Games account remotely
afk reports
beeping noise and fps drops
afk bann for no reason
I keep getting the "A critical error has occured" error as soon as I launch valorant
Hey, my valorant account is now non-existing? Does anyone know how to fix this I can't log in.
help with packet loss
scroll wheel bug
Valorant Payment Method white Screen
Getting matched with Silvers and Golds even though I'm Bronze. Any idea why?
Stuttering, fps drops, lag
Valorant issue
is my sens too high?
never played valorant
Does anyones computer crash each time you get into a game?
fps glitch?
The game is very unstable and I don't understand why.
139 hour ban in competitive
Chat Delay
Anyone know when val is going to compatible with Windows 11?
I have restarted my pc 3 times and still need vanguard
Graphic Driver Crash
valorant in windows 11
error code val 57
Error when starting
Mic isnt loading but I can hear (URGENT PLEASE)
Long Loading
region switch
How do i fix the update staying on 0.1 KB/s
Valorant VAN9001 erorr
Common RTT Jitter Spikes
Help! I can't play Comp
valorant justice for low and pc
My Game is very lagging this program
Valorant asked me for a quick survey and then sent me to a online survey software is it normal?
my friends scream at me for my sens
val keeps pausing
Skin Name
does anyone now why this happens so my pc shows valorant has mic access but i doesnt work in game
VAN 1067 error
I keep disconnecting
There is not enough space to install valorant i got 45 gb left
couldnt update
VAN 140
why did i get a diamond buddy if i hit ascendant 3
where do i get my rank buddy
Audio Randomly Dissapear
Anyone know if a GBP (British Pounds) Valorant card will work on an EU account from Germany?
valorant not opening
Something unusual has happened while trying to find a file needed for the update.
Vanguard and Windows 11
Mic not detected
Full Screen issues
Couldn't start Valorant
Graphics driver crashed
bro i just bought vp but it did not get added help
I have to restart my laptop every time i want to play valorant, otherwise valorant doesn't open
Input lag - Fixed
VAL 5 & VAN 1067
Game freezes when moving ........(pressing WASD, etc) and then eventually crash !
Fix update system
Valorant stuck on loading map screen into game.
when i launch my valorant it's flickering green and pink lights on my second account... how to fix?
Unable to buy stuff
Cant get my Verification email
Someone help me?
Payment Problems
I'm stuck on 30fps how to fix
Says I need another GPU
comp burn out
Support me
GUYS do i get a 1. ghost skin and marshal skinOR 2. spectre skin and classic skin
which agend do i go for first?
Any specific clips I need to provide when requesting for coaching?
hi . Does anyone know anything about the night market?
Can you appeal bans?
Account Banned After Returning from ~8 Month Hiatus
Is true stretch bannable?
LOG IN problem
Locked out of my acc
gimme val names that you think aren't taken
Every time i launch it this comes
hacked i think pls help
my movement is stuttering
Behaviour Warning?
how to appel a week ban afk
Riot buddy
Valorant keep force close when open
Can’t login to account
Valorant Update&Downloading Stuck at 45%
My laptop heats up when i turn off limit to 60 fps, but if i do limit, it looks less smooth.
Can someone create this crosshair in valorant??
night market
BLUE SCREEN whea-uncorrectable-error
Chat keybind midgame
I want to create a New account. Is it Bannable?
Keyboard isnt typing anymore pls help
VALORANT on Parallels
valorant unban
Phone verifying for lfg channel
bro i got banned for third party software without doing anything
i need help
Is Chamber Good?
Valorant Stuck Installing 0.1KB
i got banned for 7 days
My Account Got Scammed.
val doesnt launch
val not launching
A liitle help with my gameplay
Help Error
I got falsely banned, help, i need to find out the reason.
VALORANT Stuck at 45% FIXED!
Riot not sending code to email (?)
Cop Or Drop?
I need urgent help
Rank roles in LFG
hacked accounts
pc price
Pls help! PLS!!!!!!!
Reporting Cheater
Valorant freezes my whole computer
Trying Agents
Help with joining lfg
First time liquid cooler buyer
Valorant wont open
Cop or drop
Give riot gun buddy for free v-bucks
I've tried refreshing my roles multiple times, but I still have the Bronze role (I'm gold 1)
sign in issue
Thoughts on Magepunk and BlastX spectres?
sign in issue
how much time im gonna take to get all those skins from shop
cant load in
Account 2FA
whats the max amt of vp u can get from riot when u do the drawing thing
I can not remember my password
My riot account got hacked
Reaver Vandal
help, someone just hacked my account
Should I buy Prime Classic?
