a critical error has occured
ive tried every youtube tutorial fix and cant find a fix, ive updated my windows and graphic card driver, enabled vgc in services, and messed around with how the program runs like making it admin etc and i even went as far as completely wiping riot, vangaurd and valorant off my pc twice but still no fix
38 Replies
lots of people say closing MSI afterburner on your computer will help
also blitz
i dont have either of those i think
check your task manager
The same thing happened to me before but i can't remember what i did
razer do it too
dont have that either
ive deleted all anti viruses and stuff that im aware of
can you screen your desktop ?
in like 30 mins if thats okay
Not on my pc right now
yea dont worry
im ready when you are, my mics broken asf rn tho
@mud_ders just screen your desktop no need to voc
where do you want me to screen it?
@mud_ders just the desktop where you have all your app
ohhhhhh i thought you wanted me to screenshare
as in this?

i dont know if im being stupid sorry ahah
You only have this ?
on my desktop yeah
@mud_ders can you got into window setting, game and screen me everything you have ?
as in this?

or this

this and all the list please
ok gimme min

thats all of it
@mud_ders your vpn is on ?
then i dont see any problem that could come from those app

any idea what else i could try/do
did you look on forum/youtube ?
yeah tried everyting but no hope
think ill have to factory reset my pc at this point
you should make a ticket on the website of riot
how exactly do i do that, and what would the response time be like?
3 hours to 2 day and on the website you write riot support in your broswer you will find it easy
perfect thank you with all the help much appreciated it