Low FPS on good pc
Hi everyone, I'm having some problems with Valorant in terms of performance. I have a 240Hz monitor (Odyssey G4), combined with a good pc. I can't consistantly reach 240 fps in Valorant, on any settings, without anything running in the background, all drivers up to date, fresh windows install. So does anyone else know a possible sollution since I tried everything i could think of?
PC Specs:
- Gigabyte RTX 3060ti Gaming OC
- Intel Core i5 12600KF
- MSI Z690-A PRO
- CM Hyper 212 RGB Cooler
- Kingston Fury 2x8GB 3200MHz RAM
- 1TB SN570 SSD
- CM 750 Watt gold certified PSU
FPS vary between 160 and 250, which is weird. Also note, if I check my utilization, none of the parts are above 60%, so I have no clue what's going on.
77 Replies
I have a laptop with a 3060 laptop and a 12th i5. The fps is also between 180 and 250. And the CPU GPU percentage is lower than 

Exactly, but since I just purchased my 240Hz screen I've been seeing the performance drops
while other games easily run good
Because my laptop's monitor is 165hz. I just give up when I try something but that fps still doesn't change.
Csgo is about 240-300 fps and apex is higher than 165. idk why CPU and GPU don't do their best

yea i get that
its just anoying when you pay a lot of money, but then the game just doesn't work like it should
ur cpu not good enough for consistent 240 fps
wdym a i5 12600KF is a beast of a cpu
i dont think it is for 240 fps tho
i could be wrong ig
search up some benchmarks
12 and 13th gen i5's are good
i think it should be able to achieve it
It is. I have a worse cpu and get steady 270
I have an old i7 and I can get up to 400
idk i got i5 10th gen or smt and i only get like 200 fps max
I have i512400f and I get 300 so
try running valorant as high priority in task manager
idk what else to do
thats what i'm saying, so it might just be valorant not being well optimized, but I don't want it to be something I can fix
So I'll keep on trying sollutions
No one else that knows something I can still try?
If you want, download an application to check how much megahertz your cpu and gpu is running
Then check if it’s running at the correct speeds
Also check the temperature of your cpu and gpu when under load
It could be throttling if it’s at a high temperature to protect the parts from damaging itself
What res.?
Well there’s something going on forsure
I would 100% check everything.
Flash bios to latest version ?
How’s your cpu temps ? Thermal throttling ?
Reinstall Windows ?
What’s your mouse HZ?
1080p 240hz (samsung g4)
Last time I checked there was no thermal throttling, I won't be home until sunday but I can get the pc here tho to check..
Already fully reinstalled windows
I haven't done a BIOS flash for a while tho, good one.
I'll do that aswell
Done, no changes, any more ideas?
@aqtive resonant 🤯
Are your drivers up to date?
Disk speeds can affect it
Or temps
temps are under 60 celcius on full load
ofc lad i've done a million things
So it's either disk speeds or something with OS
try rebooting windows
i have an m.2 ssd so i'd doubt that, also completely reinstalled windows, complete clean with personal files removed aswell
still the proplem?
Problem still persists or no?
yes i still have problems
yup still have problems
Ive noticed that valorant doesnt seem to utilize a lot of cpu/gpu power on somewhat higher end pcs
yes, ive seen that for myself looking at the utilisation while playing, gpu sits at 30% and cpu at 55% or sum
I think its because they want to safeguard funtioning of lower end PC's so that their pcs dont just straight up crash
Even me who has a rtx 3060 which is somewhat up there when it comes to specs
thats still kind of anoying, since there isnt a way to let it max out
No there isnt
Thats the thing about getting 240hz monitors
overall valorant is just badly optimized tbh
Sometimes ur disappointed
im not disappointed, it works perfect in other games
It could be better but I wont say badly
i play mostly rocket league, it works there so
U say that untill u meet another game
Yeah I do too
but in valorant i would like to get the best out of it aswell haha
hahaha what rank?
Rn Im washed so around d3-c2
ahh still fine right
Within the month I'll get my long term duo back, then I'll probably push to gc
vsync doesnt work either btw, didnt want to use it but if it wouldve worked it would have been fine
tbh same, i got like around 60+ on midrange laptop, but now only got capped at 60, on settings fps cap is turned off
VALORANT shows multi-core rendering as enabled, correct? Else ensure hyperthreading/multi-cpu is enabled in the BIOS.
yes, i will check the bios later on
that might be nvidia's fps cap
not using nvidia
amd's then
or intel's
Go to windows monitor settings, make sure the Hz is correct, sometimes it reverts back after a driver update or so.
hardware aceleration on
you have the intel new gpu's or an integrated graphics?
60hz 😭 (yes its 60hz)
iris xe, so intergrated
yea, i wouldnt expect much fps on that, but still the cap shouldnt be there all of a sudden
vsync turned off?
i think yes
sometimes it makes me lag
make sure to check that
idk why
banned rn 😭 (afk)
Also make sure you don't limit fps in VAL settings.
i did
turn off
you can still log in but just dont play?
Check that you're NOT running the game in compatibility mode/admin mode/fullscreen optimization. Worth a shot?
i actualy enabled that
in properties right?
cpu properties
Yes, VAL .exe properties
i forgor, i once open up bios to search intel turbo boost
none on

Hmm, ok
Maybe in BIOS you can choose if it should run in turbo or save power mode? Turbo for best performance.
the thing is, its only an issue with valo
if he/she had issues with all games, then Id think to look into the bios
But as VAL is very CPU bound, I could see other games running single threaded well, but VAL less well.
I think they said they played league with no issues so I think thats fine
Oh ok, no idea about League 👍 Just suggesting things to check, but you're prolly right
yeah no, I appreciate u suggesting, gud that ppl help out each other😅
hey, can u help with my problem