Valorant not opening
Input lag whenever I press a key
not opening
ban appeal
the gmail on my riot account was stolen and I need to change it
I cant interact with my upper half of my screen
i can t open my valo pls help
riot client stuck on 0.1kb while updating
I need help
is there gonna be nightmarket on black friday
Cant click anything when viewing a skin
Nothing can be clicked in valo. Cannot even click the settings tab
Game stuck on in game title
Valorant not opening
res not working
valorant not laucnhing
Valorant issue
raw accel
I need help finding a new agent to use.
help, I was unjustifiably banned
valorant support havent replied to my ticket
weird shortcut appearing on my desktop
help val wont open
Valorant won't work or i cant uninstall it
Anyone know what skin this is?
Is Xeno-Hunter knife worth it?
my game does not run with an error in the exploit protection errors in the CFG
what should I do
valorant keeps crashing mid game
My valorant page is stucked when i press play (later i did log-in)
Can't launch valorant
Can´t Open Valorant
My valorant not opening
i banned for 1 year Because MY pc was crashed
My Valorant can't open
Download not working
Got blue screen whenever i tried exiting vanguard at the tray icon
Finding a recently played with player
can't launch valorant
Game already running
when i start a match or enter the range it stuck on map screen until i kicked out to lobby again pls
valorant not responding
Frame drops
Help And quick please
help me im desperate
help me im desperate
can anybody help me my friend got hacked
how do you guys do the chamber no gun holding thing?
Rank gun buddy
friends not shown when in a match
anyone here speak french
anyone else feeling like their fps is worse and more stuttery
Bugged VC, HELP!
Ion op or Gaia ghost
Reyna or Sage Which one is better?
help what do we do we got exploiters
i always get this screen
need help with raw accel
Please help
afk question
Help pleasee been dealing w this forever now
Possible to record a replay in-game without using an overlay?
Valorant Issue l Exiting To Desktop
Valorant Launch
Who should I get?
Neptune or Reaver
Valorant shot not hitting
Valorant API question
whats the song?
how is that possible
please help me
what is this symbol next to kayo (me)?
I need help for the text and the voices in game
tryna link my val acc
Valorant says i need to enable secure boot but my secure boot option in BIOS is greyed out?
Skrill White screen
Guys my client says that i need a system restart to play but ive already restarted and its still not
High end PC with 60-120fps at max and crazy frame drops.
Cant open valorant
after 1 week of inactivity I opened val and i was permanently suspended
Val keeps making my pc freeze
valorant wont lauch
vanguard crash mid game
Greyed out play button.
Need help to setup raw accel
why do i aim train 24 7 and my aim is still bad its very good in other games tho
Discord Premium Membership
I need a valorant duo
Valo Crashes My Pc when its about to load
val 29
account locked
riot games lanucher make my pc so slow
hello, an unknown person stole my Valorant account, can you help me?
Is this supposed to be allowed
im not getting ranked at all
Download resets to 0%
account recovery
pls help me ill cry
Daily mission question
i did not get any elo after winning a game
Valorant LFG Role Update
discord music bots
How do I get the riot gun buddy?😏
this build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings
Battle Pass Rewards
timed out for a long time in comp
Cant see chat and chat and u can’t talk on my mic or hear anyone
Banned from lfg
Valorant Not LaunchingVery Delayed
Valorant aint working (grey button)
Riot vanguard crashing and when i want play matchmaking always val 5 error
hey could anyone help me my valorant wont start and i reinstalled it 2 times and still doesn't work
My Valorant download is stick on 0% and say Downloading
what do i do
Valorant loading stoarge
Am I tripping or was that aimbot??
Vgc crashing
A critical error?
Does buying the battlepass give the stuff that was already completed
valorant codes
cant play this game
can someone help me, they tried to hack my account but riot support won't let me send the request
game crashing
best phantom skins
Game keeps crashing and going in windowed mode automatically
Neptune vandal finisher.
Valorant wont open
Why does it only now seem like there is a skill difference between iron and bronze
help mee
Valorant Chat
Valorant being really buggy on my computer
Does LoL gift cards work on Valorant?
Banned from LFG
can startup my val
players are pixelated
Why my account get hack,and how do i get my vp back?
can someone help me plsss dm
can i active a prepaid valorant prepaid gift card in israeli wanna buy a prepaid gift card online a
my game is stuck
How many accounts can u have in game
I get this message evry time
is it still possible to have a stretch screened 5120x1440 resolution or did they change it
valorant fps suddenly low again and again
valorant crashes
how do i get a higher elo
Update size not showing on Update Why!
valorant championship
trying to pay with upi
Is Hudsight safe to use?
