VALORANT•7mo ago

I am stuck in iron

Ok yes im stuck in iron and idk why, like my aim is not terrible. I hit on taps and all and have pretty nice aim. I think my game sense is a bit low and i am a bit impatient but still i cwnt escape iron, what should i do??
25 Replies
NjR•7mo ago
*one taps
fecker_•7mo ago
vod when
OsWaynZz•7mo ago
@njrbro vod? Also there is not only aim and gamesense you dont really need gamesense but you need mechanic to rank up
NjR•7mo ago
tameem•7mo ago
like movement and peeking and stuff no point one tapping people if you get one tapped yourself almost immediately by someone else (not really but still) movement makes it hard for enemy to hit you
fecker_•7mo ago
you dont need movement in iron they cant even hit you while standing still 💀
Rift Walk
Rift Walk•7mo ago
well im getting smurfs like with valo tracker it said one dude who is bronze 2 was in enemy team but his peak was diamond well some irons r good man i was an iron player(now bronze :/) n even after counter strafe also some of them one shots me
fecker_•7mo ago
proof? i have never seen a real iron strafe in my over 2 years playing valorant
Rift Walk
Rift Walk•7mo ago
how can i give proof i do:/ well its not that perfect but still
fecker_•7mo ago
you're bronze right? and they counter strafe right? and you play comp right?
Rift Walk
Rift Walk•7mo ago
yea but i learnt strafin when i was like iron 3
fecker_•7mo ago
i think your definition of strafing was running and gunning
Rift Walk
Rift Walk•7mo ago
nah man im tellin the counter strafin oly well u knwo what nvm i gtg i have exmas tmrw:(
fecker_•7mo ago
good luck
Rift Walk
Rift Walk•7mo ago
OsWaynZz•7mo ago
Movement is not only strafing
fecker_•7mo ago
yea but in iron thats really not your focus all the smurfs in iron are aim no brain and in iron no one has a brain anyways
Hippo•7mo ago
Just keep fragging and u will get out of iron unless theres a smurf Flash + peek then frag
Diondolfijn•7mo ago
Aim and technique is usually not the problem in iton usually its indeed game sense and mostly positioning bfuz in iron its not a team game i have realized its mostly u plsy alone to do as much as possible
fecker_•7mo ago
this is iron nobody has comms nobody is listening
NjR•7mo ago
True, none of my teamates listen to what im saying, most of them are toxic, others are no comms instalock reynas But im not blamming all the issues to my teammates, still i dint really get good teammates Ya i need to improve that like i stand still and shoot even after i miss my shots i dont reposition myself
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•7mo ago
that comes with playing more just deathmatch more and do a longer warmup your in iron so you have lots of time to test new techniques
MercuryCookie•7mo ago
Woohoojin aim technique
Purple Guy >:3
Purple Guy >:3•7mo ago
I was hard stuck in iron 3 for 6 months bro But I made an alt account and played comp in it, instantly ranked up to silver 1 in 3 weeks Probably cuz mmr fucked up in old account and iron lobbies are trash. No one listens to callouts or team strats So make a new account ig
NjR•7mo ago
Hmmm i was actually thinking about that