anyone here knows a lot about pcs or some discord/reddit server that could help me create a pc with my budget?
8 Replies
i suggest you use pcpartpicker to plan a rough layout
then go to subreddits to find the best parts
try to avoid the “top 5 best __” types of websites since they usually have sponsors or are just incorrect
r/buildapc is a good subreddit for advice and suggestions
ill try it thanks bro
and how exactly does the reddit work?
its basically a website that hosts discussions
so each subreddit will have posts( kinda like these) and there will be comments under
you can also choose to join communities to be more involved i guess
i would recommend overspending on gpu more than cpu but still having probably at least 8 cores for cpu
thats if you want to play many different types of games
u think i can get decent pc with 1100 bucks
mb bro i forgot about this
you can definitely get a decent pc with 1100
feel free to text me if you still have doubts