Valorant, This build of is out of compliance with current system settings,
Valorant goes to 1 fps when ingame
What Ranks can play with an Unranked player?
got banned for no reason…
valorant refresh rate
I was in 2 games at once😐
valorant not launching
after launching valorant im getting 60 but a minute in im getting 0-1 fps and it isnt hardware
valorant connection error
Valorant discord notification
can anyone help me rank up? i ranked up by myself and got to bronze 2 and then i just go down and
Been having stutter freezing for months, need help.
No Sound In Computer When Open Valorant
Could windows security or setting in the background affect my valorant and make it lag?
cant login
help pls
Cant update
deleted vgc from services help
I was buying valorant points with a card that is overseas and it's stuck loading after purchasing
Actually a False ban
where is my rr?
Chat and Friend list unavailable
Riot Gun Buddy to friend instead of me
Can a unranked player play with others who have their ranks?
My friend got me banned from Valorant
VAL59 Error
help pls
excessive consumption of RAM
Is the guardian meta?
cant run the game
VAN9003 error after rebuilding pc and adding win11
How do I fix this?
Banned on Valorant
Xenohunter knife
Drop duo right before rank up?
My account says it is locked and i did not do anything
Gun Buddy clips into Cypher´s arm
what does this error mean and how u fix ix
Can you guys login to valorant? it seems like all my account can't sign in.
Can Anyone Help Me Fix This
have a valorant account but no riot account
Unlock agent
what does bucky right click
getting placed in the wrong lobby
how do i get unbanned from comp and why do i?
Can´t run Valorant
Windows 11 Valorant
I started streaming on Twitch for the first time on Valorant
Cannot Launch Game Help! (ISSUE)
15 fps
please elp
Valorant not launching
Bullets going through people
valorant freeze pc on launch
why does my tickets keep getting automatically closed?
Help!!!! Ban for nothing??!
Weird Error
Weird teleporting lag
Voice not working and I cannot plant or defuse
System Error
valorant val 1 error
Skin Changer
Discord notifs on valorant, but im on dnd?
i got penalty even thought it's not my fault
Play button still greyed out after reinstalling game.
Valorant can't launch.
Is there a way to reduce lag spikes for bad pc?
Monitor compability
Valorant launches but black screen with a blinking cursor.
Valorant Auto Ticket Problem
help me with my val acc got hacked
Best mouse sens?
email of riot account got changed + region concerns
Didnt lose any rr
i dont have the same amount of fps that i did the first time i got my pc
Please i was grunded and i get ban whyyyy for a 1 year tf please unban meeee
Will I get banned if I was toxic on my alt does that mean I will get banned also on my main ?
'This app can't run on your PC' while trying to start Valorant
Valorant can't launch.
how do i fix this issue?
Animal animations skins for Vandal
Can't launch valorant and this popped in task manager
Valorant dosent working
MY valorant won't launch. it shows it is launched in the riot client but it isn't. How to fix pls he
TeamChat or the text chat stops working
help me fix my problem
Anyone here got a 1050 2gb and does it run smooth with a 144hz monitor?
in game daily store
Game keep Crashing
Game crashing repeatedly
error for 4 days now tried everything elp me
guide for fps
guys pls help i cant uninstall riot vanguard i need to reinstall cuz my val gray out and cant fix it
Valorant Loadin
placement matches rank
Valorant not launching after installing a small Riot launcher update.
why am i penalized for being disconnected
How to fix this?
my valorant will crash and it says a critical error occured and the process must terminated
The mechanics behind the MRNA vaccine for my bio project.
unable to join party
Cant open Val
Download speed
Any tips bridging asc - immo
Stuck at this part sometimes
Discord keybinds
Accoutn recovery
Core Sync Removal
Why are my rankup games always so hard?
val just refusing to run
Valorant don´t run
Account hacked
I cant accept and send friend requests
Valorant Keeps Reopening
cant play val
cant change hero in training range
after patch i still cant update valorant
help i cnt login service issue error
spike defuse bug?
valorant vc glitching
System Error
Play button is grayed out but no update
Is there any other player banners i can unlock for free or with a code?
whats the best way to get xp for the agents
Valorant updating
I require help with this error
Game won't launch
bug or hidden feature?
am i the only one that gets reports cuz of ppl assuming im a female?
My game keeps needing an update when theres no update!
Stuck at 0.1kb downloads
Need RGX Knife
Best skin?
Valorant vc not working
Valorint error 1 .
