Keep getting error code VAN9005 after looking up what to do to fix it.
How can I fix this? I just want to play with my friends.
83 Replies

that's what I'm getting
Try uninstalling vanguard and riot
Windows 10 or 11

go back to windows 10 buddy easy fix
Not everyone want to go back to win 10.
whats ur mobo
does it have tpm 2.0
i had this when i updated to windows 11 long time ago
i checked in youtube and fixed it
by downgrading to win 10?
no changing some stuf in bios
Yeahh Secure boot and TPM 2.0
But why advice people to downgrade haha
but i had other problems with win 11 crashing while alt tab
like everthing was freezing only mouse moving
There is also a fix for that.
On Windows 11, navigate to Settings > System > Display > Graphics > Change Default Graphics Settings and turn off "Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling."
i didnt fixed it
i mean it didnt fixed it
it was happening to me again
and i just went back to win 10 and win 10 is better for gaming
Yeah Valorant can be a pain sometimes
I mean yeah I know it will work but its a lazy fix.
formating ur pc back to win 10 and installing nvidia drivers takes less than 20 mins bro
u just need a usb
I know how its works.
But in my eyes its a lazy way of fixing it.
funny thing with that crash on win 11 i got banned twice for 2 weeks
Its alr if you only play Valorant and do nothing else with your pc. But otherwise...
Yeah afk kicks.
how many storage drivers do u have
ssd or nvme
you mean SSD or HDD?
I got a SSD
only 1
Yeah. Don't need more
so how big are ur important files
459GB is in use.
But what has storage to do with this?
if u had 2 for example
just move thing u need in the other one and format to win 10 bro
thats why
Then everytime you wanna play Valorant you need to restart your pc and enter the bootmenu...
no bro no
u have 2 ssd for example
local disc c and d
c is windows installed
d is ur files
u just gonna format c install win 10
and when u finish u gonna have ur files on d
and clean install
win 10 on c
You can just reinstall and save all files.
i know
Also you know its not me who got this problem right?
the VAN9005 error
but u gona have windows old files
who have it can read this idk who has the prob
there was a video on youtube that helped me
about that
i had same problem when i first installed win 11
tpm was closed and something like secure boot i think i dont remeber exatly
TMP2.0 Needs to be enabled and Secure Boot needs to be turned on.
So don't downgrade your windows kids!
No need to.
How to Enable TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot [Windows 11]
Here is a complete video tutorial on How to Enable TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot on your Windows 11 PC. Follow this guide to check if TPM is installed on your PC, how to enable it if it is, then also enable Secure Boot.
TPM 2.0 is a requirement for installing Windows 11, therefore, before proceeding with its installation, make sure you activate it.
but still win 11 is bad for gaming more fps on win 10 lol
people that know more about windows said that bro
not me
Is Windows 11 worth for gaming?
Windows 11 does not slow down gaming. Windows 11 scores slightly higher overall in most tests but occasionally shows slightly lower results when checking frame-per-second (FPS) performance when playing certain games. In other games, FPS performance on Windows 11 is slightly better.
u cant stop backgroung apps in win 11
that lowers u fps
Ofc you can...
u dont have that option bro
that's for UWP apps
windows 11 is very similar in performance to windows 10
win11 may have slightly lower performance on older hardware
finally someone that understands!
but on intel 12nd gen and newer, it's sure to works better
lol it doesnt work in lowe gen than 7th bro
and this option im talking about is not in win 11
again, I restate, that's for uwp apps
check task manager, and I assume u will see alot shit running there cuz u leave them to start at bootup
i disable all of them
What kind of pc do you have.
i7 11700k
Thats only your CPU
let me find the mobo name man
is like aorus prime b560m something like this
Yeah I'm loosing brain cells here. Time to step out.
whats ur pc brotha
Oh no not because I don't know anything about pcs (Because I do. I do a study about it.)
But I don't understand you lol.
Intel coreI5 12 gen
48gb RAM (Weird number I know)
RTX 3060
Samsung 980 pro 1tb
gigabyte z690 ud ddr4
48 wtf 3 rams u have how
i shoould buy some fasters ram i have it only 3000
thanks I will watch it
3 sticks?
I have 4
huh 16x2+8x2?
that's abit weird
Someone else had this same issue so here is what I said to them in a different thread, let me know if this helps (here is the link again, I am on mobile rn so can’t copy and paste all of it)
MBR2GPT - Windows Deployment
Use MBR2GPT.EXE to convert a disk from the Master Boot Record (MBR) to the GUID Partition Table (GPT) partition style without modifying or deleting data on the disk.
I know, But it has it reasons.
the way he explains it I'd have to do a lot and im not tryna do all of it so I just uninstalled val
thanks for helping yall
lol okay mate no worries keep playing fortnite

man google exists
<motherboard/laptop model> enable secure boot and tpm
man i already did that
whati s non binary
maybe u arent a man
show me ur bios
take pics with phone

i dont have phone
ah theres no way u got z790 and have no phone
im lazuy
win+r, tpm. msc
i go phone 1s
nvm bro valoarnt works now
also why how expensive is this Z790
i thought its cheap
eh what
its the highest end intel consumer mobo
u prob got 13900k tho i believe
else u wont be on z790