Game bsod randomly
I dont have issue running other games though
I don't even know if it's a bsod but it just closes my pc and boots up automatically like a bsod
There's no error code obviously since it's a black screen
Here's a pic and a vic of it that I've taken

43 Replies
It's mostly a memory management error code
But i'm sure my ram has still like 40% more to use with task manager
just blackscreen?
could be overheating
can u monitor ur stats while playing
im sure its not overheating though
how sure are u
Yeah, i've been getting black screen twice tdy
if it was a ram instability issue, there will be bsod
Prob a 75% since i have no issue running 3a ganes
monitor ur temps pls
Sometimes i get the memory management bsod though
Ight gonna try it once i got home
what exactly is it?
Anyway to monitor it with one monitor only?
also are u running xmp

and overclocked it by any chance?
try lower clock speed
Nah i dont think so
I overclocked it before but i reinstalled windows already
I can't see anything
and yeah that's a bsod
https://imgur. com/a/T8ENqcG
Try this
it's stored in bios
I think discord auto compress the pic
Got it
But in the past i dont have issue even with streaming and other apps open
The problem started likr few months ago
no, it isn't about compression
I can't see the error code clearly
there's blue background of val there
The chance of bsod gets higher if i stream with obs or share screen on discord
do u play any other cpu intensive games
Yeah its memory management
like cs or fornite
Ye i play fortnite
But no issue
I used to have it
But when i set the framerate limit from unlimited to 60
I dont have issue with that anymore
I can't really see anything, the val frame shouldn't be mixed with bsod tho
No idea why but im 100% sure its a bsod
it's bsod
but ur pic just sucks
no one can see whats there
Wait lemme send other one

it's same?
I can't see letters on it
Clearer for me though
it should look like this

Its a memory_management error code
Yeah its mixing with val no idea why
and not two mixed frame
Ikr but it only occur one time
Other time its either a sudden black screen or either game freezes and black screen
They all have the "freezing" sound
Similar to the vid
ur vid didn't show anything
Bug Check 0x1A MEMORY_MANAGEMENT - Windows drivers
The MEMORY_MANAGEMENT bug check has a value of 0x0000001A and indicates that a severe memory management error occurred.
which one exactly
No idea
I guess ill check the event viewer and game logs later?
i got a lot of warning, here some of it

event viewer