I got a perm ban because my HS rate was 83%
204 Replies

u cheated lmao bro
its over
in not cheating bra? xd
I'm just playing the game well
sure buddy
if vangaurd did not detect any third party use
then would not get the ban
vangaurd is in the background running to check the security of game
This is the first time
i played well once 40/9/26
I've been playing for years
they did not give me ban
my KDA WAS very high
dont use cheats next time 😦
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What is your headshot rate?
dont cheat next time
If I were a cheat why would I come here?
Good luck getting your account back. I was also falsy banned for using third party software. Only program that was open at that time was Discord. Never even cheated in my life. And i HATE cheaters all the same. Me and my brother where also playing Unrated. Like who tf bans players from unrated matches in the first place. Or who would even cheat in an uncompetitive match o.O. They just don't want to be honest about their broken system, so the response you will get is: "you wont get your account back because our broken anti cheat software said so". I'm already taking legal actions against Riot Games. So far gathered all my evidence and sent it to my lawyer. We will see who laughs last...
ur stats show u are innocent
u should appeal in riot support might help
yea xd
Hope this helps! 

try explaining them properly
This is the first time I made this much HS rate and got banned xD
You can be the nicest person trying to explain it to them. Believe me. I saw enough reddit posts about other innocent players who got falsly banned. All they said is what i wrote before "you wont get your account back because our broken anti cheat software said so"
But good luck.
thx bro
@000000x6 some people are at 80 on on some game with kd and dont get ban, vanguardd detect something its all also third party is not only cheat
We shouldnactually report to riot of this problems
This is going out of hand now
Riot is doing unacceptable things which they should not without inspecting the situation properly
And their rank system is another pain in the ass
At last. A person with a clear mind!
They are indeed doing unacceptable things. Mostly banning people who have never used cheats, banning people who got dc because of a power outage, etc. It's indeed getting out of hand. But what gets done by it? Nothing. Know why? Because they have money (money = power) so they are litterly laughing us out right now. Especially to those who spent money on this game.
And they only listen to the people that either stream their game on a daily basis or not at all. Suddenly making changes the majority of the community did not even ask for and such. But it's not only riot games. It's a lot of multiplayer game companies that are this way. And we as customers must stand up to our rights for it. Only if we could do that. Then maybe then, something will change. But i don't have my hopes up for it. Because all their eyes are seeing is the € $ £ mark....
vanguard doesnt detect stats
I only read a littoe but first, on some game they make a way so if you got a power outage you dont ban so people just unplung their pc
Third party dont mean only cheat and there only a little % that doesnt actually have something other than that if you got detect you have something
99.99999% of the bans are people breaking the rules
power outage? you know that if you go afk ur gonna get punished if u have them often its ur own fault
Did you play on other game ? Because go on other fps you will cry
third party software? it literally checks ur pc so the bans have a justificatiion dont have sny sus stuff
Another guy who thinks that all programs work 100%. We are talking about softwares. Just as games have bugs, programs or in this case their anti cheat software can have faults in them as well.
people literally go to jail for mistakes and ur complaining because u get banned in a game lmao
Sure dude what kind of nonsense are you even talking lol
Oh wait ur a 12 year old
Ikrr wtf is he saying
32 years old and cheating in valorant
Just say you had something and go
Don't mind him he doesn't even know how to live let alone object someone 

No proof of him cheating
He might be in zone you know and his shots land rlly well
No point in trying to talk to this kid. Just a waste of time anyway. He most likely still lives at his mommy's house not having to work and sits behind his desk all day complaining to other people because his live is misserable
I even posted some clips in media for them too see how bad my aim is 

Dw my g youre so good even the game hates you
At least some people still have a clear mind and respect towards others 👍🏼
Ahh here we go again im gonna cry huh ? I saw other rank systems didnt seem that bad like this
Even fotnite has a better ranking system then this game 

