stuck bronze.
i personally have a really shaky aim and mostly play horrible. i like to push but i am super slow at making decisions and my util usage isnt anything special honestly i just need alot of help or coaching about getting better. i never really watched pros play if i have to be honest i started valorant a year and a half ago and still havent really gotten good. if you have any tips, dm me my dms are open <3
14 Replies
then start watching
@levikitty no need to watch pro gameplay, try to watch guide you will improve faster than watching nothing
ur aim is shaky bcuz ur sens is probably too high
im guessing
i got REALLYY bad shaking aim too, and what im doing is just trying to hold my mouse really light and drink water
and its kinda helping
+ u can play lots of dm so u wont be scared if u see an enemy
@nex Bad shaking, can be from high sens
can be
shaking most likely comes from panic
if your not ready to take a fight and you are put into one, you will panic and grip your mouse really tight, which causes the shaking
your sens only determines the amount of shaking, not the shaking itself
Nah sens is a big factor too i watch many people with high sens shaking, but with low sens no shaking
train ur aim
thats because the small shakes are more exaggerated with high sens
they both shake but low sens barely moves while high sens moves a lot
You can even say in low sens there is almodt for everyone no move and yes make sense
what did you type my brotha
i cant understand
Sometimes it's not sens
The highest sens I've played w was 1000 dpi .365 and the lowest (the one I'm on rn) 1000 dpi .17
No shaking on either sens
It kinda depends on the person cause I grip my mouse moderately tight since it gives me a sense of control
^thats why i said sens determines amount of shaking, not why your shaking
the OP most likely shakes because they panic and deathgrip the mouse