Error in settings?
I came upon this issue since months ago. Over those times I could not find a way to get rid of this problem. I had tons of crosshair saved and now they're gone.
I've tried restarting the game, re-installing the game, re-log in riot client, and run as administrator...etc. But still didn't work.
I also tried logging on with my alt, and somehow it doesn't have this issue. And even has a different lobby music? (my main account has a whooshing music; my alt has this fire beat as the music?). So I suspect this might be account issue rather game issue.
Will appreciate any help regarding my issue here. Thanks!

11 Replies
can you play a game?
Yes, it's just that my settings cannot be saved from session to session so every time I play I have to redo my settings again.
Have you manually changed the settings file
aka have you opened the valorant settings file and changed anything
never thought of that, but I don't want to tamper with the game files
I was just asking if you did or didnt
my bad
Too be honest this is my first time seeing this error
My best guess is too reset ALL settings and save it to valorants servers
One of two ways too do that
1) Open val, and go to the settings, controls
and in the bottom right press "RESET TO GAME DEFAULTS"
without changing anything
load into the practice range
wait 1 min
close val
wait 1 min
reopen val
see if the error happens
let me know after this has been done
aight thanks mate
ok the problem's fixed now
all i did was putting the "Saved" file into "live"
i think it's because i didn't transfer the "saved" file while putting the game in another drive, so the game couldn't update the configurations
thanks for the help tho
lmao that was the second way
from up here
that would have been good to know...
well i kinda forgot
i transferred those files like years ago