i keep getting in matches out of my rank range
I get against immos, silvers, irons, asc. and its super annoying. Im ranked plat 2 atm and i cant seem to get a fair match. why does this happen?
18 Replies
and how can i fix
valorant tracker???

whats the # ?
Valorant Tracker
1kmh peek#frr's Valorant Unrated Match History - Valorant Tracker
Detailed match data for 1kmh peek#frr in Valorant.
ahh ok tnx

Wait its unrated and they are 4 stacked......
is there any way to avoid these type of matches?
oh okay
it would be sick to have a solo q only option but would probably lead to long mm
thanks for taking the time tho
Anytime have any questions just ask
but at least its not ranked lol
playing ranked tightens up the skill disparity
get a duo with similair skill and learn to carry
Unrated is random ranks bro… play ranked