How should I play reyna as an iron 2 player?

im really struggling with getting out of iron 2 πŸ’€ i was wondering if anybody has tips to make my playstyle better.
31 Replies
DARKβ€’2y ago
JSNβ€’2y ago
my advice is to not play reyna
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
Gahdayum ChamberFear uhh shes the only one I can play well that or neonπŸ’€
send your flashes high in the air as that will mess up enemy crosshair placements, do whatever it takes to get your first kill because thats where most of reynas value come from, after the first kill. ask your teamates to flash, stun, slow, and suppress enemies. Get good aim cause reyna is all about gun play. Be a rat when your low health to heal neon might be better tbh
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
Thank you πŸ’€ I'm struggling with her ult
hmm i think
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
But like I've been told I don't play like an iron player πŸ’€πŸ’€
just get better aim, or movement might also be a problem watch woohoojin once your gunplay is good like reyna ult shoudl get you alot mroe value im also iron LOL but what i've told you ive learned from youtube videos so yeah ;) my gunplay sucks ass
TR8Rloyalty6923β€’2y ago
game sense and aim. if you play enough then you'll develop those skills. playing with friends helps too sometimes
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
I play really well with my duo when I play reyna but I'll try to get better at my aim
wut if you have no frens πŸ’€ or movement remember even if you have good aim but bad movement your not gonna hit any shots
TR8Rloyalty6923β€’2y ago
can't help you there bud KekwSob
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
smoothilingoβ€’2y ago
what do you struggle with reyna
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
The ult When I pop her ult I immediately die
JSNβ€’2y ago
dont pop your ult when youre gonna die
Bloxβ€’2y ago
what servers
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
Bloxβ€’2y ago
oh my ok so na iron is aim based i would reccomend finding a warm up routine that works for u and find an agent that works i would reccomend also learning one agent of each class plus finding ur perfect sens
smoothilingoβ€’2y ago
How do you die? Like losing gun fights or being shot immediately after ulting?
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
being shot immediateky after ulting
ult in a safe spot than beat teh shit out of the enemy team
smoothilingoβ€’2y ago
i agree just make sure no one is around then kill them all
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
gabeβ€’2y ago
i seriously dont get how people are stuck below gold
deVonβ€’2y ago
if you don’t play like an iron player but are hardstuck iron you might play like an iron player
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
I refuse to play comp which is why I’m hardstuckπŸ’€ That shit scares me
gabeβ€’2y ago
you dont need to play comp to improve i placed s1 when i first started playing comp never was in iron or below bronze 3 if youre stuck just try improving your aim thats really all you need in iron ig
deVonβ€’2y ago
just think of it as unrated
McNuggies 🌊
McNuggies 🌊OPβ€’2y ago
deVonβ€’2y ago
i used to only play comp and that somehow made me better than i was when i played unrated if you stop caring about your rank and you get over that fear you’ll improve so much faster

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