how do i fix this matchmaking, im the silver 2, i have 3 BRONZES AND AN UNRANKED VERSUS 3 SILVERS AND 2 BRONZES

13 Replies
@haydenbc72 and ? That why you shouldnt install track its shit for you mental they re bronze and silver why do you care rank is fu pixel not there skill and if you think like that you will stay hardstuck because of your mental
We lost
@haydenbc72 you lost because you had bad mental
Uninstall this app and be cool at the start of the game, hello, how its going team ? Be cool and they will cool setting a good mental make winning easier
your matchmaking is normal
It’s normal
It’s not that big of a difference
not me specifically
i was actually hitting nasty revolver shots
your kd saying otherwise 🤷♂️
i was also banned for 3 days in comp and internet kicked me out of like 3 comp games at one point
how do i fix this matchmaking guys

The Smurf lmao
Bro it’s bronze and silvers
Not that bad
unlucky tbh
ur mmr prolly high
You are already talking bad on your team when the game didnt even start of course it play on you just uninstall it you will see in 2 week you will already play a lot better