Val 43 error
I want update
I am getting error code VAL 1 and my friends can send me party requests but i cant join
I am getting error code VAL 1 and my friends can send me party requests but i cant join
Game won't launch after the first time
delayed messages
not updating
Game is not starting
Stuck on downloading installing
valorant stuck on 0.1 kbs while downloading
how much does it cost to reformat a laptop
what im gonna do im playing valorant and getting pink screen of death and my pc sound is not working
Game wont launch
'vanguard not installed, restart the system' i restarted the system but still doesn't work. help me
keeps saying error and always crashing
Game wont launch
Bro wat is this
Spike Rush problem
Valorant keeps crashing
Cant update
why riot
Couldn't Update
Is Digital Vibrance on nvidia control panel allowed
Error everytime I open Valorant
guess the map
Account Breached
My valorant .Paks. files are corrupted
Valorant update hardstuck (at 0)
Account level borders
sos i cant update valorant
Funniest game of all time
While Valorant is open and I call someone on discord it rings multiple times.
banned again?
Game wont load in
Game won't launch
Game wont launch
having issues since the new update
This agent is disabled for this queue
black screen
Valorant not running
Valorant GAME not starting (stuck)
im on a tight budget and can only buy one gun in the bundle, which one should i get?
Loading Comp.
is there a way to fnc your riot id to your uuid?
Black Screen
Radianite disappeared
tried to queue, says im not avalible
Black screen upon changing res
whenever i move my mouse in game my frames drop below 10
stuck on queue
why am i getting qu'ed with plats as a bronze 3
Stuck on this screen
Buying Vp points
Pleasee help
Unable to play Valorant bc game is not starting after the update
guess the map
guess the map
Game won't upgrade
Valorant or Riot Client won’t open
Daily Missions bugged?
These Throwers
when i open riot my pc bluescreans
does riot accept prepaid visa gift cards?
Gimme riot gun buddy NOw
Vanguard Not Initialized... Error Code 57
Unable to play Valorant bc game is not starting after the update
Valorant not launching
[bug] i see myself in the friends tab
Possible solution for 0.1kbs issue
Unable to play Valorant bc game is not starting after the update
Unable to play VALORANT
i have level 20 and i still cant play competetive
what should i buy?
beginner help
Update stuck at 0.1kbps and can't end task vanguard user mode service in task manager.
Download Stuck at 0.1 KB
prime vandal or sovereign marshal
forsaken op or neptune vandal?
My game doesnt want to work
valo updates.
unable to open valorant after the update
New Knife
my match is having some problem to start can someone help
riot client saying proccess already running(i tried to deleted .dll files but it didnt work )
Valorant upload slow and disk usage anomaly.
Restricting comp issue
how do i get it?
Movement gets stuck
valorant update stuck at 0.1kb
how to play against crouch sprayers
I got banned twice...
valorant update stuck on 90% isn’t going up or down been like this for 12 mins
Double BoostTrap and cant launch
how can i improve my goal
purchase error
Valorant speed update stuck 0.1kb
My valorant patch is stuck updating at 45% what can i do?
Anyone wanna play with me ?
Account Safety
Hi someone can help me? I wanna to buy a gift card to my russian friend. Which region i shoud searc?
Has Valorant's anticheat gotten better? I haven't played in years but it was very invasive.
Why is there 2 riot clients
Error Van 1067
Game doesn't want to download
took a 6 month break now I'm washed from gold that had plat aim to bronze that wiffs ez one taps
Did I got banned on Valorant?
valorant issue
why does my fps change between accounts?
help me i got hacked
we couldn't install a required dependency
Valorant not updating
Valorant crosshair not showing up
RR given after match is different than what was added to my rank progress
Valorant wont even open?
Valorant not Opening or even showing error messages
Can't log into val
I can't play valorant because of this.
Game won't launch
aynone got some good clips ? onetaps triples klills etc i got nothing on my pc since resettingDM!
My game is stuck on updating
Valorant is giving me a critical error message when I try to launch the game.
cant buy vp is it because of new bundle?
update keeps stopping at 0.1kb
Game doesn't want to download
Vanguard not initialized
a critical error has occured and the process must be terminated
val 62
account locked
can you add spy riot
how do i fix this?
Mid stutter freeze in game
not getting agent
Valorant isnt downloading
I can't open Valorant
Is there a way to toggle vc?
I keep getting matched with silver 2 players while I am Iron 3
blank riot client screen??
query regarding battle pass release
Bluestacks Causes Permanent Suspension
please help me
Valorant not launching. Game doesn't pop up, Task Manager shows VALORANT.exe using only 10-25MB RAM
i got a cheater in my game lmao
how to fix ?
Valorant A critical error has occurred and the process must be terminated
I want to play with my friend but he plays in another region.
Valorant Punishment System
Valorant not working [Fixed]
Van 152
I can't escape low elo
Voice chat gone
Best Agent?
Can't open valorant after update
grey thingy idk
scroll btn not working`
My account is banning without any reason!
voice chat not working
Can't download valorant on new update
Nvidia driver not installing
Game stutters after GPU upgrade
After update I can't open Valorant
My account got hacked
Hello. need help with a bug.
after update, i get this error
My friends account recently got hacked and no one is replying to him on valorant support.
how do i buy valorant points in another country that doesn't use usd with usd
help me plsss
Update 1kb
valorant broke (even restarted
after new update, valorant wont open at all!! I figured out it doesn't at all when I run rtss
Why is it hard for me to differentiate the enemies on the map?
