25 Replies
bottom is my game
top is tarik's game
his just looks more vibrant and cleaner
@Spongebob streamer do that with amd or nvidia
i chcked nvidia
nvidia control panel doesnt work
it only makes my desktop
and liek spotify
it doenst affect video games for me
Just go on youtube you will find what you need because its either amd or nvidia your probably did wrong
i did
nvidia control panel
digital vibrance
and vibrance gui does the same thing
it only affects desktop spotiofy chrome and shit
doesnt affect video games
@Spongebob i dont use nvidia but im sure you did something wrong you dont have preset on nvidia for game ?
what do you mean by preset on nvidia for game
i made nviida override every app
with current nvidia settings
@Spongebob like amd, intel, logitech and most of software we have preset for game like i have setting for one game and i have other setting for another gamd
yea i did override settings for all apps
which means my ucrrent settings are applied for all the games and apps
just turn your "bloom" setting on
it is on
smt wrong with my pc
and nviida
ah, gl then
yea i think its gotta be
cause brightness digital vibrance
etc etc
works for my
like desktop
spotify discord chrome steam and stuff
but whenever i enter any video games
like valorant
it doesnt work
it reset
other people have had this problem
where all the nvidia control panel settings resets on games
well i dont
but i found the setting to ovveride the reste
but it doesnt overide the reset
whats ur digital vibrance at rn
idk ill check rn
this is 100 digital vibrance for me

u look like you're at 30 fps...
The screenshot fucked up
Yea idk why it doesn’t affect games for me