PC crash
My PC crashes when i try to launch valorant.
ive been facing this issue for a long time but didnt bother posting aboutbit because it usually fixes itself after a few days. but ive been tired of this happening frequently. help.

53 Replies
how many gb of ram u got?
is 16 too low?
what is ur cpu
bcz its normal for me and I got 8 gb ram
im not sure but i think its an i5
do you know whats causing the problem?
ive tried everything google said
i5 gen?
im not sure but i dont think it matters
ive been playing for 2 years and this problem has only troubled me for the past 2-3 months
could be from updates
I mean the cpu is now cant hold the updates of valorant
ive upadated every driver and windows
there is nothing to update
can u open task manager

send me like this of u could
ah im not home rn but ill send a message here as soon as i can
ill ping you

sorry if the quality is a little off
the cpu pls
not gpu
@orange to make the life of us all easier try to screenshot from your pc with
lol pictures of a display suckhe def got a good cpu too tho
ok but how do u not know ur own pc spec
when you buy a factory assembled PC and dont mind the hardware prob
alr gimme a sec
my dad built it for me lol so im not really sure

heres the cpu
when it crashes what is the Error Code. Since this can also help

error code says: "PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA"
ive googled it and tried evrything to fix it but it just doesnt work
are your Graphic drivers up to date?
everything is up to date
it could be corrupted RAM.
or antivirus that goes rogue
i solved it! just format everything from scratch
reinstall windows
lol that should be the last thing todo
😄 just putting my solution
dont have one
hm but it works fine other games
yeah haha i already tried every trick in the book
then uninstall the whole Riot Games folder (
C:\Riot Games
) and reinstall the gameokii ill give that a try
@drgndk @arc didnt work my pc just crashed again. deleting the folder didnt work
and re installing valorant
i decieded to run valorsnt directly from the folder but it says i dont have the permission?
and i tried to run it as the administrator but it says the same thing
i dont know what the fuck to do
i just wanna play this game
i reinstaled windows and factory reset my pc
if it doesnt work now idk
ure using an administrator profile on ur windows right?
u should be able to access it if ure an administrator on your pc
stil cant
the same happened to me but when i launched valo after restarting it worked fine
doesnt work like that for me smh
my valorant crashes too when i launch it
idk why
try and ask for help from microsoft?
well my entire computer rashes
Maybe your storage drive is fucked, your on a hard drive which may be the issue, slow storage to summarize it. The whole drive could be corrupted
How old is your PC? Depending on that you could ask your dad for an ssd which is a far better for of storage, it’s faster, more efficient but a little more expensive than a hard drive
You could try and ask your dad if he has another drive so you can try and hook it up to your pc and install valorant there
I’m no expert but I think that may be the problem
TL;dr could be ur storage dawg
https://a.co/d/79Xb59F popular ssd, since you have a hard drive, even if this doesn’t fox the issue, it would be a huge upgrade
SAMSUNG 870 EVO SATA III SSD 1TB 2.5” Internal Solid State Drive, U...
The latest 870 EVO has indisputable performance, reliability and compatibility built upon Samsung's pioneering technology. Enjoy professional-level SSD performance which maximizes the SATA interface limit to 560/530 MB/s sequential speeds*, accelerates write speeds and maintains long-term high pe...
Also lmk if you can play any other games apart from valorant
Best wishes, my notifs are always on if you have a response
yea the disk the game is on is full
3-4 years
hmm lemme give it a try
yea overwatch occasianlly
Caught me right as I was going to bed lol, if I were you, I’d just play it safe and check in with bigger PC servers i.e PCMR
I’m sure if the advice I gave you doesn’t work, what they tell you definitely will
Make sure to mention the storage if you talk with them
I just got a new pc, i bought it this summer
i can play counter strike, fortnite
just Valorant
anyone know how to fix error code 0xc0000142
holy shit i cleared the drive upof over 200gb and it finally fucking works thank you so much for mentioning the storage 😭
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hey can you tell solution