No update??
valorant wont update
New update is a major L
It says my details arent right
Vanguard Installing
please help me??
can u get banned for using reshade?
FPS drops after 5.10 update
Yoru's Gatecrash
2fa issues
Valorant force shutting down than relaunching
Valorant wont open
Can you get banned for using ReShade?
Critical error has occurred
When playing valorant audio breaks
Valorant content creators?
Network error and high ping
Hardstuck Radiant I can’t get iron 1
will i get unbanned??
show no friends
I payed for credits and it didn't give but still charged my card, what should I do?
Crosshair blinking and idk how to fix
When Buying battlepass
System Error after 5.10 patch update. Exit MSI Afterburner to fix it
does using valorant tracker from overwolf bannable if no why did i get ban for 3rd party program
3440x1440 Res Black Bars
Valorant Not Updating
mb4 not working in valorant
valorant tracker hello????
Valorant not updating
Ping Issue
Don't Working Voice Chat
im trying to make a account
version mismatch help me
can someone please help me get to silver, im hardstuck bronze cause of my luck
Should I replace my TV for a gaming monitor
Version mismatch 05.10
Valorant not giving me and option for 240hz
VPNs make you not able Login into Valorant or the Riot Client?
Valorant TPM issue
installed new ram and now my game is crashing every round
stuck on loading screen
Fade Haunt Lineup for A Short on Haven
i can hear the sounds but stuck on loading screen
Do i get anything for watching the game changers championhip right now?
Should I ?
banned for 100 years
can someone help me, after the harbor update my game was stuttering and fps drops
ppl r creating turkey accs to pay less for skins is it bannable and why do they do that
Best Skin?
Will it Work On my Laptop
Vanguard Encounter an error + I can't Queue if i press Queue it says Error connection.
wgat is the best way to get agents
Lag teleport bug in game
Hello im not acceptable with this.
VAN 152
Riot Vanguard Problem
game doesn't start
my pc got a torjan virus
help me
Unable to start application...
does 100 year ban worth it
Is 3840x2460 better or 1920x1080 better
valorant tracker
When is the major update
I logged out nd i cant log a back in please help
blatant cheater but vanguard doesn't detect it
Why does my ping only suck on valorant
is pixart 3325 good?
Im playing a ranked match and my ping keeps jumping and no one belives me what i do?
Alt-Tab crashes computer, freezes entire system and restart needed.
need help i have wifi and everything
sabotage the ranked game
blue screen
cant login
Having a Heavy mouse
PC Stuttering
how to change countries?
What thumbnails apps are good for youtube
Bulldog is auto
my val friends are gone
FTPM and Secure Boot Enabled, yet Vanguard says secure boot isnt.
why is my in-game chat delayed?
blitz not working
Vanguard out of compliance?
i cant see playback on anything ever in the shop
fake hacking
Graphics Drivers are updated but Valorant keeps crashing
Help! My seem to be the problem to my internet spike
is vpn prohibted?
Why is it not available
ee - untilregister-overlays.mts 812
black screen
I cant install vanguard
Valorant Servers
Could CPU Overheating cause mid game freeze stuttering in valorant?
fix the blue scren
vanguard out of compliance
vanguard out of compliance
Card gets declined
do i get my rr back?
Need help
voice chat not working pls help
How do I get the reaver phantom without opening pc (It's broken)
Chamber still good after nerfs?
Wild Rift LFG
Vandal or Phantom
i aced with neon in six seconds but didnt clip (need mental help)
updated my nvidia drivers and after restart this pops up when i open valo
I'm having a network problem issues even tho my internet is completely fine
Game error
how to fix this i restarted my game
Game issues
Kicked out of game and stuck on loading screen
Valorant client fps issue.
error code 29
I keep getting this error
Help, What am I doing wrong?
Hello i need help, my mic has an X through it and i have no idea why
Valorant Freeze.
unjustly banned for third party software
Account Recovery
valorant bugging + affecting discord
control flow gaurd
closed for no help
Not Fullscreen glitch
Account Locked
my teammates are bad and the enemy team is full of god tier players
someone pls help
what skin should i maybe get (vandal)
Does the reaver vandal go in shop?
game issue
FPS drop over time
clean restart.
Not Being Able To Spray **IMAGE IS MY MOUSE**
Game freezes entire pc and I cant close the application
Valorant npc's
Valorant error conection
FPS drops
On game in ranked player cheat only
hi i'm problem of valorant
I got banned for 2 weeks
Fps capped at 60 for some reason, can someone help?
any one from europe? I need to create an account to play there please!
