vgk.sys BSOD Error
Most of the times when I try launching valorant, I get a BSOD with the error code PAGE_ FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA and it says that vgk.sys failed. How do I fix this?

125 Replies
Mostly using Windows Insider Build causes this issue
Perform a Clean install of Windows 10/11 stable should fix that
I don't have it active.
do u have antivirus
I use windows defender
Bug Check 0x50 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - Windows drivers
The PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA bug check has a value of 0x00000050. This indicates that invalid system memory has been referenced.
@Techi09 🙃reinstall vanguard
also before u install(open riot client
delete vgkbootstatus.dat
its in %windir%
navigate to trayicon
right click vanguardm uninstall
but i turned it off
then turn it on
nvm its on but isnt showing up
ill just reboot, brb
Alright, how do I install it now
do this first
just open the game, riot client will do it for u
Its coming on even after restart..

lemme try now
play button is here
It's saying that vanguard isn't initialized ðŸ˜
Lemme restart and try again
If this doesn't work idk what to do anymore
disable fastboot
is vanguard in your tray?

Did you delete vanguard?
if you delete only one part of it
it will error

Full screen

Anything else to do in the bios?
did you only delete this?
I didn't delete that oops
I'll do it tmrw
It's late
And I'm tired
ping me or mythea
when your ready
select thorough
also disable it in windows powerplan
It was on thorough.
@Saucywan @mythea , I'm back.
I've done the above steps
Am currently restarting
Time to die to the same enemy 3 times in a row and get aced
Oh yea
Thanks for the help.
Follow this
@Techi09 🙃
I'll try the same things if it happens again
Which message should I do it on?
reinstallation of vanguard
and check for system files corruption
Where did the message go?
It went bye bye
@mythea @Saucywan ITS BACK TO HAUNT ME ONCE MORE!!!

I tried reinstalling vanguard multiple times but it didn't work
It happened while I was in a comp game
My laptop went to sleep fsr and when I tried opening val after that, it just kept giving me BSODs
In order to get Vanguard, VALORANT’s anti-cheat, to work on your computer you most enable secure boot and TPM 2.0. Here are some resources that will assist you in the process:
VALORANT Support on Van 9001 & 9003:
Microsoft Support on Secure Boot:
Microsoft Support on TPM 2.0:
welp reinstalling windows should fix this
Please walk me through the whole process.
Do you mind?
Or should I just do it on my own
I reinstalled windows 10
I'll try starting val tmrw
When I get back from school
It took me a while to do this so if this does not work, idk what will
It works but at a cost
I got a penalty ðŸ˜
@mythea @Saucywan it's another error now help
what error
Ran out of memomory while trying to allocate a rendering source
I increased the Virtual Memory but didn't fix

I tried reducing the resolution but that doesn't help as well
what your gpu
NVS 4200 MQ
the who
can be pagefile or vram issue
How to fix
wtf is this
the fuck
An old NVIDIA gpu
is a nvs 4200 mq
ugh yeah
it's ur vram size issue
it only has 1gb of vram
How to fix
You can't
all low + 720p maybe
Will I never get to play valorant again <:Phoenix_Sad:891497548819337286>
ughm it actually will uses shared vram (from ur dram) if it ran out of dedicated vram
What's a dram
ur ram
Anyway to fix?
or called memory
win+r, dxdiag
show info

u can choose no actually

it just checks if the driver is whql logo'd
press display
u can try increasing ur ram size

it's ddr3 if I'm not mistaken
so 2x8gb sodimm ddr3 ram
pretty cheap these days
vram: 468mb
wait bruh
did u install ur gpu driver?
it isn't showing up there
ur dedicated gpu driver
Idk why
not only ur igpu driver
I used a windows update
Quadro Desktop/Quadro Notebook Driver Release 384 | R384 U2 (385.12...
Download the English (US) Quadro Desktop/Quadro Notebook Driver Release 384 for Windows 10 64-bit systems. Released 2017.7.31
Quadro Desktop/Quadro Notebook Driver Release 390 | R390 U19 (392.6...
Download the English (US) Quadro Desktop/Quadro Notebook Driver Release 390 for Windows 10 64-bit systems. Released 2021.10.26
one consumer driver one studio driver
Welp this will take a while
but the consumer driver is badly outdated
released on 2017
maybe the studio driver will be better
What's the difference other than release date
still, it's a 2021 driver so don't expect much
If it works, it's a W
more recent, more bug fixes, stable and more features? maybe
Which ones studio
pls dont tell me its 3d vision ready driver or smthn
coz that thing doesnt run on my laptop
tried it before the reinstall
done with the install
now what
restart ur pc n launch ur pc
launch ur game I mean
don't launch it with a rocket launcher
Hey it came up
Dam I'm learning so many things using this replacement thing
I hope issues won't happen again coz if they do, I'm gonna come back
More flipping errors
More vgk.sys BSOD
Back to square one
I think is about time to say that it may be better just to get a new pc
Also the game just crashes randomly
You really think my parents will allow that?
Valorant's the only main thing
I really wanna play it
I have to reach silver again
Atleast silver
You would get a way better experience
I know
But I have no choice
My other laptop with no errors has a MB issue and it's getting old too
Your using a laptop?

Is this your other laptop?
same one
other one doesnt even turn on
Your drive is dying
my drive is just fine... right?
No, its mostly likely dying
Open cmd as admin
wmic diskdrive get status
Status is OK
ok maybe not
time to do the classic old sfc
install drivers
are u sure u installed every single driver?
including acpi, chipset drivers
also does ur manufacturer offer windows 10 drivers?
I think no? it's pretty old
use SDIO and check for drivers
did the mobo died
well it's pretty rare
what did u do before it died
firmware update?
if yes, u can flash ur bios using a spi programmer physically
u will need another pc
and yeah, that one u are currently using is going to act as the pc
It was a miracle you even played Valorant at all
damn bro that celeron b830 is bottlenecking my ssd lol
it's even on win7
should install linux on it, but it's for my grandpa :/
I have another penalty ðŸ˜