strafing and shooting

i notice people in dm one tap me or seem to hit me after bursting a few times while im strafing they are strafing too what is the issue, and how do i improve my aim? i have a 0.5 kd in BOTH DM AND RANKED
12 Replies
blizzard7mo ago
should i counter strafe? please help me guys
animesh7mo ago
Just use aimlab for microflicks And bring variations in strafe, go right left and go completely right to a cover if u weren't able to hit him in two shots Common thing people do is left right go left left they won't predict it
NekoBodo7mo ago
For now, don't bother. Just focus on hitting your own shots
animesh7mo ago
But it's all upto how good ur mechanic is, placement and microflicks are everything
NekoBodo7mo ago
If you wanna practice, I really do just recommend going into the ingame range and try shooting the bots around Give yourself time and patience, and you'll slowly start to improve
animesh7mo ago
That's also good but if u use aimlab you would know what you rank in the world That way you can understand why you can't hit people Slowly you will increase your rankings as you do you will also get better in game
NekoBodo7mo ago
You dont need to concern yourself with how many people are better, just with the fact that theres always going to be better players, and thats ok. Aimlabs is good if its your thing, but many people don't like it So I say, give both a try if you really want to get better at the game and stick with what you like best At the end of the day, aim is half the game I personally prefer the ingame range because its actually the game
animesh7mo ago
You should always do both U will definitely see improvement As long as u r consistent in game
NekoBodo7mo ago
Ehh, its just preference really. If you force yourself todo things you don't enjoy as much, you're just ruining your enjoynment
animesh7mo ago
Well if you don't force yourself to do something u don't like u can expect urself to get better Just let him do what he wants we have our suggestions anyway
NekoBodo7mo ago
Yeah, but that depends on the individual. At the end of the day 90% of players want to simply enjoy the game, thats why I say just give a go and do what you want We give the information, but only the op can make the decision