New ram Crash
high average ping and packet loss
How to i screenshot in pc??
hi. I need some help . I cant play valorant and cant create any accounts in
Do I Crouch Or No. pls answer its actually bugging me.
how to get my acc back
Val keeps crashing
guys can anyone help me fixing torrent its not downloading
Get better fps
update problem
ping spiking extremely high
crashes for no reason
FPS Dropping
Vibrant settings
Game drivers crash
fps stuck at lower than 1
Push to talk delay
Lagging for no reason
BP or Chaos Vandal
Permanent Ban while Valorant Uninstalled
What order should i buy skins?
Hurm mode?
How to permanently uninstall raw accel?
(minor issue) yoru agent select screen is wide
how to fix van 1067?
What MOUSE do you use - AND WHAT RANK are you?
can the dependency error show up because of your wifi speed?
i got banned from queuing comp cuz my teammate dodged??
Asia region in riot games accout recovery
mic problemm
i really need help. I am permanently unable to play the game despite reinstalling everything over an
valorants in a black screen
guys where do i report someone
Valorant Install percent keeps glitching up and down
I can't hear my voice chat party and in-game
How do i fix Valorant download stuck at 0.1 KBS?
i cant play val
Someone explain how does rr work
am i muted?
pls help me
Trying to escape iron 2
uhh guys im consufed pls help
Valorant sometimes freezing my computer when starting
Why do you get timed for 3 hours just for afking?!!
Why am I permanetly banned what did I do?
Battle Pass
How often do skin lines get released
Queuing with Immortal 1
Not letting me update to current drivers
what keyboard do u use
How to fix career
cannot log in
why does it say this when i open valorant?
voice chat
jett dash kayo issue
I’ve seen people using something called True Stretched (Stretched resolution) and i was wondering…
Should I stay with my sentinels of light or buy prime vandal? (I have 1 hour left to buy prime)
shotgun cross hair
6k noise
why have i suddenly gained over 1k ping
Valorant Wont load neither will the website
push to talk vc not working .u.
yoo i got hacked by someone, how to fix? he already changes my email ...
Game is permanently unable to launch despite reinstalling because couldnt get required dependencies
Stuck on loading screen
Valorant connection error
Anyone know the fastest way to reach level 20?
someone cheated on my account, submitted a ticket, got deleted instantly (seemingly)
FPS Drops
VAL 5 Ban on harmless mods
Hello,Valorant Full Screen Optimization.
Valorant player please play with me
toxic team
valorant erorr 136 (connection issues)
my messages get sent very delayed
this build of vanguard is out of comliance with current system setting
i can install in an specified disk
Valorant isn't fun anymore
need help
mouse input delay pls help ;-;
Please explain this scoreboard
What's this?
Issue pls help
voice chat issue
deleted vgc
Problem with launching (URGENT)
Is This Possible???
Anyone know why my rank role on Valorant LFG isn't updating?
How to say 🤓 in Valorant Chat
vanguard again
vc isnt working
fps drop
vanguard is not allowing my hdd to launch from today morning
how to fix chat delay valorant
UUBooster bannable?
Valorant download is stuck and doesn't start
how do i get out of this curse iron 3 - bronze 1
What is the best aim sensitivity?
How do i get out of iron 3?
valorant ranked matchmaking
forgot riot email
What is the best aim sensitivity?
give back bundle
vangaurd problem
Night market when?
i got banned
How to uninstall?
how much takes to download
Loss Streaks
Vanguard malfunctioning
Account was locked...
pls advice
valorant opens and freezes my monitor
Valorant stuck on a random percentage when installing
valorant os support
RR deducted even when the hacker was banned ;-;
Lag at val
Valorants not letting me buy vp
How to connect my discord to riot acc?
Mouse dc every so often
keyboard issues
Unable to open valorant
Why isnt my rank role showing in lfg
i keep getting random stutters or frame drops
Black screen when I launch game?
Valorant Stutters
vanguard wont let me play
cant play because of vanguard
my voice chat
I cant login
Cannot log in
Flashes are not showing up
Hey any1 know why my vanguard is blocking something from system 32 ?
Level up
2fa issues
Why is my vanguard taking so long to download?
Valorant gift card code
Valorant Fullscreen
van 152
how to improve my aim
Split map return?
I need help I keep rubber banding I have good ping(11-23)and my wifi is good as well I don’t get it
can I copy bots from the server?
How to play with secure boot off ?
Looking to buy a PC
Skye Bug with Ultimate
i logged out from my Main account and now its gone???
How can I fix secure boot?