The rank system is actually out of hand not bcz winning and loosing issue rather a more complex issue focusing on player assessments and development whenever you play too good compared to the level and rank you are in, riot places your match making with higher ranked players and then you end up losing more badly and thats not actually fair just bcz a player is having a better game making them place in a lobby with high rank players is absolutely unfair and if riot really thinks that some players are better than their rank placed then i request riot to rank them up or place them in higher rank instead of putting higher rank players in lower rank games the rank system should be fair according to ranks and place people according to their skills but rRIOT DOES NOT DO THAT THEY INSTEAD MIX HIGHER RANK PLAYERS WITH LOWER RANK THAT MAKES A MORE BAD ISSUE and if you wanna talk about smurfers try placing smurf accounts in high ranks as fast possible bcz identifying the smurfs is easier so yes riots rank system must improve also another factor is the new episode rank system placements many people has complained about the rank placing not being fair
he was right u literally cried
If you wanna speak about bans on AFK I CAN CONFIRM YOU THAT I AM REALLY SUPPORTIVE AND ABSOLUTELY AGREEING TO THE FACT OF PUTTING PENALTIES ON AKF PLAYERS I STRONGLY SUPPORTIVE TOWARDS THE METHOD OF BANNING FOR A TIME PERIOD, but there are players who face power outage not regularly but sudden power cut takes place so riot should judge afks by inspecting the previous 10-15 matches from the players carrier whether the player was frequently going afk or staying active but sudden afk took place judging on that issue the penalty timer should be administered
I did not cry, im explaining the problem if you dont understand shut up
U got banned and may be bcz u actually did cheat
i got banned and may e?
Vangaurd must detect something in ur pc that was held accountable for the in game incident
I dont think valorant takes such steps without affirming the issue
Ur stats do show ur innocent
But there must have been something that provoked the vangaurd
Other wise riot does not ban people based on observations directly
but i never got banned thats not me 😭😭
Their system just bans people. There's not even a log file going to the devs to check if the person in question actually cheated. It's their so called new method of catching cheaters. Which is dull af. Giving a program (that can have errors just like games) the lead to ban accounts is not right. And that's what happened to, now a lot of people if you check Reddit. All of the same so called issue, third party software. My guess is that there's a standard program interfering with riot vanguard and thinks the account in question is cheating and takes actions on itself. If people would actually READ. Then you can LEARN and KNOW that the fault lies in their anti cheat software and not the honest players.
Sorry i was not-replying to u
Mistakenly replied to you
That not a fps
Maybe you didnt play enough fps then
Define fps game
I would like to hear it
Fortnite has a third person perspective. FPS is reserved for games that mostly have a first person perspective.
And the op of this thread, there's no one on this server who can help them with their ban.
They can try to dispute the ban with this ticket type. It's possible to be false banned if they get a tonne of reports. Granted, since they're complaining here, it's more likely they're just cheating and Vanguard captured the evidence:
You shouldnt talk if you dont even know what fps stand for
yeah i think the same thing
there are two meanings for fps
FPS stands for Framerates Per Second
two meanings so i asked which one u are asking
and you should not talk bcz u can not answer a normal question
i played CSGO, rainbosixseige, apex legend, cod warzone, metro exodus, battle field, valorant
if u mean "first person shooter" according to @meeeee
so ur point is fps game is harder to play not to mention its actually not the gameplay that i am complaining about but the system itself which must be fixed
and it seems that ur trynna defend riot out of somthn but im not here to argue with you kid, im just trying to show the problems and if you don't like it you can shut your mouth and ignore
mentioning a problem and we have people like @OsWaynZz being try hard to defend the game for no reason.
If your really ask what i mean by fps you, when we are talking about game idk what i can say to you other than use your brain
I respond, riot ranking system is good, you complain but there is nothing to complain about
You guy just break ice on riot because you got banned for "nothing" this is just a channel of hate if you dont like the game then just go play other game ?
