Today, on 5/12/2023, I received error VAN 152, indicating that my HWID is banned for alleged "cheating." However, I have not used any hacks, cheats, glitches, or external programs at any point. I would like to know exactly why I am banned, in which game, and what evidence exists to justify a 4-month ban on my account. This PC is new, and I want to understand the reason for the ban. Please lift the ban as I have never used any kind of hacks or cheats in the game or elsewhere. Identify the specific game or match that led to this penalty, and kindly explain why this happened. Thank you!
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1 Reply
OsWaynZz15mo ago
first its not 4 month the ban of the account, its 4 month the ban of the composant and the account is perm ban, second you need to make a ticket on their website not here

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