•Created by Meister_Guenni on 12/2/2024 in #community-help
2FA Codes
I want to change the email of my account, but when I try to login, I need a 2FA code which isnt sent to my email. I do recieve other emails like from support tickets, but not the 2FA codes. I do have purchase receipts, but cant remember my Date of Birth, which I would need to replace the Email using a support ticket. Anyone know what to do?
8 replies
•Created by Meister_Guenni on 8/28/2024 in #community-help
verification codes
I recently wanted to change my Username and found out when trying to login and enter the 2fa code, that I am not recieving it via Email. The strange thing about it is that I still recieve update emails from Riot Tickets and other stuff but not the 2FA Codes. Does anyone know what to do?
4 replies