Question about vanguard and TPM 2.0
I have z390 ud motherboard without TPM2.0 but planning to enable PTT for upgrading to W11. Since I don't have TPM 2.0 which is the requirement for vanguard anticheat, will I still able toplay valorant with PTT enable?
25 Replies
What z390 motherboard do u have? I have one aswell and can enable tpm 2.0 without any problems
z390 ud gigabyte
@meister_guenni u enable it by turing PTT on? and can still paly valorant on W11?
ptt is ur tpm bro
it just named differently
lemme suggest u a tool
google search
i am here because i already do the search
u didnt search properly then
prove me wrong

lmao literally the first result

i already mention that i know i can turn on ptt in the bio
then just turn it on
its ur tpm, but named differently
yea but i don't have the actually 2.0 chip. i don't know if vanguard require me to have a 2.0 chip on the motherboard or not
i turn it on just for passing the w11 check
u wont pass the w11 installation check if u dont have tpm 2.0 (without using the bypass registry/script
w11 requires tpm 2.0
and if u find that u are having issues on win11
u can go back to win10 anytime
no, you don't need to have 2.0 if you can turn on PTT in the bio for intel
just try it out and see
i guess that is what i have to do
wish i don't need to install w10 again and restore all my shit back
put them on another drive/partition
so u wont lose them every os installation

Did everything work?
wait so do you have to play with secure boot and tpm 2.0? cuz i cant get my windows to launch when i do that
it should boot unless it's not signed
just reinstall windows @kyngdevon
windows is fine but if i turn on secure boot and tpm it doesnt allow windows to load
are u using custom/modified windows?
my game just keeps crashing on start
it worked before ever since alpha it worked
just reinstall windows..
windows should be signed by secure boot
theres no way u cant boot windows with secure boot enabled