How do I get better?
I'm stuck in bronze. I looked at a lot of Woohoojin videos but still terrible. I am starting to climb but I keep falling back down. My MMR is pretty good (bronze-gold) for my rank however, I just cannot go up in ranks. I think its mostly my super slow and terrible decision making. My aim is enough to get in gold, my util usage is not the best but still better than bronze, and my game sense is either good, or bad. I can send you one of my games if you DM me. Thanks for reading.
12 Replies
will record a ranked game and you can vod review if you'd like to ask.
get a duo or stack
trio or full party
@king.raidenn never 5stack
high chance of smurfs
@king.raidenn more smurf, more cheater
ok u right but just try get a duo or trio
how do i get a duo
everyone good in bronze is unnactive
lfg server
or ask a friend to duo
alr thx
after my last game, i have the confidence to rank up:
now im gonna find a duo/trio