What is this? :
I encountered this in my game, is this something like a new feature that will be added next update? :0

8 Replies
No this was already in the game idk which update but they added it because people would throw games by spamming the defuse button and it wouldn’t let others defuse so now u can kick people off it
If you are gonna photoshop at least do it right come on man
Like it has to be all uppercase and make the "hold f" like the M and just the box with F in it

270 days ago..... also gekko is not near defuse lol the omen one makes some sense since omen is by it
u can’t even see his full screen how do u know no one is near it
and yeah 270 days ago it’s not a new feature
Spike has a radius he can be on the edge of it
Maybe its a thing? idk
If it is riot devs need to step it up then lol