val error 57
I get this error only on my new account? I have another account that works perfectly fine and vangaurd starts up no problem but on a new account it doesnt work at all
11 Replies
restart the client by task manager that should work
i did that like 10 times
but when i log into my other account it works fine
idk then because either its a problem with client either with vanguard but you can launch on your other account so idk
when i launch with new account it doesnt open vanguard in task manager
with the old account it does open vangaurd
close vanguard, restart your pc should work if not try to uninstall vanguard and download it again
how do i close vangaurd when its not even open

should be here ?
its not a problem with vangaurd i dont think
it works on my other account i just dont understand why it doesnt work on this one
found something new
when trying to reinstall vangaurd
with a new account
it just does not work
if you click update on valorant it will stop instantly and the install vangaurd notification will still be there
yoo @20p did you fix your problem
if yes can you tell me how to fix it
Asked riot support and they fixed it