Account been banned for no reason? False ban.

I just got banned because of a third party software but ive had my acc for 2 years and spent a lot of money on it, and I dont have any interrfearing softwares. I just played valo 3 hours ago, hop off to play fortnite, and then hop back on and it says I got banned? I dont think I played with any cheaters. Nor do I cheat im literally bronze 3 for almost 2 years.
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4 Replies
Stefan16mo ago
@oddsalem Open a Ticket and ask if there has been any suspicious activities on ur account
oddsalemOP16mo ago
I already opened a ticket I just have to wait there was a wave of hackers in vietnam hacking into peoples accounts and I think thats what I happened to me.
Stefan16mo ago
Is it possible that someone was playing on your account. Did you share your account with anybody ?
oddsalemOP16mo ago
No I even changed my passowrd a day before I have now gotten unbanned! It took one day. There is a wave of hackers getting into people accounts and banning them. They are from Vietnam

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