31 Replies
tpm 2.0
yeah pretty much
its because computers without it are too "cheatable"
Brand motherboard + sucure boot
Brand motherboard + tpm 2.0
You can find this on youtube, you will have to go in the bios
Thats so stupid, What about the people that dont cheat and they dont got a tpm
is it just like fuck them?
more game will require tpm and secure boot they just cant make big change and ask everyone to have it so last version of window 10 and window 11 need it the other will need to upgrade there window because the game will not allow them in the game in some year
basically yeah
is there a way i can i get a tpm 2.0
is it like a chip?
or i need to buy a whole nother pc
its in your bios
im pretty sure you can just turn it on
I dont think i can because i got bios 4
nd i only see secure boot,
not the tpm@thingy
its on your bios if you cant find it in your bios then you will have to buy a new motherboard i think
press windows + r
then put
yea look like i need a new mother board
and why do you think you dont have it ?
i have an bios 4 with no tpm option in the advanced thingy
i checked everywhere
i aint finan buy another motherboard for just valorant
did you look at a video ? because i know i search for it 10 minutes and i just look at it like 7 seven time without knowing
you can, but only on windows 10
nah even on window you can have it
i don't get you
can have what?
riot can ask you tpm and secure boot even on window 10
secure boot is a must, but surely not tpm
i have an on-chip one but disabled it, the game still runs anw
they can ask you the 2 but not on every window 10 version some will have it some not
i have windows 10 pro
wheres the video
the bios is different for every brand of motherboard
I know that
I got an Click Bios 4 z97 gaming
i think its old
yep 9 year ago
yeah i dont have an tpm
i needa get it upgraded
it doesnt cost much for a motherboard
thats a good thing
be carefull with your cpu and also dont take a motherboard with no tpm 2.0 it would be sad
oh yea thats true , Imma just take it to techgeek
for they can exchange iy