Not able to login to Valorant
mmr problem
Network & Lag Issue
game keeps telling me to restart to play
valorant disconnect
Is it that bad to solo queue valorant if you really want to rank up?
My voice chat does not wanna work AT ALL
cant play Val, got new razer mouse and this started popping up
how to know my region (ex. NA) I live in the country Philippines
My voice chat does not wanna work AT ALL
freezing on launch
What is the best aim sensitivity?
game freezes
how to fix
Lag spikes
how to fix
how to fix
Van9003 error
My voice chat does not wanna work AT ALL
Ascendents in Silver lobby
Competitive Queue Unfair
can i unlink my google and make my val account being able to login with just normal id and password
idk how to make this crosshair
Need help regarding increasing performance
Tips for insta-locking
I'm not able to get into Valorant
False suspension
i got banned again after the time from the previous ban
network problem icon showing in valorant..everything else is fine.
Windows 7 can't install vanguard
Banned because afk
is there 1+ teamate afk is +1 more ult orb in spawn ?
Best aim sensitivity?
vangaurd always doing this when i open valorant
my wifi keeps disconnecting when i open val
It says I haven't opened Vanguard even though it's already open.
Fixing corrupted valorant file
cant load in
disable blind-sightedness symbol on enemies
is using NvidiaInspector bannable?
Prosperity & Demise knife
I cant install the game.
Critical Error
Valorant Blue Screen Issue
I lost my account
Restart computer several times
New Raze main
any way to get valorant to be smoother other than making graphics low and changing resolution
it wont let me update my valo
How do I level up fast?
I've reported a person for sexism and toxicity with eligible proof. No penalties?
help my account got hacked
Valorant Play Button Is Grey in Client
Bronze 1 but smurf?
my account got locked
i restarted many times but still saying this
ping spikes
My ping is on life support (Rubberbanding x Lagging Back issues.)
opening valorant turns off wireless capability
Cannot buy VP
My valorant app is opened but whenever i click on the valorant app it doesnt do anything.
certain key numbers not working
text delay??
Is it that bad to solo queue, I don't have loads of friends to play with
Missing charm
Should i buy?
VALORANT traceroute
Please help with this issue
kind people
Valorant Download
valorant keeps crashing
help please
I can't update
spectrum or protocol phantom
my game crashes
will i get banned?
updating region residence
pc problems
pc problems
WiFi problem
valorant disconnects me from my wifi every time i try to open the game
Valorant Process
The game freezing on the start up screen for the actual game
valorant freezes my pc
Pride Banners
graphic bug
2FA not working
pc crashes when opening game
internet keeps disconnecting when valo is launched
not able to gain xp after a match
i have a problem logining
Valorant Update Issue
i cant open the game
when I open valorant it is stuck in The Range
stuck at 0.1kbps download please help
valorant internet issues
How to fix corrupted valorant file
Val Internet
Installing valorant on ssd or hdd?
Valorant and VPN?
cant update
valorant and wifi issues
Keyboard lag
My wifi disconnects itself when i open the game
how to get more frames
How to deal with a bad losing streak?
I got banned for some reason and now every time I make an account I can only play 2 games then ban
'Windows input experience'
whats the valorant map layout site
Account Info
FPS drop when not launching in Admin.
Why is my ping like this when i live in western canada?
This just happened in bronze lobby. I don't know where else to share it but here.
Valorant gift card in canada
Unable to update valorant-caused a spiral of problems that I cannot seem to fix.
My Valorant account got locked
Do gift cards work internationally?
I cant update valorant
chatroom nor connected
Skin Suggestion
Help needed!
Cant update valorant
Discord ban
refund skin
aim help
your game requires a system restart to play what is that?
Valorant Disconnecting My PC From All Networks
My friends party chat works just fine but it doesn't work in team chat
Is true stretched Valorant Bannable?
Secure boot
I wanna change my range bot difficutly
aspect ratio
Got Warned
how do i redeem codes
how do I delete valorant and riot games off of my Windows 7 pc?
Game says too many login attempts
is it me or
I relaunched so many times and restarted my pc but I still cant load valorant
Valorant not updating. I cant do the update.
I need to restart the game to make VC work
Secret behind ranking up from silverbronze?
xenohunter or rgx blade
My valorant keep breaking my pc
Mouse freeze
Initial attestation failure
how do i create a vc with custom name
Valorant Crashing on FPS drops
title enquiry
how do you land shots with the spectre
im getting a new pc soon.
How can I report trolls effectively?
how does The Immortal Ranking System Work?
Ping and Packet loss (not caused by my internet)
How do i get out of iron rank
freezing game
so my friend logged in to a bot for a store checker and logged in to other people acc,
How to i 1tap?
There's this glitch I found when I play sage.
