My valorant stuck at 0% INSTALL
So I was logging into my game and then it said to download vanguard but I already had vanguard, so I re-downloaded the game and then after downloading it went to install the game and now it's stuck like this...
246 Replies
maybe restarting your PC
Already tried
same here
so how did you fix it?
mine's not even moving
so how DO I FIX IT?
Disable your antivirus
check your firewall
mine isnt working either D:
bro i disabled my antivirus and restarted like twice and its still not working💀
deleted and reinstall
i did
or maybe check if you have 2 launchers
do this

ya thats what I did
ok will try
i dont know how to disable that dumb avast
just delete it
its bloatware
I put exception for valo

and I have never had problem's with it in the past
doesnt work
oh shi wait
ok now it works
Works for me
in just 10sec
srry mb
didnt saw it
no problem
dioes this work??????
just disable ur antivirus for a while
restart and run riot client again
delete your antivirus then restart comp
ez fix
u don't have to delete it.
but okay
you should
most antiviruses are just bloatware
that run in the bg that give you false positives
thank you so fuckking much, it workedd
love you
and thank you to everyone who also helped me 🙂
what about those that never installed any antivirus to begin with? except w/ the built-in on win10 but also already disabled.
trying to figure out this error on an internet shop scale using diskless, mind you valo was working fine throughout the day, nothing was changed or moved but all of a sudden all newly booted pcs are experiencing the riot vanguard error while the other pcs whom are used for quite awhile has their valo working just fine, but since we are on a diskless system. All units has a deepfreeze, so anything changed on the client side wont affect the other clients.
so windows defender is alr disabled?
everything is disabled and i manually stoped vgc and uninstalled vangurd
dmn this game take my whole wifi
yep, it was already disabled a long time ago when the diskless system has been setup. and it's been almost a year
and you're having the same problem as everyone else? e.g. valo stuck at 0%
the solution wasnt from me tho
you could try making an exception in windows defender if you have no other antivirus installed:
Press the Windows Key
Type Windows Security and click on the search result to open it
Click on Virus & Threat protection.
Click on Manage Settings that is under Virus & Threat protection settings
Scroll down until you find Exclusions
Add any Riot Games folders you have installed for Riot Client or VALORANT, including C:\Riot Games and C:\Program Files\Riot Games (or whatever drive you have them on).
not really, i can get past the login phase and the game loads for awhile and this pops up

someone that helped you thank you to them 🙏🙏
iirc rivatuner and msi afterburner also cause vanguard to have some issues
question, has this issue been raised to valo support team? seems like not everyone was affected by this
ok but it works
if they dont want to do it they dont have to
i’m having the same problem as everyone else and i disabled my antivirus like everyone suggested and ran val client as admin but then my pc crashed
you dont have to run it as admin
it won’t open if i try to run it normally

try that
disabling avast and running riot client after restart wokred
when i tried doing it first i got the blue xcreen of death
pc crashed
all g now
i dont even see that
i sent a ticket
i reinstalled the game
why does this happen
messed up game
its working for people who are disabling their antivirus
i hate avast
have been using it for a while
and it had the same issue with payment page problem
after this error i uninstalled it fr

Is it working now? cause if it hasn't, have you tried clicking on the menu button on the upper left of the riot client? It worked for me.
ive tried everything
thank you! this worked for me
Can I just have help mine is stuck at 45% this is so annoying
run command prompt as admin and type in the stuff in the picture

i didnt have to delete the riot vanguard folder but i restarted after deleting those things, ran val as admin, waited for it to reinstall vanguard and then restarted my pc again
should work
Hi, I have the same problem as the guy writes here. Does anyone know where the error is?
The server is probably down
it says acess is denied can i have help
So you don't know why it doesn't work?
I'm already writing to support, so we'll see
Yeah i did that too
did it work?
type in command prompt in the search bar, right click it and select run as admin and then type those
after alla that just run val in admin

do you delete vanguard then you reinstall it again?
it will tell you to reset your pc
cus you just reinstalled the vanguard
I’m not very smart
I’m dyslexic
im sorry im not sure how i can help beyond that
Posted hours ago, helped a bunch of people:
i dont know bro

how long does it takes to uninstall vanguard
ive been waiting for 5 mins
Is antivirus disabled and did you exit vanguard in the system tray?
I did that, my computer crashed and ran into some problems
and also everytime I open up riot client it asks me if I want to have it make changes for my device
Yes, 1-3 blue screens might happen, happened to others too, after it worked
So everytime My computers recovers from a blue screen I do it again?
I heard 1-3 times from some people, until it worked. You disable the antivirus first, Avast seems to cause problems, then exit vanguard.
Then uninstall vanguard & start riot client/valorant
Make sure to disable the antivirus until the update worked, some even uninstalled, but don't think that's needed.
how long does it take to download vanguard
on how good your internet is
but it will install by the launcher
i get 10 ping
and will tell you to reset the pc
guess that’s pretty quick then
it says its installing the vangaurd on the riot client
i wish i could see how long it takes
do i got to disable my anti virus
if so yea
Am unable to launch val after the new update
does anyone got solution for this issue?
does it say when the update is done
Don't bother trying
I tried everything
I uninstalled vanguard
well I couldn't
mine worked ;-;
mine showed up today

