TPM 2.0 Required
Why is my val saying i need TPM 2.0 on to play even tho im on Windows 10 Pro
23 Replies
you need to enable it in bios
my pc doesnt have any TPM
riot says to disable VBS which i have done and it still doesnt work
@! hoang make a ticket on their website
ifs been 22 hours since ive submitted it.
@! hoang yep take long time, its an old pc ?
yeah old enough that it doesnt have tpm modules
@! hoang do you know what year ?
year of what
@! hoang motherboard of construction of your pc depend which you know
its an old ASUS
no tpm can be found in the bios
We got the same problem
They say we can't play without an TPM, I been looking for a bypass its nowhere to be found
but they basically saying fuck us
The people without tpm
Tpm 2.0 is pretty old enough trough ? 2015 everyone had it your fault to have a really old pc
People who say they dont have it are either on old laptop or just play on there old pc from 2010
thats the thing my mother not that old
it shoold@have tpm
@begeekedup than you prob have it just didnt find look at a video
Reset Ur laptop
Please press win + r
Then enter msinfo32
And send a photo of the app that opens

Your out of luck
That CPU does not support TPM
yeah but the thing is
i thought tpm 2.0 was only for W11
my mobo has a tpm module slot should i get one or no
Sometimes it asks for it sometimes it doesn’t
That is up to you