15 Replies
do 5 man always
its a 50/50 if you get placed with bots or smurfs
better to find a duo or trio
i went from s2 to p1 having a trio
1 act
36 wins
and how i can found best sens?
because my mouse non gaming
search up [mouse model] dpi
then tell me
the good edpi (mouse dpi X in-game sens) is around 280-400 so just do whatever edpi you want divided by your mouse dpi and that is your sensitivity
wow 1000 DPI
my mouse
do you want slow or fast sens
for duelist?
then set your mouse sens to something around 0.33
and just change as you want
ok i will try
if high sens ?
should i play in stretched 4:3?
if you want to, true stretched makes enemies heads move slower but its lower res and ur fov gets cut off a bit
Oh oki