VALORANT16mo ago

im d3 and i get this in my lobby....

fix the rank system for gods sake
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8 Replies
mihari16mo ago
prob ur mmr is bad
bingus 3000
bingus 300016mo ago
clearly youre lucky being diamond as is
smfax16mo ago
i got team mvp 3 times in a row and got d3 lil bro clearly not
bingus 3000
bingus 300016mo ago
i’m just saying cuz a plat loony man bro said lil bro 💀 also team mvp 3 times don’t mean shit that’s why your mmr is so low honestly to raise your mmr you either gonna have to rank up (prob to like ascendant 1 maybeeee higher) or just match mvp every game not really much you can do tbh
smfax16mo ago
whats wrong with lil bro lil bro prob cuz i was in queue at like 5am im back to playing with diamonds and asc
CrocodilDandi16mo ago
Oh, beach, nice weary good👍 What are the results?)
smfax16mo ago
Loss obv Bro what ramadan bro