what the hell is this matchmaking
im on a level 10 account on a two game losing streak for unrated and i friended my enemies afterwards and their ranks are immortal?????? what kind of shitty ass excuse for matchmaking is this?! get your game straight you lazy ass mfs. i mean it doesnt bother me that much as i am diamond on my main account but what if i was actually a real level 10 player who couldnt get a single kill or win a single unrated game because the enemies were immortal?
15 Replies
you probably did well in the past matches so ur mmr prolly raised
so it placed u with immortals to test if u could fit in with them
im silver but i get placed with diamonds in unrated who get way less frags than me
Maybe just maybe riot figured out roughly where you should be ranked and cranked your MMR it's a smurf prevention thing it seems to have worked
They won't do this to a genuinely new player
Good job riot your smurf prevention is working before they even get to comp
i actually like it. i play against higher ranked players with diamonds and do better than they do
did u not read? i said i was on a two game losing streak. i also went negative in these games so tell me why i was placed with immortals after that? and dont even try and tell me that the smurf detection is good
its unrated
^, u can queue with anyone even immortals in unrated
2 losses ≠ instant iron elo
why? sort of a shit feature dont you think? new players queing with immortals?
For new players, the game needs to check the skill first. So maybe the first match you play, you deliver in silver lobbies -> you get to play against gold enemies next. you play good that match too -> play against plats. So on and so on.
Just because you lose two matches doesnt mean you play against silvers.
You said you were diamond on another account, so the mmr system of riot has worked well, as you probably did well (except the 2 other matches)
I beilieve unrated games have mmr aswell so if u play well in em u probably get good ppl just a theory btw
you should read this, this guy explained the unrated system pretty well

Oh unrated it could just be an iron and immo friend qing or something like that
5 stack ranked boosting be like
It's unrated not even ranked it's a lv10 account
Just some buds having fun