182 Replies
yeah i have it too
i don't now yesterday i did the update but today i can't
me too :c
i want to play
how can we fix that ?
idk i try everything and still not working
make ticket
like so many tickets
I made 10 tickets and submitted to riot
hope they will reply xd
u have the same problem ?
sadly mate
having same issue
i wasted 4 hours
didnt fix
sad day i wanna play ..
my holiday is ruined
But we can still fix it
ill wait for riot's respone
please submit ticket
my friend "Ahmed" is installing windows 10
he will try valo in windows 10
maybe it will work
if it wont
riot will somehow fix it
dw dw
I'm already on Windows 10
still don't work
did they just send that?
they did
like rn?
thats bad
24 hours ago
are you gonna try?
if you do update me on it
Yeah yeah Ahmed is trying
did ya submitted ticket
idk how
its so simple
Just make 1 ticket
OR watch 1 video from YT
u got an answer ?
Not yet
Gotta wait overnight
ahaha for me it's afternoon it's very sad
I think I found a solution, you need to enter the windows icon, type add or remove programs, remove valorant and reinstall it
u fix that ?
but still waiting for it to install
i think so
tell me if it works
still not working :c

maybe riot will fix it by tomorrow
i can play let's go !!!!!!!!!!!

how :c

i do the cmd
just that
i just do that and rebbot my cumputer

and restart valorant
ok thanks i will check if it works

ur welcome !!
i have this problem too and this not working on my PC

he can play lets goo!!
I’m a god
@its_haider i do that
thi i try and don't work it
did you do it correctly
you sure

have you done the other steps
no i go try thanks
this is correctly?

open as admin
right click then press open as admin
when i pres right click then write te


i did that
but cmd said theres no such thing
It’s run
Typ im run in the search bar and open as admin
Did it work
try to check for any hardware apps running in the backround like msi afterburner or other overclocking apps and close it then run valorant again
bad for yall 💀
i kept sending riot tickets on why they wont let msi afterburner run with valorant but they wont reply when this certain topic comes up lol
u have to do it yourself 💀
they wont fix it

i had this issue 5h ago
Do yall get these rn
and i fixed it
Ive been trying for the past hour bro
just uninstall valorant
and exit venguard
the same thing happend to me
ive tried so many thingsd
Im tryna re dmownload vanguard
Dont have discord on there im in a internet cafe
same thing happend to me aswell
I've tried to uninstall it
it wont
u have to do
I click the button
I doesnt
reboot ur computer
right now
I do
i have 4 times
dont do anything after it
prob more
tell me when u are back
when u rebooted it
and dont do anything
just open discord
Ight i rebooted the pc now what
tried other suggestions of installing the beta version of msi afterburner still doesnt work for me, riot dev seem like they dont wanna work on fixing their vanguard no more 

then how the hell i fixed it ???
bcs i fixed it
5h ago
same issue
How did u do it
how u fix it
my valorants working fine as long as msi afterburner is closed
all i want is to run valo with it
thats just my prob
So just complained
That u wanted to@run it with somthing eske
But ur in the lobby ans everything is fine
can u just answer instead of being annoying? SOOOOO
im writing
telling people u fixed it but doesnt seem to know how, pathetic
why tf i would help u when u cant want with patient?
im trying to explain in english any i need to think what am i saying bcs english is not my main language
welp were the same man
then you shoukd wait
u kept on writing so, it got to me thats all
shouldve said it sooner rather than replying so so so
enjoy not playing valorant
valos running fine lol
im just trying to find fixes for other people
more knowledge means more power
Can u help me through the vgc delete

aigh lets go to dms @Deleted User
better to google it man, thats worth more than receiving help from this troll
valo crashes from time to time with msi afterburner running but now its running

finished rebooting
this shit making me confused
im trying to find the exact problem rn
google wont help just sayin
and im already telling him what to do
google has a bunch of solutions for minor ones
so what ur sayins half true
dont try to act like a smartass
im tryin to find solutions for myself and other people out here not wanting to pick a fight
so get your head out of your ass and act like a human
no shit sherlock jesus. you know.. Everyone starts out of himself

as i said
ok lets both just fking back up ok
and stop this beef
aint event worth it
bro u was the one who started and i was always cold asf
u see me tryin to put the blame on who started it?
just stop
nope just sayin u was the one who was beginned everything
im tryna end this and u still wanna find ways to initiate again
i just want to see* an apology prom u
then thats it, endo
hell nah u must be 14 or under
whats ur age?
im 16
try to add 9yrs to ur age, thats mine
bro most inteligent reaction i've ever seen
dont be assuming someones age just cause of how they interact with people
can i get proof?
who the hell even does that to prove a point
id card with censor on it
in what world do you even live in
takes too much time
i mean, i met so much ppl who did it lmao
ok then
im already in too deep why not
fuck it
yee thats right!
i mean

i can do it too

Ok then
ill believe you
thx for proving tho
i mean who wont after all this shit hahahah
just try to reflect on ur attempts to trigger me man
it wont work with people around my age
all? there is 1 goddam proof that says u are 25...
nah you just dont act like 25
you act like 14 or under
as i said
so u mean a person should be acting their age all of the time?
what kind of mindset do u have bruh
think more say less
i mean
so you could get a grasp on how people work
i was just saying "so" bcs i was dm ing with 5 other ppl and u was already unpatient ash

i was waiting u to shut up and wait
until i write it down
and i finish my chats
with other ppl
then lets just end it at that and not say anything else to try and find things to trash talk about to each other
im not tryna attack you, i only do it when you try to do it to me
enough, im done losing my braincells. ill block u now if u dont mind. until i unblock you you have a quest. u have to grow up. and once u did it. i will get a reward. and those will called 'braincells'. there is no way u cant see u started all this shit...
try this
please stop sending your ids to a public discord server 😭 😭
i can see that i started it, but wont say an apology to an imbecile like you
i was tryna end the damn argument earlier but still wont let me, fkin kids these days
mandems only choice was to block cause he knows his brains too 'big' for him to process all of this
This happens to me on every update, the admins could clearly not give a single fuck about this issue.
tru daty
i work
windows 8 is a problem?
can somebody help me , this pops up when i click play

can someone help me with error code VAL-1