How do i get out bronze when aim is not the problem?
30 Replies
youtube is your friend but
- mostly learn to straff, how to peek angle, crosshair, aim
- positionning when you make a kill you should be able to repositionning yourself,
- basic gamesense map knowledge, agent, commun angle
show us your aim
what he said
if you can then show us a vod
i dont believe his aim is gfood
i mean we'll see ig
if he sends us a vod then we can evaluate it
you can get out of bronze if you have good aim
i used to be hardstuck bronze
but i improved my aim
true but it might just be lag
or smthn
and i got out
its not always aim but yes having good aim can get you out of bronze easily
even with bad teammates
in bronze its always aim
peaking and stuff
bronze lobbies are mainly people who either have bad internet or wifi issues or skill issue
they make wrong choices often
i've seen ppl knife out run into site and then getting killed
proceeds to scream at their duelist for not clearing 

thats bronze
they aim for the feet
aim is your problem
if you cant rankup with good
you are blaming your teammates for everything
What would be considered a decent HS rate for my rank?
Mines currently at 28.5
I cant
My laptop can't record if it's life depended on it
This is my unrated HS rate
my comp hs rate is 24.8
thats the best evidence i could give u aim wise.
u can even check my val tracker
it is Kitkat#ZNG2
@kitkat_exe7 tracker mean nothing a vods mean something
headshot perecentage doesnt matter
my friend has a 35 and he is bronze
i said i cant take a video so
what do u want me to do?
@kitkat_exe7 didnt saw it, you cant do anything other than show a record so just try to apply what i said in the first message should get you to gold
My laptop can't record while playing?
It lags a lot
no its not why you copy and pasting ts
@justcake1 it is
Get you to gold atleast
if youre not gold then bs attention grabs of yt videos arent helpful
unbind crouch
practise crosshair placement
instalock duelist
and get good
@justcake1 than what does he do ? If you say aim i will not listen to you