Valorant 6300 RP gift card for trade

A while back ago (2021) i bought a 40 $ giftcard thats worth 6300, in the title it said TR but i thought that wasnt important and when i got back home i realized it was for Turkey (hence TR), but i was in EUNE and couldnt use it, so now that i found it again (the code was lost in my pc) i figured i could sell it for much, much cheaper, i bought it using the salad mining app, worth 37.49$. I emailed both riot games and the salad team to check if its still valid. if it is valid, does anyone wanna trade it for LoL gift cards(for EUNE) or even just through paypal, since its worth 37,49$, in the store you can get 5800 RP for 50$ so its already cheaper, but since i dont need it and i want this done faster i can go for as cheap as 30$-35$ on paypal or negotiage for gift card trades(only for LoL EUNE), DM me or type in this subform
2 Replies
Geniux15mo ago
DONT trade with people. You WILL be scammed. Instead, try opening a ticket on official support, asking them to redeem the giftcard for you. Might work and they wont scam you
ArcanianOP15mo ago
idk if i already typed this but i have proof i bought it and if its still valid i can also add proof from riot games or salad, and also im okay with doing it with a trusted middleman(not sure how this will form), if done thru paypal half from half after thats why i ask half upfront again even if i do get scammed it doesnt really matter since i cant use the giftcard i tried already unfortunatly i cant because im perma banned also i dont even like valorant anymore so changing the region will be pointless

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