getting bad people perma banned

how would I go about getting someone banned because they said they where gonna one rape me and break my legs so I cant run and as well as told to kill myself all just because I commed. Aloofsage36#2096 kovey#6087 noodlenibbler#1736 their id's btw
4 Replies
Bighersheybar2y ago
report them in game
NKplayz2y ago
You can report them in game, or make a ticket to report them.
James2y ago
Please report them in-game if you have evidence of this behaviour please also considering reporting to us via @Modmail and we may be able to action on our server. ;support
VALQuestion If you require assistance, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. Moderators are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve them at

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