I can't even uninstall vanguard after disabling my anti virus
I got like 5 blue screens
i was gonna buy oni bundle 😦

just follow this one
i did that
then run val as administrator
not the launcher
the game itself
access is denied
it told me
how do you run valorant as a administrator
search valorant then right click
maybe in the search
it denied me
then you’ll see run as administrator
when i typed that
ok i try now
do you even have admin?
on your pc?
how do you
there’s youtube tutorials for that
you can make your account admin
do you ghot link?
link of what?
the video
im just gonna wait for riot's response
i already have it
since i got my computer
i clicked run as admin and it just put me on the update page
hello everyone
bro it denied but im already admin
valorant isnt working
idk mine worked ;-;
im stuck at 0%
all is
well not all
i cant find the video
can you send the iamge again
of what?
the sc delete thing

got it to work
i did that up to the part where vanguard is installing
forgot to run as admin
yeah there u go
run what as admin?
ill cya when after i restart
i ran my game using val as admin

restart 1

I got it running :O
that was so easy
what was the update then???
can someone tell me how to do that
im stuck at 0
Bruh idk what this mean how do this
Open cmd as admin or sum what??
how do i open cmd as admin?
type in command prompt in search bar, right click it, run as admin
Will i be able to do it if i uninstall antivirus
like the search bar on the bottom left
ok i opened it as admin
what next
ok now type in what the picture says
1 by 1 tho not together
sc delete vgc?
ok wait
Bruh this shit too hard wtf
it is a little complicated yeah
ye i cant do that bruh
did you type in both the prompts?
close it and restart your pc
this shit is complicated
ok im here
run val as admin
ok wait
you can try just uninstalling and reinstalling mby
wdym mby

it worked for some people
wait till it tells you to restart pc
ok ok
and then after that it should work
no someone tried and said it was a bad idea
this the game issue right?
how long do i have to wait?
until the msg comes up he or she said
the message that says restart pc should come up
oh shit i didint delete riot vanguard

and if I exit vanguard
it gives me a blue screen
I can't delete it bro
still stuck on 0


Just wait for riot's response
there's no point in trying anything else
any actual fixes yet? not keen on scrolling through this entire thread..
my pc blue screened once when i tried to fix it earlier when i tried to force close riot vanguard. and honestly i have ptsd from blue screens from last year when my pc kicked the bucket so i'm not keen on reproducing anymore bsods if i can help it..
No solutions to the issue yet.
Just have to wait for riot to come up with one
there are some solutions but they don't work
for most people
Is there a reason why some people are being affected by this and others aren't?
some solutions work for some people
but they dont for most
No no I mean
why val isnt working for some people
It's their vanguard
or their anti virus
I've tried every possible way but none worked
hmm fair enough
I think it's because some people had their anti virus turned off
before this happened
that's why they have no issues
But different story for those with anti virus
And im one of them
i guess
did you try the turn your antivirus off/restart and then try to play fix?
i saw some people suggest that but
I did
I tried to exit van guard to delete the app
but I got a blue screen
yep same, that's what happened to me. got a bsod
You can't delete it if it's running
so i tried not to mess with it anymore
I guess just wait for riot's response
my pc used to bsod a bunch last year so i have ptsd from seeing bsods loool
same here man
well hopefully there's a fix soon!!
glad to know it wasn't just me having this issue tho
No, don't think uninstalling VAL helps, it's vanguard that causes problems
didnt work
am i right?

First type sc delete vgc
Then sc delete vgk
@Deleted User
bless you it worked
i did it and when i press delete on riot vanguard it said like that

Is it still running in system tray? @Deleted User
If so, you need to exit it there, but might give bluescreen. Also disable antivirus for now, if it's running
yea it's a bug and MANY ppl have it, i tried everything and idk what worked overall.
1 I reinstalled Riot Vanguard*
2 I checked that my firewall doesent cancel anything
3 I reinstalled valorant
4 I Restarted my computer multiple times
But now my game works so idk
It does the same to me

That means you didn't uninstall it as it's running in the system tray
make sure you disable ur antivirus especially if its avast
ty from helping me i got my account back
just follow the instructions
if you have anti-virus installed, putting your anti-virus into passive mode/disabling it, which then requires a reboot, and then running the update after that works for many players
if that doesnt work, then you just have to wait for a fix - Schmick
Don't uninstall vanguard...
Is valorant even aware of this issue and are they going to fix it
they are
check it
Are they going to fix it
Like i really want play Val for some reason
They will
dont worry
im having same issue
whats your windows?
like 10 8 7
you can't play it on 11
switch to 10 I know so many people who have swapped back to 10 and it worked ag ain
I fixed it
On 11
just close and open it