wtf is this argument
how do you even know the OP wasn’t cheating
this is a he said she said scenario but its a random guy vs a highly developed anticheat
Yah. Only Riot support would have the evidence to back up the ban (either a tonne of reports of something Vanguard picked up or both.)
he dont know, he assume he dont because he say he didnt cheat when third party is not only cheat, after that he said the game his shit, i think from what he told he is bad at the game and the only way he find is aimbot
I never said he didnt cheat
I am not taljing about his cheating issue
Im talking about rank system
Kid i am not complaining im bringing up the problems which many people face maybe you are not facing but others are i dont think you have any permission to tell me what to do and thats absolutely absurd that you are arguing for no reason im just trynna discuss issues on rank system there are thousands of players who were in plat and diamond end up playing in silver and bronze lobbies
And now silver players and bronze players are having hard time playing in their own rank
This episode created a lot of fuss
Some had perfect rank like me and you
And many others were displaced in ranks they are not elligable for
you just said "rank system is shit" other than that you didnt talk about anything else and no plat finish in bronze, in silver yes because its what we an "hard reset" and its change nothing you gain 30 you lose 8 if you can climb the game did the right choice to place in silver
So silver players playing with diamond players and thats fair?
Is that what u wanna say?
stop this shit, the game are made with their hidden mmr, not theit rank if they are in the low elo game its mean they dont have good mmr
proof ?
I did not have screenshots tho
its on your account ?
But there are people who post this issues regularly ipu can check them out
you can send me ?
I faced some diamond players yess i did i also faced accedant players aswell they literally had buddies of ascendant and diamond even one time opponents had immortal buddy
I am sure buddies can only be got if u reach the particular rank
ok can you send me your tracker so i can see ? also peak rank dont mean having the skill level for this rank
I dont have screen shots right now but i might show u if u give me some days
just send me your tracker and tell me the day i will find them
were you able to play on an alt or no?
Sending u tracker how will u understand
This episode they have complete new rank thanks to riot placing them in lower rank lobbies
i can see your game ? the peak rank, actual rank, and the history of all your mtach ?
My peak rank is silver three
U are not understanding mate
i dont care about your
just send me your tracker i cant explain my english is bad
Alright wait
every episode people cried about the rank reset
I agree but i never did tho
Always got the rank i deserver
if thats the case i want my money back bro
But idk why there are ppl who are not getting it
my friend got put in iron lobbys and he has 5 wins on the placements matches
you wouldnt?
There are cases of ppl facing unfair rankings
hidden mmr are different if higher you rank up easier, if bad you gain less
Although i never faced it
I always got the rank which is actually mine
you cant get higher with hard reset of new episode you will only get less
wasnt talking abt the rankings rn
i meant the unfair bans
There are no unfair bans actually
If u got ban
this is the same as every episode just wait one month and stop crying
you can maybe block it with your bank but there is almost no unfair ban
There must have been something done by u
i got kind of unfair, ill probably wont get my acc back, but my brother installed hacks on my account wich i spend alot of money on..
its fine ig, fresh new start in 4 months <:val_KekwSob:914192985166610433>
Exactly so thats not riots fault
support prob wont believe me
Thats your friends fault
so its not an unfair ban
i think its unfair bc i didnt do it, but yk they dont know that
Jenshc just start all over again
ig we just make a new begin
yeah ik
I dont think riot makes mistake in banning ppl
but i got a hwid ban. (wich takes 4 months)
cant play on an alt either
Tho afking should be judged more precisely
i understand tho
fr and trolling teammates too
you had cheat on your pc so its fair even if you didnt use them, if you want you money back ask your friend because its his fault
Trolling is something riot most of the time ignores
i know he better pay me everything
He did agree on thats its not his fault but his friends fault any way the account was banned within the rights
i just hope support believes me
they prob wont
nop its dead
they day before i spend around 90 euro on the new bundle lol

