Valorant racism past 3 games

The past 3 games there have been racist players both on my team and the enemy team. I report them and still Valorant does nothing to address the blatant racism. I'm not throwing elo, I'm not saying anything harmful, hurtful in any way yet this still happens when I only ever communicate positively. First game I had a chamber on my team who threw since round 1 saying "gg I am throwing I have an EU player" and the whole game he spent with his knife out sat in spawn and pushing the enemy with his knife and classic only even if he had 9k credits Why does Valorant do nothing?? I report and nothing happens??
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7 Replies
MysticOP2y ago
Btw I top fragged all 3 games
emily2y ago
try to create a ticket on riot games' website you'll prob get a better answer there
ricekristies2y ago
The val community can be toxic but there rly is no way to js fix that That’s not rly a com helping matter
MysticOP2y ago
Crazy how you're saying that racism is fine Average valorant player Carrying my team and all they do is be racist against me Dw bro I will start throwing their games like how they want me to Because apparently all of us "EU people" are just "EU shitters who should go back to EU" You're just adding to the problem of racism right here Disgusting You're actually vile You don't support blm? Racist piece of shit
MysticOP2y ago
Valorant players racist as shit always
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DARK2y ago
so soft tbh
Tartauros2y ago
Just mute them ingame and report them, nothing else u can do, sadlt Y

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