I can't reinstall vanguard
I deleted my client, valorant and vanguard and now it can't update and reinstall the vanguard

18 Replies
Some Bug is going n please wait until it is fixed or your pc doesn't support vanguard
Either your using windows 7 or it is the bug still not fixed yet
no no
I am using 10
I guess bug isn't fix yet
its the bug ig
I reinstalled val thrice
and vanguard
I fixed dependency issue
but im having
Didn't you say you were using window 8.1 before?
I upgraded, remember
You sure you made a clean upgrade to window 10 ?
Direct x and shit is up to date ?

This bug sucks
Welp idk
Can ya make ticket ;c
turn on ur secure boot
win+r, msinfo32, u can see if it was enabled or not there