Need help from riot staff to assist me on in game name
I accidentally changed on the wrong account that will be used on tournament soon and i need help from a riot employees to help me change the in game name back or to other ign that is specifically given by my tournament team manager. 🙏🏻
14 Replies
❓ If you require assistance, want to discuss a ban or an in-game restriction, if you were hacked or lost access to your account, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. Moderators are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at
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- If you were banned or received an in-game penalty, please read ➡️
- If your account was hacked or you dont have access anymore, try this ➡️
Error Codes in VALORANT
Something's gone awry in VALORANT? Not to worry. It's why we're here, after all. If you received an error code, chances are there's a number attached. Simply find your number to learn what it means...
Penalties and Bans FAQ
We hold our Agents to the highest standards and expect you all to be on your best behavior. This means staying in the game and giving it your best shot. Going AFK, queue dodging, or committing frie...
Recover Your Account
If you forgot your Riot Games username, can't remember your password, or need help recovering a compromised account, you're in the right place. Find your issue below and click the associated button...
Yes already open tickets for multiple times
But still no response from their side tho. Any alternative way to contact besides twitter and website ticket?
why multiple times?
also how long did you wait
Like i’ve sent last month
Then last week cuz no response
Then today.. but still
i guess thats a no then <:2_PeepoShrug:615931038094458910>
what category were the tickets?
In game issue if i’m not mistaken
Because i have a tournament soon
If you keep sending tickets, youll only make it longer
And accidentally changed it to another name
And I’m pretty sure they cant do anything about it, hence the limit
I see
Also what’s the difference between riot id and summoner name?
your very first Summoner name is combined with a tag representing your initial server (like #NA1, #EUNE, etc.) to create your Riot ID. This remains the same even if you change your Summoner Name, so your name will be reverted back
How do i check my summoner name ya?
Its your riot ID
Kk tqq