which agent is best for beginners

ive never played this game before but ive watched many youtubers play it and it looks pretty fun. i dont have a pc to play it but i heard the game is coming to console. if it does come to console which agent would you guess reccomend me playing and why
3 Replies
SEN Jeez
SEN Jeez15mo ago
This game is coming to console in next months, maybe next years. First, Riot Games will release Valorant Mobile, i don’t know when the Console‘s turn is. But maybe like Sage is easy for beginners.
OsWaynZz15mo ago
@crookface_ omen is not easy but is good to learn, gekko is easy
me15mo ago
Phoenix, Brimstone, Killjoy, and Fade are pretty straightforward agents from each class. Just be careful about Killjoy, since you get rewarded a lot for being ultra passive. This will not transfer to other agents. So if you pick Killjoy, also play other agents to learn how to play actively. And the console version will be totally different if it's ever released. Just pick anyone if that ever happens since everyone'll be learning.

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