is it realy true bc i didnt get any response yet (its been 5 days)
you had cheat on your pc even if its because of your friend they will not unban you
ik that, they could atleast remove the hardware ban
cant play the game on any acc for 4 months now
the bot should have said that he will analyse your account and if he dont contact you again in 3/4 day you will not be unban
well that sucks
i hope i can atleast get rid of the hwid ban
im not in my home kid
need my pc
and if not i gotta wait 4 months
can you send my your name and # if you know them i will just go see because i cant later
Ryomen #90677
if ur caught cheating most likely riot will ban it forever
it says on google hwid ban is 4 months
ban forever is for 2 ban hwid the first one is 4 month
your account is private so i cant see sadly
what do u exactly want to see
your game to see the stats and the proof of your diams guy
so i can play again after 4 months right?
because buddy mean nothing nor peak do, they were the best performance the guy did or can also be an other guy and the account was buy

this might help
oh but you 5stack <:val_KekwSob:914192985166610433>

this might help aswell
in 5stack you can find 1 immo 4 iron vs 5 silver
i play solo
5stack is the worst, this is why no one do it
its normal so ?

another one
diamond and plat are normal in my "SILVER" LOBBY
its unranked not ranked brother ?
this is completely unfair
no ? its unranked ? there is almost no matchmaking in unranked

here is the ascendant
its unranked not ranked brother
some are normal some are ranked
brother i saw this things in ranked match aswell trust me
they are all unranked
im not lying
peak and buddy mean nothing
i saw things in last ep
i had a peak radiant in plat i know its happen, its what we call buy account
i know
thats the reason im telling riot to ensure this matters stay in proper place
bcz i saw their gameplay some are actually very good overwhelming which is OFC smurfers
then about what your complaining ?
you tell me ranked system is bad when all you showed are
- unranked game
- peak or buddy
and then there are accounts with high rank but noob players
you got no problem so
so ur complaining cuz people have higher ranks than youand u think ur better lol
"smurf" because they are better than you
"peak" mean boosted
"buddy" mean its dead for me
yep i dont understand, there is absolutely no problem at all, ranked system is good
nah im not complaining about that im telling the problem of playing well winning the 5 matches for rank placement with proper kill count and good KDA still end up going unexpected ranks
thats how plat players and diamon players play with silver players
thats what im trynna say
i have friend who was plat he won all his matches with good KDA ratio but was ranked silver 2
and another guy who was literal bronze 3 player ended up in gold 1
that a lie <:Brim_HideThePain:1019655986178445313>
you cant get placed higher
I dont whether he told the truth or not anywyas
But you get the point about plat players playing with silver
thats the point of a rsnk reset
I was silver 2
Last ep
I got silver 1 this act
Why did the plat player end up in silver?
yeah hard reset, bad mmrb or boosted
Skipping the whole gold elo
there is no problem
yeah shit hidden mmr
Mmr might be a factor
Who knows
But now he kills silver with ezz
not a factor its why he got derank that much
then he will rank up in no time ?
But the actual silver will rank down in no time aswell
no ? start episode you gain more than you lose
As if silvers stand a chance against plats
Anyways bro
Its a waste of time to argue like this
U can relax with your perspective
I know my perspective
silver perspective not a surprise
High rank perspective is different
if you think you will lose you will lose of course 🤦♂️
Lmao who thinks of losing
every low rank and you assume high rank are better when i can tell you they are bad
Brother im not telling high ranks are good
its fine he is silver everyone he faces is a smurf, cheater and his team is full of throwers
Im just trynna say it becomes hard for low ranked players to rank up when high ranked player play in our lobby
Kinda true i think u understood lol👽👽
So u expect a plat payer will loose against silvers
yeah exactly what i thought this is why ur stuck in silver
when u realize thetes no smurfs and ur playing against people as good as u ull climb
Always stay hardstruck for this opponents
Their gameplay will completely show they are way more skilled and
Whenever you play better than your average and have a good game for the day you end up matchmaking with more pro players as in higher ranked players
And whenever you have a bad day and play worse than average you end up playing with lower levels
mire pro players lmao
Its hard to type in i pad lol
you want to reach high rank
your excuse that u dont reach a high rank is that you are going against high rank players
amazing logic
Lets end this
Im done explaining
We have our logic lets keep it as it is and live our lives
Good talk
Cant explain same shit thousand times so yeah no more arguements
cant defend arguments that make no sense ur right
ur just like ur name
he obv tried downloading and cheated that game not like hes been cheating dumbasss
no point of appealing to riot games they have never unbanned someone from third party shit
My question is why cheat
I am damn sure vangaurd detected something
In his pc
But anyways
Let riot be riot
Kid i know he did something
"ur stats show u are innocent"
I didnt see the stats properly just saw the kills and kda
The head shot rate was quite high i noticed it later on
Ut i also told this
he is obviously a cheater and a baiter
I did not see stats another all of it thats why thought he was innocent
Sorry for misunderstanding
But i did say
its detected automatically by vanguard
Hmm exactly