Banned for comms. for nothing?
I simply was talking and having a normal conversation and just talking about cats. While someone has the name "JETTS CLIT" i feel its just not appropriate. The fact they are mentioning sexual content and i was simply talking about my cat breeds. I know "coon" is a bad word in any sentence but cat breed!?

3 Replies
I just feel it should be handled offensively if i was calling someone a coon, then ban their voice stuff. but in this tense wasn't needed
You can discuss bans with Riot directly here:
As long as you don't use slurs with them and as long as this is all you said, they may be able to review and unban you. Just include the screenshots in the ticket.
Just note that no one on this server can help you directly with a ban. You gotta talk to Riot support.
if you not chat
ching chong
N word
F word
B word
then all good ig
ching chong is a instant chat ban word so becareful if your team have a chinese that extremely noob 🗿