Account got hacked and then banned

Hey guys , i want some guidance and help Long story short i wanted to get back to the game after ive seen the new character , the last time ive played was 6 months ago and before that was like 4 months before that i logged in yesterday to discover that my account has been perma banned because of third part software i went anc checked the tracker it appeared that the hacker played 5 games with hacks and got my account banned I have submitted a ticket and explained in detailed context for riot and yet they said after further inverstigation that the penality was correct and they cant unban me Any advice on what can i do to prove that there was a hacker ? i did say in the ticket that im willing to provide and information required
27 Replies
Johnβ€’17mo ago
I've never heard of anyone who got perma banned get unbanned how much money did you spend on the account?
π”Ύπ•£π•–π•–π•Ÿ π”Ήπ• π•š
Nothing but I have a lot of free cosmetics that you can't get anymore I haven't spend money on the acount , but it's old and has stuff I don't think I will be able to get anymore , and I've spent a lot of time on it It's just unfair what happened to me
Platfoureβ€’17mo ago
I have read some comments on people getting unbanned after sending in multiple tickets and finally getting a support member that didn't give out cookie cutter responses also got banned for third party but dont think i got hacked since my last 20 matches on riot mobile seems like its all my games. Sent 2 tickets so far with some questions for clarification but they just reply with "cant do anything " without answering anything. I guess we just gotta continue sending tickets and get lucky enough to get someone whos willing to look into it further
π”Ύπ•£π•–π•–π•Ÿ π”Ήπ• π•š
They said they have investigated it , but I be you they didn't do anything They would have known its a mistake It's just simple to say that it's correctly placed penalty and call it a day I will keep sending tickets too
Platfoureβ€’17mo ago
got another cookie cutter response on my third ticket saying they cant unban me but i just checked my account rn and its unbanned ???
Johnβ€’17mo ago
you can get previous battlepass items in the shop now
! kopaszfasz
! kopaszfaszβ€’17mo ago
yeah, he's going to pay for stuff that was free a few months ago, sure
ricekristiesβ€’17mo ago
wait fr
Platfoureβ€’17mo ago
yea everything but skins. 4 items per shop which rotates out once a week and you use in game credit to buy
ricekristiesβ€’17mo ago
oh yea ik about everything else i thought u meant skins i’m not new
π”Ύπ•£π•–π•–π•Ÿ π”Ήπ• π•š
Yeah but it's not free anymore is it Everything but skins, I had a lot of free skins throughout battlepasses Oh ok , is it still unbanned ? Exactly !
Platfoureβ€’17mo ago
yea still unbanned
π”Ύπ•£π•–π•–π•Ÿ π”Ήπ• π•š
I've submitted a ticket and they are asking about my summoners name , what does that mean
Platfoureβ€’17mo ago
isnt summoners name for league for hacking problem, i saw other people comment on how support would ask for ip address
π”Ύπ•£π•–π•–π•Ÿ π”Ήπ• π•š
I have just finished answering this ticket They asked like 22 questions Have answered all of them as much as possible , so hopefully there is something they could do
Maaz | γƒžγ‚Ί
Maaz | γƒžγ‚Ίβ€’17mo ago
my account is hacked how do I get it back?? I already contacted riot but they aren't replying and also made a ticket
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Make another ticket if you want They would respond to it i did it myself
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Keep getting these responses , its so annoying
No description
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I have answered all of the questions , adn explained everything in detail i bet you they didnt even look at my ticket the bot just saw that i was perma banned and therfore an auto reply was the case for me i dont understand why riots customer support is like this @everyone
! kopaszfasz
! kopaszfaszβ€’17mo ago
Yes. Thats why u lie till u get a real support employee talking to you Or contact turkish support, they are very stupid and easy to social engineer
π”Ύπ•£π•–π•–π•Ÿ π”Ήπ• π•š
I dont know how to spean in trukish Its so frustrating like ffs riot
! kopaszfasz
! kopaszfaszβ€’17mo ago
Google translate
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Can you give me a link for the turkish support?
! kopaszfasz
! kopaszfaszβ€’17mo ago
Make a fresh turk acc and contact from there or vpn
Jamesβ€’15mo ago
VANGUARDβ€’15mo ago
VALQuestion If you require assistance, want to discuss a ban or an in-game restriction, if you were hacked or lost access to your account, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. Moderators are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at Alternatively, - If you need to recover your account because it was hacked for example, you can follow these steps. - If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve them here. - If you were banned or received an in-game penalty, please read this article.

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