White screen Valorant
BattlePass help
My voice chat is so low but everything else is fine I haven't changed anything. What happened?
amazing in unrated but shit in comp
I received a time-out and warning on the VALORANT discord server.
i can t get into the accound
I have a routine for finding our what rank is similar to you
Toxic video clip report?
Refunded skin that wasn't supposed to be refundable
VALORANT Pc Crashing
I can't play valorant
Game ended randomly.
Secure boot
I got banned for being afk for one match pls look at my ticket im snooze
Where do i do the application for Valorant PBE
cant hear or speak
Game Won't Install
Trouble With Settings
code isnt sending to my email
What it means if i cant play competitive 164days
Cant play Valorant already enabled Secure boot in Bios....
Cant login
aim sensitivity
Cant uninstall Riot Client
access denied login
Are there valorant teams?
Cannot get into valorant
Can't invite
vanguard issue
riot client problems
hello guys I’m posting this again please help me
why i believe that the valorant rr is broken
False Ban..?
how i fix this
Met a hacker in game, he sent a discord server invite
My val account has been reset?
error 29
Gamer drivers crashing
Muted voice chat
Cant play bec of something
when i try log in it says my credentials dont match anything on the database
Valorant Won’t Open, I got a good PC.
banned from comp
what should I do
I Have A Problem
My Valorant is asking me to reinstall it?
Client issues
Will this get me penalized?
can't sign in
the sound of the gunshot is louder than the sound of the step
cop or drop???????
Ping issue. (it's not about internet)
cant hear no one
i live in bahrain, but i have lower ping in other servers other than bahrain. This strted 2 days ago
need turkish person for translation help
Error message when booting up valorant
need help
custom res
Why neon not nerfed?
I have 30gb worth of storage and valorant only needs 23gb, it pauses and says update
reported cheating DeathMatch phoneix
This build of Vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings
changing region
Email access
when night market?
sometimes i get kicked while in game and i just go into lobby like nothing happened
Valorant broken
Vanguard Issues
i got kicked from the clash royale server
How do I fix this? VAN9003
hello when I download valorant I can’t connect internet
fps issues
Secure Boot issue
vanguard detecting a file ive deleted?
Why does opening valorant raise my system volume?
macbook valorant
How to Check valorant shop from discord ?
Kicked out mid game
Most useless Valorany Crosshair
rank reset
vanguard is acting up
Valorant wont open
For some reason my Riot and my Valorant app isnt opening, someone help?
Banned from valorant for no reason
keep getting kicked and then getting afk offense.
Banned from from VALORANT for no reason?
Anyone that can help in recovering a stolen account?
keep getting this error when trying to launch valorant
my aim in range and dm is way better than unrated in comp why
weekly mission
Why riot client not working? Can't able to play Valorant!
I’m going to buy 2050 valopoints what should I buy?
this build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings
I was banned for 1 week because of afk. And because I was afk for 10 minutes, I got banned for 1 yea
voice chat
When I try to buy vp with a visa credit card the game gets stuck on the loading screen
i need my Voice chat back
using abilities in customgame deathmatch
I can't refund again, why cant I?
30 minute timeout
Voice Chat dont Work
idk what title to put
Valorant capped at 60 fps
How do i download secure boot for windows 11, I need it to play val.
I can't log
cant open valorant
cant import crosshair
valorant secure boot requirement not met
how to redeem my gunbuddy code
how do i fix 0.1kbps updates
how to remake
bad module info fix?
Windows 11
Valorant Download Issue
Lower than expected fps issue.
why cant i leave the party in-game
It says vanguard not initilized
update issue
Translate German to English
Not mvp?
Valorant Crashing
someone please help recover my acc i will give like 200-300vp please
should be able to convert radienite points to valorant points
is it me or is val not opening
Scroll wheel weapon goes all the way instead of stopping
Discord Bot not assigning roles!
I can't log
There's this thing i see in videos where the headshot dink color is different, how do i change mine?
Can I change my valorant login name?
Acc Change
Is there any way to appeal?
black screen on startup
Need help
My game randomly turns black but the game keeps going
how long and what does it take to get an hacked account back the hacker deleted my receipts on my
How long will it take for riot to appeal a ban
If you have been banned from que multiple times for bad behavior
Golden gun buddy
Insane packet loss in game 10k packets lost per game
Good montage website for pc?
Why is this user not available 😭
game (mods or admins idk) need to fix the shop reset time
Mouse DPI
Valorant crash
Vc issues
Cant log in
banned on valorant for botting
ban appeal
Valorant Buffering
Updates stuck on 0.1 Kbs
I have TMP 2.0 and secure boot enabled and my pc still wont run valorant, any help?
Valorant is permanently stuck at 5% packet loss
packet loss
Next page