Valorant error
Hi, i really want to start playing Valorant, but when i try to open it i get this message. I tried everything to fix it, I even watched some yt videos, but none of them worked.

25 Replies
You need to enable secure boot and TPM 2.0 in your computers bios
Yea, i tried but my bios is diffrent, i dont know what to put on
I enabled secure boot, but it says its disabled
Is windows UEFI mode enabled? If not enable it
Is should be right next to secure boot
And if you know what your motherboard is then look up where it is on that motherboard
Yea its enabled
Just boot secure
Ok if both those are enabled then ur good there.
Look under advanced or security for TPM
Okay, i will try thankyou!
TPM can be called slightly differint things depending on the motherboard
I found it but, i dont know what all these things mean
I dont wanna mess up my pc
What is it called?
It should be called something like Trusted Platform Module
its says i have tpm 2.0
but i cant change anything
Like you can’t change the setting?
the things i can change are not called tpm or anything else lik that
Nope i cant
You looked in both advanced and security?
It can be called Intel Trusted Computing Module
Yes, i looked in both but cant find it
I can vary but in the description of the setting it should say that it is TPM 2.0
Are u sure your motherboard has TPM 2.0?

Do you know your motherboards name?
Ig it has TPM 2.0 on it than haha
Where can i find it?
First, open Run using Windows + R. When the Run window opens, type msinfo32 and press Enter. This will open the Windows System Information overview. Your motherboard information should be specified next to Baseboard Manufacturer, BaseBoard Product, and BaseBoard Version
Okay lemme check it
I see
If you have the name of your motherboard look up where to enable TPM on that motherboard
Probably lag